英语人>词典>汉英 : 采纳性 的英文翻译,例句
采纳性 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与采纳性相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Then we define the notion of adoptability of the diagnostic system and prove that the consistency-based diagnosis is adoptable.


There is not any significant association between the size of a firm in cluster as a control variable and the adoption of electronic commerce. Neither is the other control variable, industry sort.


Like the effect of Cold-War President Richard Nixon's surprising visit to the People's Republic of China in 1972, which led other countries to open relations with China, adoption of a practice by activism-resistant firms signaled to mainstream firms that an advocated practice had lost its contentiousness.

正如1972年冷战时期的总统 Richard Nixon 出人意料的访问中华人民共和国,使得许多国家开始发展对华关系一样,保守主义的公司采纳一种做法向主流公司暗示这一做法已经不再具有争议性。

As to its admissibility in jury trials, hearsay evidence may enjoy several exceptions.


The central bank believes that the authorities would act to prevent such a scenario in the short term, because of the resultant systemic risk, but, in contrast to the rather lily-livered approach towards re-regulation being adopted in the UK and US, is now demanding a medium- to long-term reduction in systemic risk.


Congress routinely adopts policies that cater to special interests, which are then justified by the sort of smarmy, fact-free spin that the comedian Stephen Colbert has labeled "truthiness."


Last , I analyzed the feasibility of the property formalism mode in china"s legislation on the transference of property and considered this mode is scientific theoretically and religions logically. There is no obstacle in legislation and indicial practice. So compared with the credit formalism, it should be adopted by China"s property legislation.


More than half of all Fortune 500 companies have adopted a policy against sexual-orientation harassment or discrimination, says Jon Davidson, senior counsel at Lamba Legal, a national organization that promotes civil rights for homosexuals." It shows that they support the concept, which is great," he adds.


Davidson, senior counsel at Lamba Legal, a national organization thatpromotes civil rights for homosexuals." It shows that they supportthe concept, which is great," he adds. But in terms of whether


Congress routinely adopts policies that cater to special interests, which are then justified by the sort of smarmy, fact-free spin that the comedian Stephen Colbert has labeled "truthiness."


更多网络解释与采纳性相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



admissibility condition:可采纳条件

可采纳度 admissibility | 可采纳条件 admissibility condition | A乘方算法的可采纳性 admissibility of A*


adopt | 采用, 收养 | adoptability | 采纳性 | adoptable | 可采用的, 可收养的


adoptability | 采纳性 | adoptable | 可采用的, 可收养的 | adopted child | 养子(女)


为士林学派所采纳的亚里斯多德对人体的理论,主张原初物质(materia prima)是纯粹的潜能(potency),它藉着自立体形式(substantial form)而获得实现性(actuality)与个别性(individuality),由是而成为一个特定的身体.


⑶诱导同形性,即同形性也可以通过外在的诱导(inducement)产生,诱导通常产生于既不能采用有效强制,又不无法模仿的情况下. ⑷认知-模仿同形性,指组织决策者对制度和结构模式主动接受与采纳,这种机制依赖于组织自愿和内部的协商政策.

nongovernmental organization:非政府组织

NGO 是非政府组织(nongovernmental organization)的英文简称,根据霍布金斯大学Salamon 教授的被联合国采纳的定义,NGO 应该具有正式组织,非政府性、非营利性、非政治性和非宗教性,自治性和志愿性等特征.


在仲裁对各方的强制性和开庭地点上对于弱势群体的具有适度倾斜;仲裁员对案件的处理拥有较大的权限,但对其制约条件也很多;仲裁中对证据的取得与采纳较为灵活,仲裁裁决也较少受到司法审查;仲裁庭可判处惩罚性损害赔偿(Punitive Damage).


批判的实在论既不拘泥於字句(nonliteral),也强调指称性(referential). 非直接性(indirectness)来自对隐喻、模式和理论的有意识的运用. 皮考克(ArthruPeacocke)要求神学家采纳批判的实在论,他说:"神学中的批判的实在论认为,


慢性胃炎的分类方法很多,我国2000年全国慢性胃炎研讨会共识意见中采纳了国际上新悉尼系统(Update Sydneysystem)的分类方法,根据病理组织学改变和病变在胃的分布部位,结合可能病因,将慢性胃炎分成浅表性(又称非萎缩性、non-atrophic)、萎缩性(atrophic)和特殊类型(spe