英语人>词典>汉英 : 部队 的英文翻译,例句
部队 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
troops  ·  unit

更多网络例句与部队相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

New troops Swadian_Militia_crossbowman Irregular Militia Irregular troop Adenian Irregular footman* Irregular archer Adenian Irregular horseman Adenian Crossbowman Adenian sniper Adenian Man at arms Adenian Captain Herald Optio Anubis virgin Anubis Sister of venatores Anubis Knight of venatore Footman deserter Horseman Deserter New heroes Bors Uther Pendragon Mordred Natasha********* Merlin All other Adenian troops have been reworked Many new names for Towns Villages Castles Lords Player will have a large party to start with + coin New troops to recruit in taverns Many tweaks to speed campaign up Many other small alterations All centurions have been given real names from history; some details have been altered, 2 extra troop types to recruit from the tavern barman or woman; both may not appear at the same time. Troop types.

新的部队Swadian_Militia_crossbowman不规则民兵部队Adenian不规则不规则霍文*不规则射箭Adenian不规则骑手Adenian弩手Adenian狙击手Adenian男子武器Adenian船长先驱宾得阿努比斯维尔京阿努比斯妹妹venatores阿努比斯骑士venatore霍文逃兵逃兵骑士新英雄Bors乌瑟尔彭德拉根Mordred娜塔莎*********梅林所有其他Adenian部队已经修改了许多新的名字城镇乡村城堡上议院球员将有一个大党,开始了新的部队+硬币在酒馆招募许多高速运动的调整到了许多其他小改建所有centurions得到真实姓名从历史;一些细节已经改变, 2个额外的部队类型招募从旅舍巴曼或女;既可能不显示在同一时间。

Based on various testimonies including the 12 confessions at Khabarovsk Trial, Unit 731 based in Harbin and Unit 100 based in Changchun, besides using living humans as subjects in their experiments on anthrax and glanders as documented in the autopsy reports in Dugway Library, both mass produced anthrax. Unit 100 also mass produced glanders. Unit 731's monthly production capability of anthrax is 600kg. From 1941 to 1942, Unit 100 produced 1000kg of anthrax and over 500kg of glanders.


The US Army considered forming special airborne tank units after the successful use of German paratroops at Eben in 1940 and Crete in 1941. With the development of the T9 airborne tank underway ,in February 1943,the develop suitable training and doctrine in cooperation with the Airborne a battalion-sized formation due to the airlift problem,so the first unit was trimmed down to a company.


The first group could include: ATC structure determination, fixing the dates and procedures with respect to ATC creation, solution of principal control and management related issues; endorsement of subordination and the order of all-arms forces interaction; determination of the tasks to be given to combined troops, their units and divisions (fighter, search and detecting, attack and assault, blockade), as well as to the interacting groups involving Interior Ministry troops, combat units within the Frontier Service of the FSB and area defense units.


No matter how serious the pressure on Germany's cities applied by Bomber Command, the Luftwaffe did not suffer unsupportable aircraft attrition of its night defensive forces until late in the war. In the other engagements, however, loss rates mounted while the Luftwaffe proved increasingly ineffective in its intervention on the ground or naval battles. Moreover, in the spring of 1943 the appearance of the U.S.


The purpose of this article is to review and discuss and current preventive and healable measures of heat illness and abstract scientific programs to prevent and cure heat illness.In order to suit with the PLA"s current fight direction and to improve the army"s capacity and levels of the rear service, to keep soldiers healthy and strong in the heat stress environment, by the way of systemic evaluation, we collect a series of successful work and research experience about the heat illness prevent and treatment. After analyzing and comparing these results, then based on the theories of the preventive medicine, we have try out further adaptable programs to prevent heat illness. It consists of 5 chapters, such as "heat acclimatization, water and electrolyte supplement, regulated work/rest cycle limits, lower temperature equipment, drug preventing heat stress".


