英语人>词典>汉英 : 铭刻 的英文翻译,例句
铭刻 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
impress  ·  imprint  ·  stamp  ·  impresses  ·  impressing  ·  imprinted  ·  imprints

engrave on one's mind
更多网络例句与铭刻相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Only time can prove you are timeless, and only adulteration can demonstrate you are unadulterated.


May 12, 2008, let us all Chinese people always remember this day for it, our"national calamity," the history of the Chinese nation, engraved too manydisasters, but never the candidate of our national glories , One of thedisaster, and again before loading the line, then let us bury the grief of allgood, clean up all the ruins, was once their homes on the land, rebuild ourhomes, to live boldly, to live On a good living.


The Jesuit temple is austere beauty. I discovered companionship in a side chapel - the familiar names of our English Jesuits engraved among the roll of martyrs: Owen, Oldcorne, Ashley, Campion, Arrowsmith.


The Baidu that comes from China will be waked again the purpose imprints in human technology on ascensive history, the proposition that this country becomes global innovation to heat up earth got the most advantageous paradigmatic .


In 1975, your emergence, the setting sun also dyes red day, originally you are legendary feather springs Celebrate you to meet in 1998, oscular details in the vegetables City, now whether will also present to public In 1999, your shoulder also combines a shoulder, promising the wish of 默挈, hence appearing the most beautiful appearance In 2000, you 《cruelty exactly 》of battle cry, infuse into again for the music fresh, you the classic of certain that time generation In 2003,《didn't you not go 》of remember fondly, muddled asseveration, deeply grave in unexpectedly between the heart In 2004, red May of around-the-clock expect, you flow tear falls water of for an instant, but became world forever~!

1975年,你们的出现,夕阳也染红了天,原来你们就是传说中的羽泉 1998年,纪念你们的相见,菜市口的情节,如今是否还会上演 1999年,你们肩也并着肩,许下默挈的心愿,于是出现了最美的画面 2000年,你们《冷酷到底》的呐喊,为乐坛再一次注入新鲜,你们一定是时代的经典 2003年,《没你不行》的思念,懵懂的誓言,竟深深铭刻在心间 2004年,红五月的日夜期盼,你们流下泪水的一瞬间,却化成了世间的永远~!

Be engraved on one's mind; be always remembered


The person in company with you may turn out to be an strange bedfellow,while the hand inyou hand is not the one you are longing for.


All i can remember is my father's hand on my shoulder,his gentle smile ,and the calm reassurance that turned away my fears,NO matter what happened i knew he would be there for me just as he was then.two hours of his time gave me wisdom beyond my years and the memory of his compassion in everything he did for me is one of the few that will never fade.


Jean francois blondel,and later with gilles marie oppenord.from the former he acquired great respect for traditional french design and frpm the latter great facility in the new picturesque,or rococo,manner.he also developed fine techniques as an engraver.although he traveled throughout france,there is no record of travel to other countries.his knowledge of the history of architecture outside france was extensive and based on the study of published sources.his knowledge of architecture in france, its history and techniques, was wide and based on a deep familiarity with the literature and with the buildings of france.

Jean francois blondel ,之后和 marie oppenord 学习。从前者他为传统法兰西设计获得了极大的回响和尊重并且从中获得了新独特的技巧,或者从洛可可形式,在模式中的最后这让他更为纯熟。他也为铭刻者发展更好的技术。虽然他遍及法兰西运动,但是对其他国家并没有传播的记录。他的架构建筑学和历史的知识是广泛的。是基於出版动力的学习研究。他在法兰西,它的历史和技术中,建筑学的知识广泛用文学和用法兰西的建筑基於一个很深很熟练的基础。

Brand: to impress firmly; fix ineradicably 铭刻,铭记 eg.


更多网络解释与铭刻相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

one love carved in acajou:爱意铭刻桃心木上

祥云绯红开启天堂, Cloud in crimson, the key of heaven, | 爱意铭刻桃心木上. one love carved in acajou. | 有人跟我提起月季, One told me of China Roses.

one love carved in acajou:爱意铭刻在桃心木上

Cloud in crimson,the key of heaven 祥云绯红,开启天堂 | one love carved in acajou 爱意铭刻在桃心木上 | One told me of China Roses 有人向我提起月季


a 结婚纪念日(anniversary) 如果将来的某个年份, 他因为忙忽略了结婚纪念日,你大发雷霆怎么办? 别要求过高, 男人的细心程度天生不能与你相比. 不如想个小办法: 将你们的结婚纪念日铭刻在漂亮的石头上, 作为你们新家的一个小摆设,


"铭刻"(inscribe)和"刻"(engrave)的意思,都比"写"(write)更为深入. 刻(engrave)是用切割或雕刻而写,铭刻(inscribe)不是用笔墨写,而是用刀切入. 然而,"放"或"赐"是一般的. 将律法放在某个地方,是一般的;但刻在某个地方就更有意义.

Graven Cairns:铭刻圆石

3 Auntie's Hovel 大婶小屋 | 2 Graven Cairns 铭刻圆石 | 7 Mountain 山脉


上帝的心思(mind)总是铭刻(impress)在祂的工作上. 参考诗篇92:5,"耶和华啊,你的工作何其大!你的心思极其深!"我们无法知道上帝隐秘的心思,只能知道祂所已经启示的. 而救赎历史的有机过程,就是最清楚的,也是最确定的,

impress upon:铭刻;使铭记

12. 不再 no longer | 13. 铭刻;使铭记 impress upon | 14. 预计的, 原定的 due to


"铭刻"(inscribe)和"刻"(engrave)的意思,都比"写"(write)更为深入. 刻(engrave)是用切割或雕刻而写,铭刻(inscribe)不是用笔墨写,而是用刀切入. 然而,"放"或"赐"是一般的. 将律法放在某个地方,是一般的;但刻在某个地方就更有意义.


过去几十年,"铭刻"(inscribed)这个词非常流行,但它会像民俗资料本身一样被更慎重地使用. 如此提炼学科本质,将其表述为"腐朽"或"铭刻",都会受到怀疑和批判.

Can Santana:铭刻桑塔

06 我是大人物 I Am Somebody 4:02 | 07 铭刻桑塔 Can Santana 3:18 | 08 扭曲 Twisted 5:11