英语人>词典>汉英 : 郊区 的英文翻译,例句
郊区 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
banlieue  ·  boonies  ·  environs  ·  outskirts  ·  purlieus  ·  skirt  ·  suburb  ·  outstreet  ·  skirts  ·  suburbs  ·  umland

suburban district
更多网络例句与郊区相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Centuries later, Edinburgh had developed into a town based on the castle. After the unification of England and Scotland, capitalism became the main character of the economy of Edinburgh. At that time, the old town of Edinburgh had arrived at a kind of saturation in the pre-industrialization of middle age: productivity and acceptance level had reached the limit in terms of city plane, space dimensions and city functions. When the Industrial Revolution came, the population increased in times and a great deal of factories and residence were needed to be built up.


According to the plan, the next few years the focus of Shanghai's real estate development in the suburbs, in addition to three million per year of municipal matching room outside, in recent months, the block bidding for more than 80% are suburban block.

根据这项计划,在未来几年的重点,上海的房地产开发在郊区,除了3万美元的市政配套房外,近几个月来,该区块招标80 %以上的郊区区块。

It was straight, correct, cold, perpendicular, levelled with the square, laid out by rule and line.


It barred the vast opening of the faubourg, that is to say, three streets, from angle to angle; ravined, jagged, cut up, divided, crenelated, with an immense rent, buttressed with piles that were bastions in themselves throwing out capes here and there, powerfully backed up by two great promontories of houses of the faubourg, it reared itself like a cyclopean dike at the end of the formidable place which had seen the 14th of July.


Held yesterday in Beijing's suburbs transform old pilot at the scene at the meeting was informed that the focus on improving the outskirts of the city infrastructure, improve the quality of life of the old peasant reform pilot project officially launched, Huairou village a number of Crown land the development potential of certain villages in the project will serve as the first pilot village.


Based on the rising suburbanization in China, this thesis focuses on the unique phenomena of large number of floating population flood into the suburb area. By using the integrated methods and views including sociology, demology, environmental science, the author studies on the causes of a series problems triggered by the huge increasing floating population and tries to use the new thought to resolve the problems.


CHAPTER I THE CHARYBDIS OF THE FAUBOURG SAINT ANTOINE AND THE SCYLLA OF THE FAUBOURG DU TEMPLE Chinese The two most memorable barricades which the observer of social maladies can name do not belong to the period in which the action of this work is laid.

一 圣安东尼郊区的险礁和大庙郊区的漩涡英文观察社会疾苦的人可能会提到的那两座最使人难忘的街垒,并不属于本书所述故事发生的时期。

How to achieve these programs and goal, suburb broad cadre, masses is in his specific work, must look for accurate grasper, the quality that the centre of gravity that rises suburb economy turns in time to raise economy to grow and benefit come up, rise economy stage by stage means, from quantitative dilate model turn to quality to rise model, the speed from extensive benefit that turns to intensive come up, this has great sense to the long-term development of suburb economy.


To promote the process of rural urbanization, it is necessary to increase financial input to suburban construction, to create nonagricultural employment opportunities and social securities for unemployment for farmers, and to form favorable systematic and institutional developmental environment for rural industrialization and urbanization.


Jimmy Margulies' cartoon shows a suburban commuter getting all steamed up over the proposal. Mayor Bloomberg adds insult to injury by reminding the fuming suburbanite of New York City's strict laws against smoking.


更多网络解释与郊区相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


集中解决"郊区"(banlieue)问题,改善郊区的建筑环境. 设计理念是"协调经济增长与舒适生活环境"的矛盾. 把华西(Roissy)建造成一个航运、铁路、商品流通的中心. 提议建造一条高速轻轨线在被视作分隔巴黎和郊区的环线上运行,

banlieue n.f:郊区

baisser v.t.降低 | banlieue n.f.郊区 | banque n.f.银行

banlieue n.f:郊区,市郊

banderole n.f. 横幅标语,(挂在桅顶上的)燕尾旗 | banlieue n.f. 郊区,市郊 | bannir v.t. 驱逐出境

banlieue n.f:法语基础郊区

proposition n.f. 提议,建议 | banlieue n.f. 法语基础郊区 | tour Eiffel n.pr. 艾菲尔铁塔

rural housing estate:乡郊屋 ;郊区屋

rural housing 乡村式公屋;郊区公屋 | rural housing estate 乡郊屋 ;郊区屋 | rural housing standard block 乡村式标准型大厦

rural housing estate:乡郊屋 ;郊区屋 CEB中国学习动力网

rural housing 乡村式公屋;郊区公屋CEB中国学习动力网 | rural housing estate 乡郊屋 ;郊区屋 CEB中国学习动力网 | rural housing standard block 乡村式标准型大厦CEB中国学习动力网

Metropolitan Suburb:城市郊区

上海郊区:shanghai suburb | 城市郊区:metropolitan suburb | 郊区城市化:Suburb urbanization

suburban line:郊区线路

student trip 学习出行 | suburban line 郊区线路 | suburban monthly ticket 郊区月票

suburbanite:郊区居民, 郊外居住者 (名)

suburban train 市郊火车 | suburbanite 郊区居民, 郊外居住者 (名) | suburbia 郊区, 郊区居民 (名)


suburbanite 郊区居民 | suburbanize 使郊区化 | urban 城市的