The uniforms worn by the base attack survivors is the Multicam uniform of the Army's Future Force Warrior system (part of the Future Combat Systems project), and Agent Simmon's uniform holds a Combat Infantryman's Badge and the silver oak leaves of a Lieutenant Colonel indicating Simmons was once a U.S.


Meanwhile, efforts to ensure that the building of spiritual civilization troops walk in the forefront of society as a whole; closer internal and external relationships, in order to enhance the cohesion and combat effectiveness of military service, to ensure a high degree of stability and centralized services; in accordance with both ability and integrity standards and the "four modernizations "approach to military leadership at all levels and building.


The Infantry tech tree holds techs for various kinds of infantry – from regular infantry to reserve units (the vanilla militia unit renamed and drastically changed – do not let your knowledge of Militia units carry over to CORE) to motorized and cavalry units and specialized units, such as marines and paratroopers.


Forces to participate in the parade, Army, Navy, Air Force, Second Artillery Corps and the armed police forces and the militia and reserve forces, respectively, from the Beijing Military Region, Jinan Military Region, Nanjing and Guangzhou Military Region, Navy, Air Force, Second Artillery Corps, the Armed Police Force, PLA 4 units directly under the headquarters, as well as Beijing and other 13 large units pumping group.


更多网络解释与部队相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Pendant Of Dispassion:使部队对发狂魔法免疫

65、Pendant Of Death:使部队对超渡魔法免疫. | 66、Pendant Of Dispassion:使部队对发狂魔法免疫. | 67、Pendant Of Free Will:使部队对催眠魔法免疫.

Kosovo Force:驻科索沃部队(驻科部队),KFOR,驻科部队

Arusha IV,第四轮阿鲁沙会谈,, | Kosovo Force,驻科索沃部队(驻科部队),KFOR,驻科部队 | giga tons of oil equivalent,千兆吨石油当量,Gtoe,


paramethoxyamfetamine hydrochloride;盐酸副甲氧基安非他明;; | paramilitary;准军事(部队);;部队 | paramilitary and ethnic forces;准军事部队和部落部队;;


ReselectIfLimboed= 寄生攻击结束后能否重新选择. | Spawned= 是否由其他部队产生的子部队. | Spawns= 所产生的子部队.

Force d'urgence des Nations Unies:联合国紧急部队(紧急部队),FUNU,紧急部队

Front uni de liberation Kanak,卡纳克解放联合阵线... | Force d'urgence des Nations Unies,联合国紧急部队(紧急部队),FUNU,紧急部队 | Grupo asesor en integracion economica centroamericana,中美洲经济一体化咨询...

United Nations Disengagement Observer force -- UNDOF:联合国脱离接触观察员部队(观察员部队)

联合国紧急部队(紧急部队) United Nati... | 联合国脱离接触观察员部队(观察员部队) United Nations Disengagement Observer force -- UNDOF | 联合国驻马其顿共和国预防性部署部队 U.N. Prevention Deployment Force...

脱离接触观察员部队(观察员部队);UNDOF;观察员部队:Disengagement Observer Force

disembarkation resettlement offers;登岸重新安置安排;DISERO; | Disengagement Observer Force;脱离接触观察员部队(观察员部队);UNDOF;观察员部队 | disengagement of troops;部队脱离接触;;

联合国脱离接触观察员部队 (观察员部队);UNDOF;观察员部队:United Nations Disengagement Observer Force

Convention europeenne sur l'immunite des Etats... | United Nations Disengagement Observer Force;联合国脱离接触观察员部队 (观察员部队);UNDOF;观察员部队 | United Nations Emergency Force;联合国紧急部队(紧...


Spawned= 是否由其他部队产生的子部队. | Spawns= 所产生的子部队. | SpawnsNumber= 产生的子部队数量.

force post office box:部队邮箱

force package;部队组合;部队编制; ; | force post office box;部队邮箱; ; | force post office;部队邮局;FPO;