英语人>词典>汉英 : 遗失 的英文翻译,例句
遗失 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
lose  ·  loss  ·  loses

更多网络例句与遗失相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Dr. Collop, director of the university's sleep medicine laboratory, expressed concern that with unattended studies, researchers have to consider the possibility of loss of data, ie, missing signals over time.


The dead language Along with this lost of language, would be a culture and histories loss forever.


Most of the losses are 19th and 20th century texts, including first editions of novels by Charles Dickens and John Updike, although many older books have also vanished, including a 1555 edition of 12th-century Jewish scholar Moses ben Maimon's Letter on Astrology, missing since 1977, and a 17th-century guide to Rome.


However, the missing values of the database will affect the data analysis, hence, it is very important to resolve the missing value problem.


We do see water escaping from the nightside.


Due to the development of computer and the popularization of Internet, more and more enterprises have adopted the computer network for the data communication to achieve the commercial business transaction or factory control. However, the data transmission in network is complicated and unforeknown. Thus, it will get some problems or affect the system operation if data are lost during the data transmission. The TCP/IP protocol is currently one of the most popular communication protocols. And the service quality from user request will be higher and higher. Therefore, How to provide the high–quality data communication and avoid the data loss is the goal of this thesis.

随著电脑技术的进步以及电脑网路的普及,愈来愈多企业体系利用电脑网路来做资讯交换,以达到商业交易或工厂控制的目的,而网路传输状况难以预测,若在资料传输过程中发生资料遗失,小则造成资料不对,大则造成应用系统无法正常运作,现今工商业对网路应用的依赖度愈来愈大,稍有闪失,都有可能招致莫大的损失, TCP/IP协定是目前网际网路上最被广泛使用的通讯协定,而目前使用者对其服务品质的要求也愈来愈严格,因此,如何在现有的网路下避免资料遗失及提高通讯品质,就是本篇论文所要探讨的课题。

This problem has been the world have lost more than 100 years, I would like to energy by establishing five-dimensional spatio-temporal frame of reference, and you want to redefine the concept of a common time; to ensure that the speed of light on any observer is a constant-speed e , resolve origlnal point light energy (or known as achromatous astigmatism energy) and red-shift light energy relise.


If data missing is true, the indented process is carried out; if the expression is not true, the indented process is kipped .


Please trace the missing goods and deliver to us or issue the necessary certificate of loos at your earliest.


Where its qualification certificate is lost, before applying for reissuing, it shall publish a lost notice on a public news medium.


更多网络解释与遗失相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Susanne Bier:遗失在火中的记忆 苏珊娜.比尔

015.01.19 大饭店 Edmund Goulding | 016.01.20 遗失在火中的记忆 苏珊娜.比尔 Susanne Bier | 017.01.21 身为人母 托德.菲尔德 Todd Field

accept the fluster of lost door keys:要接受遗失钥匙的慌乱

每天失去一些东西lose something everyday | 要接受遗失钥匙的慌乱accept the fluster of lost door keys | 我失去两个城池两条河流一片陆地i lost two cities,two rivers,a continent

The lost goodliness:遗失的美好

11. 容易受伤的女人The woman is easy to be hurt | 12.遗失的美好The lost goodliness | 13.爱一个人好难It is difficult to love a person

Lost ball:遗失球

遗失球(Lost Ball) 符合下列情况的球被视为是"遗失球": 球员的一方或他的或他们的球童开始找球五分钟后,没有找到球或球员不能确认是自己的球时;或 球员打了替换球;或 球员在被认为大概是初始球之所在地或较该地点更靠近球洞处打了暂定球.

lose, miss, misplace:这些动词均有"丢失,遗失"之意

slack 强调缺乏牢固性或稳固性,不坚定. | lose, miss, misplace 这些动词均有"丢失,遗失"之意. | lose 最普通用词,侧重遗失了,难以找回来.

Lost in a dream of obviousness:很明显的遗失在一个梦里

Sinking below you and me 下沉到你我之下 | Lost in a dream of obviousness 很明显的遗失在一个梦里 | Lost in the shimmering sea 遗失在闪着微光的大海里

Lost in a dream of obviousness:遗失在梦中

sinking below you and me 落到你我之下 | Lost in a dream of obviousness 遗失在梦中 | Lost in the shimmering sea 遗失在微光鳞鳞的海里

reissued passport:因遗失而补领的护照

reissuance due to loss 遗失补领 | reissued passport 因遗失而补领的护照 | reject a claim 驳回申索

Missing Link:遗失的行李

遗失的行李 (Missing Link) 歌词免费下载 遗失的行李 (Missing Link)彩铃 到手机2. 接收遗失的行李 (Missing Link)彩铃.若歌词无显示 说明遗失的行李 (Missing Link)歌词尚未添加,请稍后时间再查看

We may have lost some baggage so wed like to make alost baggage report:我们可能遗失了几件行李,所以必须填份行李遗失报告

我们正在调查,请稍等一下. Pleas... | 我们可能遗失了几件行李,所以必须填份行李遗失报告. We may have lost some baggage so wed like to make alost baggage report. | 一旦找到行李,请立即送到我停留的饭店. Pl...