英语人>词典>汉英 : 野外的 的英文翻译,例句
野外的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
field  ·  fielded  ·  fields

open-air · out-of-door
更多网络例句与野外的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It takes them half a year to travel in the United States,enjoy the floweriness field scenery.


I'm writing this in my Aunt Gertrude's house in the wilderness that is British suburbia.


We had milk and soda in our ice chest and we used candles to see by.?


It was his initiation. His time in the wild.


This is still considered the minimum number of Florida manatees in the wild today.


The Mughal emperors were keen hunters of wild game, and avid patrons of sports, especially wrestling.


The prospector s in the field obtain their information in many ways.


The Borneo population is estimated at about 50,000 in the wild, while the Sumatran species is estimated at 7000-7500 individuals.


She is very like the outdoors ' life.


Research on controlled system of apple picking robot arm;2. Main application domains are introduced which include milking, vegetable engrafting, young plant transplanting, fruit and vegetable picking , irrigating, fertilizing, crop\|dusting and unkniting ground in greenhouses and outside fields.


更多网络解释与野外的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Boastful Frog:夸口的青蛙

077 奇怪的病号 The Strange Patient | 078 夸口的青蛙 The Boastful Frog | 079 野外的遭遇 Experience In The Country

FCS ESSO:公司的野外计算机系统

FCP 最终循环压力 | FCS ESSO 公司的野外计算机系统 | FCST 联邦科学技术委员会


国 际上目前将墨西哥的狼列为野外绝灭(EW),将葡萄牙和西班牙的狼列为低危(LR/cd),将意大利的狼列为易危(VU)(IUCN,1996). 国际濒 危物种公约(CITES)将狼这一种列为附录 II种类,且将不丹、尼泊尔、印度和巴基斯坦等国狼的种群列为附录 I种类.

winding up in the grotty outskirts of St. Petersburg:在圣彼得堡的荒郊野外结束了流浪生活

You two kicked around until your early ... | winding up in the grotty outskirts of St. Petersburg,|在圣彼得堡的荒郊野外结束了流浪生活 | where you learned the big con from an old-school grifter named th...

in the open:在户外,在野外

2640in the neighborhood of在...附近,大约 | 2641in the open在户外,在野外 | 2642in the raw处在自然状态的;裸体的

bird watcher:在野外观察并研究野鸟的人

bird-watch | 观察野鸟的外表或生活动态等 | bird-watcher | 在野外观察并研究野鸟的人 | birdbander | 为鸟标记者

The best wild game:最好的野外游戏

Though, good eatin'.|不过鹿肉的确好吃 | The best wild game.|最好的野外游戏 | Lives naturally, eats naturally.|活的自然,吃的自然

And in their wild meanders flow:在他们野外蜿蜒的河流中

With gentle murmurs whilst they play|用温和的低语,在他们玩的时候, | And in their wild meanders flow|在他们野外蜿蜒的河流中 | Rejoicing in this blessed day.|在这受到祝福的日子里欢乐.

Asteroids 02:废除的小行星 02

? Side shells smoke 侧面射出的冒烟子弹 | ? Asteroids 02 废除的小行星 02 | ? Star field 02 野外的星星 02


依需求设计希望孩子们从领导才能训练、沟通技巧、信任建立、团队合作及分工等课程中,学习到生活里与人相处的技巧. 11. 野外定向运动:野外定向(Orienteering)被称为「狡猾的赛跑」 ,学习野外定向并不困难,但它可为你带来无限的挑战,是一项需要运用智力进行的体能运动.