英语人>词典>汉英 : 铁锁 的英文翻译,例句
铁锁 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

iron lock
更多网络例句与铁锁相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Objective: To observe the antiarthritic effects and the possible mechanism of total saponins of Psammosilene tunicoidsagainst rheumatoid arthritis.


A lock rattled and there was a loud clank as the door of the next cell was flung open.


The locking carabiner and belay device are attached with a clove hitch.


The historic looking hoosegow features a pair of cells complete with iron locks and keys designed by Rose himself.


Metcalf adds, As carabiners increasingly become a more global commodity, Black Diamond needs to stay on the cutting edge of manufacturing.

Metcalf补充说:铁锁作为日益普及的全球性商品,Black Diamond需要始终保持生产技术上的领先优势。

I have also reviewed several ropes with sheaths shredded due to the open back regular carabiner gates in minor axis.


Royal Ro i , author of Basic Rockcraft writes,"When buying a carabiner, check to make sure the ring action is smooth but not too strong, that the gate meshes freely, that there are no burrs, and that they are strong."


Royal Robbins, author of Basic Rockcraft writes,"When buying a carabiner, check to make sure the spring action is smooth but not too strong, that the gate meshes freely, that there are no burrs, and that they are strong."


As you know,in mountaineering, there is an iron lock fixing the safety belt on the safety rope. If you drop down, the safety rope will hold you and you may climb up again, so there is no danger of life.


Nick Rueff, who has been the Process Engineer for Carabiners will be heading up this project with the goal of significantly increasing efficiency, decreasing production time, minimizing waste, maximizing strength and manufacturing the most innovative carabiner line possible.

铁锁研制部门工程师Nick Rueff将接手此项目,以达到大幅度提高效率、降低生产时间、减少浪费、将优势最大化的目的,使研制新型铁锁成为可能。

更多网络解释与铁锁相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


仙女座(ANDROMEDA) 在西腊神话中安德烙美达是艾塞俄亚国王和王后的女儿. 她被她的父母锁在用铁锁锁在鲸鱼座所代表的海怪经过的一块巨石上,后来英雄帕而修斯杀死海怪救出了她. 唧筒座(ANTLIA) 在西腊神话中安德烙美达是艾塞俄亚国王和王后的女儿.


1995年 国际奥委会正式承认攀岩为奥运会项目 国际登联正努力争取把攀岩列入2006年冬季奥运会正式比赛项目. 攀登装备:攀登装备指绳子、铁锁、绳套、岩石锥、岩石锤、岩石楔(CHOCK) 有时还要准备悬挂式帐篷.

counter sample:回样

24.上海某进出口公司向加勒比地区出口一批铁锁,合同规定8/9月份装船,但需买方认可回样, (Counter Sample)之后方能发运. 7月份买方开来的信用证上亦有同样的字样,该公司先后五次试回样,但均未获得对方的认可,所以未能如期装船. 到了10月份,

Italian hitch:意大利结或单环结(在HMS标记的铁锁上可用于保护)

Ice screw 螺旋冰锥. 不包括敲入式的冰锥. | Italian hitch 意大利结或单环结(在HMS标记的铁锁上可用于保护). | Jam 将身体的一部分塞入岩缝.

Carabiner with safety ring:铁锁

安全带 Harness | 铁锁 Carabiner with safety ring | 铁锁 Carabmer

non me tenet clavis:铁锁无法囚禁我

non me tenent vincula, 铁链无法束缚我, | non me tenet clavis, 铁锁无法囚禁我, | quero mihi similes 我寻找像我这般的人

brass-plated iron hasp and staple:镀黄铜铁锁牌

brass-plated heavy iron hinge 黄铜厚铁铰链 | brass-plated iron hasp and staple 镀黄铜铁锁牌 | brass-plated iron hooks and eye 镀黄铜铁窗钩


攀岩装备也可按保护性装备和辅助性装备分为两大类: 保护性装备包括保护绳(rope)、安全带(harness)、铁锁(carabiner)、绳套(sling)、头盔(helmet)、下降器(descender)及上升器(ascender)等.


carabiner wrap system/钩环缠绕系统/ | carabiners/钩环/铁锁 | chalk/防滑粉/


Jumar 用上升器上升. | Karabiner 铁锁. | Kernmantle rope 有打卷了的多股内芯和外织层的特别尼龙绳.