英语人>词典>汉英 : 量度标准 的英文翻译,例句
量度标准 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与量度标准相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Amplitude of the first heart sound is the normal measurement of cardiac contractility.


The Trinity River Corridor Design Guidelines will establish the ch aracter and measure of sustainability for the largest green infrastructure initiative in the United States — a 9-mile urban park, floodway and transportation improvement project that will anchor the transformation of central Dallas into a quilt of mixed-use and transit-oriented neighborhoods.


The traditional way gives you a metric, and other than Rees Morrison at Hildebrandt, I don't know of anyone who is working at developing a generally acceptable methodology for valuing legal work.

传统的方法为您提供了一种量度标准,而除了Hildebrandt的 Rees Morrison,我不清楚还有何人也在努力开发一种普遍接受的对律师工作进行价值估算的方法。

Consumer confidence is a measure of mass psychology, and confidence surveys provide a useful window into the consumer's mind or the state of the economy.


Bulking number: American paper measurement of the number of sheets that bulk to 1 inch in thickness under standard pressure.


Measure the transmittance of the solution by a spectrophotometer and compare the result with the standard curve.


In the Ming Dynasty published many monographs and monumental works, which, as a component of our traditional military culture and the fruit of the development of firearms technology, are characterized in gunpowder prescription technology including compatibility principles of gunpowder, prescriptions of the firing charge and multi-composition gunpowder, and ballistic hit technology, mainly about scientific design and manufacturing of blunderbusses, the ranges in various angles of depression and elevation, the standards of range and factors which have influence the range.


The algorithm firstly uses some robust techniques to construct an inliers set of matching points. Then it takes the epipolar distance as the optimal criterion and search optimal subset in the inliers set under the greedy strategy. Finally, the fundamental matrix is calculated with the optimal subset.


更多网络解释与量度标准相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


辐射强度以W/sr (瓦特每steradian)表示,而光照强度表示为"烛光"(candela)即流明每steradian. 22. 辉度(irradiance)每单位面积辐射线测定(radiometric)通量的量度标准. 通常表示为瓦特每平方厘米. 23.

standard cubic metre:标准立方米

"监督"(Authority) 指根据第5条委任的气体安全监督;"标准立方米"(standard cubic metre) 就气体而言,指在以下情况下量度的一立方米该种气体─"储存"(store) 指─(ii)置于一处地方(包括房产的一部分)的一个或多个储存器,

garrulousness: n.1:饶舌,喋喋不休 2.罗唆冗长

gain: n.获取的财富,收益,利润 | garrulousness: n.1.饶舌,喋喋不休 2.罗唆冗长 | gauge: n.1.仪表(器),标准量度 2.评估方法 3.程度,范围,容量


吸量管(pipet),滴定管(buret),量瓶(volumetric flask)精密度(precision):指在相同的情况下,多次量测之数值之一致性. 可用来描述结果之再现性(reproducibility)好坏,一般藉由重覆试验来决定. ------标准偏差(s.d.)与变异系数(variance)是最重要的量度.

absolute poverty:絕對貧窮

由于生活水平标准不同,贫穷也可以衍生出两种定义:"绝对贫穷"(absolute poverty)及"相对贫穷"(relative poverty). 绝对贫穷 指人没有足够资源维持生命,换句话说,要脱离"绝对贫穷",只要"仅足生存"便可以了,量度的标准包括食物、衣服等具体指标.

language, standard generalized markup (SGML):标准通用详示语言

language, query 咨询语言 | language, standard generalized markup (SGML) 标准通用详示语言 | language, test and measurement systems (TMSL) 测试及量度系统语言

standard wire gauge:(英国)标准线规

"standard wave form","标准波形" | "standard wire gauge","(英国)标准线规" | "standing absorption measurement","驻波吸收量度"