英语人>词典>汉英 : 重要器官 的英文翻译,例句
重要器官 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与重要器官相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The liver is a vital organ of the human body.


He was lucky that the bullet hadn't entered a vital organ.


The liver is a vital organ.


Methods The clinical phenomena,laboratory test,histological changes of important organ and results of treatment about a disaster of 19 Amanita phalloides poisoning patients were studied.

研究本市一起 1 9例野生毒伞蕈中毒患者的临床表现、实验室结果、重要器官的组织学改变、对治疗的反应。

Blood poisoning is dangerous because once bacteria get into the bloodstream, it is difficult to prevent them flowing to the bodys vital organs.

血液中毒的危险,因为一旦细菌进入血液中,是很困难的,以防止他们流向该body s重要器官

Objective To observe the effects of Angong Niuhuang Bolus on vital organ injury and mortality in rats with sepsis.


For example, Vitamin B12 and folic acid apply to megaloblastic anemia; chalybeate only apply to iron-deficiency anemia, and cannot be used with other types, since this will cause an overdose of iron, which will influence the function of some important organs (such as the heart, liver and pancreas);vitamin B6 applies to sideroblastic anemia; corticosteroid applies to autoimmune hemolytic anemia; testosterone applies to aplastic anemia, etc.


Chalybeate only apply to iron-deficiency anemia, and cannot be used with other types, since this will cause an overdose of iron, which will influence the function of some important organs (such as the heart, liver and pancreas).vitamin B6 applies to sideroblastic anemia. corticosteroid applies to autoimmune hemolytic anemia. testosterone applies to aplastic anemia, etc.


Objective: Through studying change of serum level of vital inflammatory cytokines and vital organs function in patients of severe craniocerebral injury with haemorrhagic shock, to investigate effects of severe trauma with haemorrhagic shock bypass on inflammatory reaction and organs function, and to discuss relations of these three aspects.


Function: DHA and EPA is extracted from natural plant out, is a strong antioxidant, DHA and EPA is the brain, retina, and other organizations of important cell membrane Ingredients, they selectively into the cerebral cortex, the retina, and other vital organs, to participate in a triethanolamine phospholipid and nerve phospholipids.

功能:DHA和EPA 是从天然植物中提炼出来的,是很强的抗氧化剂,DHA 和 EPA 是脑、视网膜等组织细胞膜的重要成份,它们选择性地渗入大脑皮质、视网膜等重要器官中,参与构成乙醇胺磷脂和神经磷脂。

更多网络解释与重要器官相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a vital organ:要害器官

→ vital 有生命力的,充满生机的;生死攸关的,极其重要的 | a vital organ 要害器官; | a vital examination 至关重要的考试;

The liver is a vital organ of the human body:肝脏是人体的重要器官

3. This point is vital to my argument. 这一点对我的论据极为重要. | 4. The liver is a vital organ of the human body. 肝脏是人体的重要器官. | 5. vital dyes;vital staining. 活体染剂;活体染色

Chr Candle Hour:烛光小时

CHORD Critical Human Organ Radiation Dosimetry 人体重要器官放射剂量测定法 | Chr Candle Hour 烛光小时 | Chr Chromatography 色谱法

cardiopulmonary resuscitation:心肺复苏术

Tips:什么是心肺复苏术(CPR) CPR是心肺复苏术(cardiopulmonary resuscitation)英文单词的字母缩写. 这是在你的宝宝没有生命迹象(呼吸或活动)时,你可以采取的一种救生措施. 心肺复苏术(CPR)通过胸外心脏按压和人工呼吸,使携带氧气的血液循环到脑部和其他重要器官,


暗红色扁平长椭圆形器官,小孩造血重要器官,年长后渐渐由骨髓负责造血,亦负责处理破损的血球,清除红血球内的杂质. 除了是红血球及血小板的制造基地,也是白血球T淋巴球(LYMPHOCYTE)、巨噬细胞(MACROPHAGES)及各类抗体(ANTIBODY)的生产基地.

root system:根系

园艺植物的根系 根系(root system)是园艺植物的重要器官. 土壤管理、灌水和施肥等重要的田间管理,都是为了创造促进根系生长发育的良好条件,以增强根系代谢活力,调节植株上下部平衡、协调生长,


舌头 舌(tongue) 口腔底部向口腔内突起的器官,由平滑肌组成. 起感受味觉和辅助进食作用,人类的舌还是语言的重要器官. 人类全身上下,最强韧有力的肌肉就是舌头. 无脊椎动物就已出现舌的结构舌头 舌(tongue) 口腔底部向口腔内突起的器官,


vitalize 激发 | vitals 重要器官 | vitamin 维生素

homeotic mutation:同源异型突变

24、同源异型突变(homeotic mutation)和同源异型基因(homeotic gene): 有时花的某一重要器官位置发生了被另一器官替代的突变,如花瓣部位被雄蕊替代,这种遗传变异现象称为花发育的同源异型突变.

homeotic gene:同源异型基因

同源异型突变(homeotic mutation)和同源异型基因(homeotic gene) 有时花的某一重要器官位置发生了被另一器官替代的突变,如花瓣部位被雄蕊替代,这种遗传变异现象称为花发育的同源异型突变.