英语人>词典>汉英 : 酣的 的英文翻译,例句
酣的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与酣的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Joyful crowd belting intoxicated dance, totally immersed in a harvest of joy.


I like the Qing Dynasty poet Lee Die "half-word song," likes "to drink just half intoxicated, bloom-time partial Yan," likes "a half years to make a leisurely, half a mile wide Qiankun Exhibition," half the people enjoy the work half the enjoyment of, semi-rich, semi-leisure, so I named "semi-free vegetarian."


An extremely attentive work is made under inattentiveness. He wins a good painting by surprise skill. His composing the painting is different from "big to small". He sets the composition first, and then delineate the contour one layer after another with his old method of "small to big". Each line produces another line so as to compose a good picture. The colors are either thick or thin. At the beginning there is no specific idea of composition.


Not poppy, nor mandragora, Nor all the drowsy syrups of the world, Shall ever medicine thee to that sweet sleep Which thou owedst yesterday.

伊阿古 罂粟、曼陀罗或是世上一切使人昏迷的药草,都不能使你得到昨天晚上你还安然享受的酣眠。

CHAPTER XXIII ORESTES FASTING AND PYLADES DRUNK At length, by dint of mounting on...


Whether felt directly to its sound sleep breath and the palpitation?


I woke early, having slept soundly and dreamlessly thanks to my


The optimum reaction conditions of the synthesis of isoamyl acetate with Nafion NR50 resin membrane as catalyst were studied.


Connie was in bed, and fast asleep all this time. But the keeper, too, could not rest. He had closed the coops and made his round of the wood, then gone home and eaten supper.


But when he had done his slow, cautious beating of his bounds---it was nearly a five-mile walk---he was tired.


更多网络解释与酣的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


严歌苓的小说擅长呈现华人在异邦异域里的"漂泊离散"(Diaspora)的移民经验,指涉阶级(class)、种族(race)、性别(gender)、边缘处境(marginal situation)、文化认同(cultural identity)等重大议题,在笔酣墨饱地书写了"纵横交错的目光"之外,亦铭刻(inscribe)与再现(repre



asphalt mastic:沥青砂胶

使用粘贴了聚酣(POLYESTER)长纤维来织布的沥青(ASPHALT)防水布(SHEET)(THK:2mm)-沥青砂胶(ASPHALT MASTIC)是专利注册的防水材料(专利第167795号,专利第166114号)


eighty (诶忒)八十 | ninety (乃忒)九十 | hundred (酣坠的)百

satyr play:羊人剧

[[亚里士多德]]在他的>中说:希腊悲剧的诞生要早於[[羊人剧]](satyr play)和喜剧,而悲剧则由颂扬狄奥尼索斯的[[酒神赞美诗]]演变而来. 这些赞美诗都是人们在酣醉的时候[[即兴创作]]的. 西元[[前600年]],

satyr play:羊人剧

[[亚里士多德]]在他的<<[[诗学]]>>中说:希腊悲剧的诞生要早於[[羊人剧]](satyr play)和喜剧,而悲剧则由颂扬狄奥尼索斯的[[酒神赞美诗]]演变而来. 这些赞美诗都是人们在酣醉的时候[[即兴创作]]的. 西元[[前600年]],

Spanish Moss:寄生藤

六点钟在微曦的晨光中驶入这座古老的城市,我们一下子被道路两边披拂着丝丝缕缕寄生藤(Spanish Moss)的老橡树带入了南方特有的温润空气中,沉酣的城市酝酿着神秘幽远的迷梦,传递出隐隐绰绰的巫觋气息,令人印象深刻的城市问候.