英语人>词典>汉英 : 遗传疾病 的英文翻译,例句
遗传疾病 的英文翻译、例句


genetic disease
更多网络例句与遗传疾病相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

These populations are of particular research value homozygosity mapping of autosomal recessive mendelian diseases and in the establishment of extended haplotypes for understanding the genetic component of common diseases.


Recent research has shown that mitochondrial dysfunction read.freeduan.com underlies a broad spectrum of disease, from maternally inherited genetic disorders to metabolism defects, aging, stroke, and neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, and Lou Gehrig's disease.

新近的研究已经表现那mitochondrial 机能失调read.freeduan.com为疾病的宽的范围的基础,从母亲继承的遗传疾病到新陈代谢缺陷,变旧,中风和neurodegenerative疾病,早老性痴呆症和卢·格里克的疾病。

So the methods for Mendelian genetic disease study are not suitable for the complex disease very well.


Genetically, IV is thought to be an autosomal dominant disorder with virtually complete penetrance.


Just as Tay-Sachs has almost been wiped out in the decades since Ashkenazi Jews have tested themselves for the gene, a universal carrier screen, combined with preimplantation genetic diagnosis for carrier couples who want biological children, will eliminate a hundred others.


Clone the embryonated egg and is used for measuring various hereditary diseases, the fetus of the development among embryo and uterus that clone


Machado-Joseph disease is an autosomal dominant spinocerebellar degeneration characterized by a wide range of clinical manifestations.

Machado-Joseph 疾病是晚发性的体染色体显性遗传疾病,一种小脑脊髓渐进性神经退化性疾病,此疾病的徵状在临床上变化很多,显现范围很广。

Data from twins, adoptees, and families show that genetic factors play an important role in the etiology of this disease.


Detail Contents: Genetic disorders -- Immune deficiencies -- Breast cancer -- Colon cancer -- Melanoma -- Cystic fibrosis -- Hemophilia -- Liver disease -- Cardiovascular disease -- Muscular dystrophy -- Alzheimer's disease -- Parkinson's disease -- Huntington's disease -- Viruses: the cornerstone of gene therapy -- Viruses are living crystals -- Viral genomes may be RNA or DNA -- Viruses evolved from plasmids -- Viruses know how to infect cells -- The virus as a gene vehicle -- Viruses used in gene therapy -- Ashi DeSilva: a promising start -- Clinical trials defined -- Cells of the immune system -- Adenosine deaminase -- Preliminary research -- Clinical procedure for ADA gene therapy -- The DeSilva clinical trial -- Jesse Gelsinger: down to earth -- Ornithine transcarbamylase -- Preliminary research -- Clinical procedure for OTC gene therapy -- The Gelsinger clinical trial -- The investigation -- Concluding remarks -- Future prospects -- Safer vehicles -- Reducing immune rejection of the vector -- Improved risk assessment -- Redesigning human anatomy and physiology -- Ethics of gene therapy -- The Belmont report -- Clinical trials -- Physiological enhancement -- Cosmetic applications -- Legal issues -- Regulatory agencies -- The Gelsinger legal trial -- International regulation -- Resource center -- Eucaryote cell primer -- Recombinant DNA primer -- The human genome project -- X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID-X1)-- Alzheimer's disease -- Huntington's disease.

