英语人>词典>汉英 : 钩住 的英文翻译,例句
钩住 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
hook  ·  hooks

hook on to
更多网络例句与钩住相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

2Be careful to avoid your jewelry, belt, bootlace buckle and sharp things in your back-pockets hooking or piercing the cloth or leather of your sofa.


Sometimes return to let go of a kind of cleek from the city, this kind of cleek manipulate with the machine very vivid, the cleek ability hook the ship's bow of Rome naval vessel, then pull a naval vessel and make naval vessel to part turn over to pour, button up into Shui-li.


No, you have not to snap the iron hand: the LORD Himself will do it. Only trust Him, and He will be your Emancipator. Believe in Him in spite of the stone walls or the manacles of iron.


In the process of use, the external hook will insert rope or other falling objects, when pick up drilling tool, hook tooth hooks falling objects and take to the ground.


When the starship launches the anchor chain, the incomparably sharp state-of-art anchor hook, the hook lives this planetoid surface that moment, because is under the exceptionally violent impact suddenly and tows entrains the strength, all tight hooks live the planetoid surface extremely consistently the starship all, the rearward suspends rapidly; But these have not hung for a while or hangs the jail the starship, then instantaneous on is flung the planetoid the behind, the twinkling of an eye vanishes in the thick thick mist which the planetoid sends out, has lost the trace, looked like they only could alone return from cruise, because they this time the flight vehicle speed radically was unable to overtake once more, this raided rapidly to Earth's planetoid.


The Chaldeans bring all of them up with a hook, Drag them away with their net, And gather them together in their fishing net.

哈1:15 他用钩钩住、用网捕获、用拉网聚集他们。

Through bonding with the waist fixed to the waist - through bonding with the brassieres fixed to the chest - with traction through waist lock adjustment to the appropriate length - who was lying on his bed, brassieres fixed to the two scallops Chuangjia - will lead the direction of fixed to the waist Chuangjia - will be on the tractor traction traction Uncoupling live waist - Reciprocating tractor pulling rope can be manipulated to achieve traction purpose.


A first step, his thumb and index finger hook rubber band, when the index finger and middle finger to maintain a state of closure, in the friction of the rubber band when the two cross-cutting, with the middle finger caught rubber band, releasing the index finger and then the index finger


A: (1) to thread a needle position and the location to the end of the needle for accurate;(2) to thread a needle, thread a height that you want to play your cards right-to-lead down to needle can be hook line hook the hyriopsis accurate;(3) to thread a needle and the top of the line hyriopsis-Kwan, the distance to 0.7-1 ~ guests'glasses;(4) homulus line-pin recesses to smooth, hook-billed is not too large or too small, so as not to overly homulus line, break, and so on.


Methods: The hook test was performed by a single surgeon in a cohort of 45 patients undergoing surgical exploration of the distal biceps tendon. While the patient actively supinates with the elbow flexed 90°, an intact hook test permits the examiner to hook his or her index finger under the intact biceps tendon from the lateral side. With an abnormal hook test, indicating distal avulsion, there is no cord-like structure under which the examiner may hook a finger.


更多网络解释与钩住相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

be caught in a snowstorm:遭遇到暴风雪be caught on被...钩住

25. pick up拾起.../接某人 | 26. be caught in a snowstorm遭遇到暴风雪be caught on被...钩住 | 27. on the edge of a mountain在大山边缘

Then miracle happened. The man held her finger with his little finger:奇迹出现了,那个人钩住了她的尾指

公主伸出了她的尾指. The princess showed her little fi... | 奇迹出现了,那个人钩住了她的尾指. Then miracle happened. The man held her finger with his little finger. | 公主非常惊奇,The princess was surpri...

they grow up:钩住你的肠子 它们生存 长大 繁殖

They've got these little ho... | they grab onto your bowel, they live, they grow up, they reproduce.|钩住你的肠子 它们生存 长大 繁殖 | Reproduce? There's only one lesion, and it's nowhere near her bowe...

they reproduce:钩住你的肠子 它们生存 长大 繁殖

They've got these little ho... | they grab onto your bowel, they live, they grow up, they reproduce.|钩住你的肠子 它们生存 长大 繁殖 | Reproduce? There's only one lesion, and it's nowhere near her bowe...

They Live:钩住你的肠子 它们生存 长大 繁殖

They've got these little ho... | they grab onto your bowel, they live, they grow up, they reproduce.|钩住你的肠子 它们生存 长大 繁殖 | Reproduce? There's only one lesion, and it's nowhere near her bowe...


以公务为藉口逃避兵役者cuthbert | 以钩子钩住enclasp | 以鼓舞性演说鼓励peptalk

hook in:以钩钩住

hoofprint 蹄印 | hook in 以钩钩住 | hook on to 钩住

e.g. hook in:把...钩住, 勾引上; 强力拉拢

1. hook n. 钩, 吊钩 v. 钩住, 沉迷, 上瘾 | e.g. hook in 把...钩住, 勾引上; 强力拉拢 | hook up (用扣子)扣起, 与...挂钩; 建立联系

hook on to:钩住

hook in 以钩钩住 | hook on to 钩住 | hook up 以钩钩住

hook on to:钩住, 挂在...上; 依附于; 缠住

hook, line and sinker 整个地, 全部地; 毫无保留地 | hook on to 钩住, 挂在...上; 依附于; 缠住 | hook up (用扣子)扣起;用钩钩起;安装; 连接;与...挂钩; 建立联系