英语人>词典>汉英 : 郑重的 的英文翻译,例句
郑重的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
solemn  ·  solemnest

更多网络例句与郑重的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I hereby declare, on oath, that I ly and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen


Asseverate connotes sober sincerity of assertion: Asseverate 指郑重真诚的断言:"The taxpayer also asseverates that his return from Greece proves conclusively that his intentions were and are honorable".


He hoped to please her spirit, so he wrote a solemn promise.


Tonight I give you my most solemn vow...


I solemnly say that I am the door of only one Earth.


She announced solemnly that she would eat only water-boiled vegetables and no stir-fried vegetables, and she would consume only fish, no meat.


Agatha and I saw Amy and Tracy turned on the sign boards of Chinese characters of Takuya in the middle of the concert when it got dark completely Amy produced 5 sign boards made of light emitting diodes of the characters Taku Ya Bei Jing and Taku.


I want to say sorry to all VIC members and all friends who cared about me


"Sir, I'd like to marry your daughter," he announced .


He was very solemn and refrained from talking.


更多网络解释与郑重的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


abjure 悲惨的 | adjure 郑重敦促 | alight 落下


corded /用索子捆扎的/分搁堆积的/ | cordelier /法革命时的激进派党员/ | cordiality /诚实/郑重/恳挚/


cordelier /法革命时的激进派党员/ | cordiality /诚实/郑重/恳挚/ | cordially /诚恳地/诚挚地/诚实地/再拜/谨上/

I'm mad cause this is nuthin:我就要疯掉了 因为这真的没什么

I'm telling you like Jennifer Hudson 我可郑重的告诉你 学着詹妮弗 哈德逊的语气 | Tiger purses ,bank is filled 雍贵的虎皮包包 添至暴胀的金库 | I'm mad cause this is nuthin' 我就要疯掉了 因为这真的没什么


"严肃的"(Serious)的涵义除了"严肃的",还兼具"认真的、庄重的、正经的、郑重的、恳切的"、"重大的"、"重要的". 而在翻译的时候,我们偏偏选取"严肃"来表示"serious",其表层意思与"轻松"、"逗乐"、"轻浮""相反,

a strong progressive force:历史进步的力量

郑重对待妥善处理 seriously view and properly handle | 历史进步的力量 a strong progressive force | 拖后腿 become a burden to impede the peace

Cuz I swear for the last time:我最后一次郑重发誓

and throw it all away 甩掉所有的烦恼和忧伤 | Cuz I swear for the last time 我最后一次郑重发誓 | I won't trust myself with you 我永远不再把自己托付于你

Tonight I give you my most solemn vow:今晚我给你们 我最郑重的誓言

I want to see his face.|我要看看他的脸 | Tonight I give you my most solemn vow...|今晚我给你们 我最郑重的誓言... | ...that justice will be swift...|...审判会是迅速的...

trouble maker:麻烦制造者

这种乐观的心态随着马英九郑重的对外宣告他将做一个"负责任的利益相关人"(responsible stakeholder)而非"麻烦制造者"(trouble maker)时得到了强化. 人们有理由期待理性的马英九将推动两岸之间的和平与合作,重拾被陈水扁挥霍一空的两岸政治互信,

The Age of Reason:理性的时代

五、潘恩在他的另一本书<<理性的时代>>(The Age of Reason)中郑重宣告:"我相信一位上帝,再也没有第二位;我盼望在今生之外(Beyond this life)的幸福. 我相信人的平等;我相信人的宗教责任在于笃行公义,喜爱怜悯,尽力使被造的同类们幸福".