细节内容︰遗传疾病-免疫的缺乏-乳腺癌-结肠癌-黑瘤-囊性纤维变性-血友症-肝疾病-心血管疾病-肌营养不良-早老性痴呆病-帕金森疾病-亨廷顿疾病-病毒︰基础的基因治疗-病毒在活著水晶--病毒的基因可能是RNA或者DNA --病毒从plasmids被逐步形成--病毒知道怎样感染细胞--作为一辆基因车辆的病毒--基因治疗使用的病毒-Ashi DeSilva︰有希望开始-临床试验确定--细胞的这免疫系统-Adenosine deaminase-初步研究-临床程式给埃达基因治疗--这DeSilva临床试验-婕西Gelsinger︰到地球-Ornithine transcarbamylase-初步研究-临床程式给OTC基因治疗-- Gelsinger临床试验-调查-达成评论-前景-更安全的车辆--矢量的降低免疫的拒绝-改进风险估计-重新设计人解剖学和生理学--伦理学的基因治疗-那些贝拉蒙特报告-临床试验-生理提升-美容应用-法律问题-协调机构-- Gelsinger 合法审讯-国际管理-资源中心人物-Eucaryote信元第一-Recombinant DNA 入门--人类基因工程-- X 连结的严重的结合的免疫缺陷(SCID-X1)-早老性痴呆病--亨廷顿的疾病。

One day an infant born with a genetic defect of the bone marrow or blood may be able to have his umbilical cord blood harvested at birth, repaired by genetic engineering and then reinfused, so that he need never suffer the negative effects of his genetic inheritance.


更多网络解释与遗传疾病相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

genetic counseling:遗传咨询

遗传咨询(genetic counseling)是指由咨询医师或从事医学遗传学的专职人员,对遗传病患者及其亲属所提出的有关疾病的全部问题进行解答的过程. 遗传咨询内容较多,一般包括疾病的病因、遗传方式、诊断、治疗、预后以及患者亲属和生育子女时再患此病的风险率等.

genetic counseling:遗传谘询

也因为大部份的罕见疾病都是遗传疾病,所以遗传谘询(genetic counseling)团队在照顾这些患者上也扮演了一个很重要的脚色,它包括了遗传专科医师、遗传谘询员、护理人员、营养师、心理医师、心理治疗师、专业复健治疗师及社工人员.

genetic disease:遗传疾病

上一期在人体故事中谈到染色体数目增减所导致的一些病状,这种由於遗传物质(Genetic material)的变异所引起的病状通常叫做遗传疾病(Genetic disease). 事实上,遗传疾病除了这一种以外,还有由於基因突变而引起的. 这正是本期要谈论的主题.

genetic disease ; hereditary disease:遗传疾病

遗传缺陷 genetic defect | 遗传疾病 genetic disease ; hereditary disease | 基因浮动;基因漂流 genetic drift

hereditary disease ; genetic disease:遗传疾病

遗传保守性 hereditary conservation | 遗传疾病 hereditary disease genetic disease | 遗传偏向 hereditary disposition

hereditary disease:遗传性疾病

遗传性疾病(Hereditary Disease)由于生殖细胞或受精卵里的遗传物质在结构或功能上发生改变,从而使个体罹患的疾病. 最早提出疾病遗传问题的是1500年前的塔尔莫德,当时他提到了血友病的遗传问题. 可是比较系统地研究人类异常性状(包括疾病在内)的遗传问题是在18世纪以后.


这些疾病的发生由多个基因共同参与致病,这类遗传病称为多基因病(multigenic disease)、多因子病(multifactoral disease)或复杂性状,在多基因遗传病中,易患性高低受遗传基础和环境因素双重影响,其中,遗传基础所起作用的大小称为遗传度(heritability),一般用百分率(%

Heritable disease:遗传性疾病

Heritable defect 遗传缺陷 | Heritable disease 遗传性疾病 | Heritable effect 遗传效应

multifactorial inheritance:多因子遗传

在发病时还常受环境因素的影响,故也称多因子遗传(multifactorial inheritance). 这类疾病中遗传因素所起的作用程度不同,按其程度大小以百分率(%)来表示,称为遗传度. 环境因素影响越大,遗传度越低. 唇裂、腭裂、高血压、糖尿病、躁狂抑郁症、类风湿性关节炎及先天性心脏病等,

Naturally, no critical predispositions to any major inheritable diseases:先天上不会有危险疾病遗传的倾向

and two very healthy girls.|还有... | Naturally, no critical predispositions to any major inheritable diseases.|先天上不会有危险疾病遗传的倾向 | All that remains is to select the most compatible candid...