英语人>词典>汉英 : 逻辑学家 的英文翻译,例句
逻辑学家 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
logician  ·  logicians

更多网络例句与逻辑学家相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

L 划 易斯 American pragmaust,logician,epistemologist and value theorist.


As an excellent logician and philosopher in China and the most famous one in logic in China, JinYue-lin had some wonderful thoughts on philosophy of logic.


American logician and philosopher O{language and metaphysics.


It is perhaps because of the inherent economic feature of our brain, those background spaces usually exist subconsciously, making, to different extent, the experts in the fields of logics or AI to misunderstand that knowledge and its behavior are doing "nudely".

也许是由于大脑内在的经济原理, BSK 往往以下意识的方式存在,致使逻辑学家或人工智能学家往往忘了它们的存在,误把知识的存在和行为当成无背景"赤膊"形式的。

Since that time,Boole's original concept has been extensively developed and refined by algebraists and logicians.

布尔代数的概念最初是有英国数学家George Boole于1847年提出来的,从那时起,代数学家和逻辑学家们更广泛的发展了Boole的这一其实概念,并使之更加精练。

Owing to its unique syntactic characteristics, a great number of scholars have probed into it, not only logicians, rhetoricians, but


We can see that they are both philosophers and logicians, so we may find the grounds of their different kinds of analysis of proper names in first-order and modal logics.


Based on representative opinions about these questions which are raised by philosophers and logicians,the author thinks:1Truth and


From then on,logicians developed many ideas of many-valued logic based on different needs.This paper will recall the history process from the early thought of many-valued logic to its later development.


In general, computational linguistics draws upon the involvement of linguists, computer scientists , experts in artificial intelligence , mathematicians , logicians , cognitive scientists , cognitive psychologists , psycholinguists , anthropologists and neuroscientists , amongst others.


更多网络解释与逻辑学家相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Boolean algebra:布氏代数

大卫.芬凯斯坦:伟大的逻辑学家乔治.布尔(George Boole),他是当今用于计算机的布氏逻辑(Boolean logic)与布氏代数(Boolean algebra)的发明人. 他最初想确切地定义什么是厂类』(class)或性质或谓词. 对于每一类,他结合一个他称之为『选举』(election)行为,

combinatory logic:组合逻辑

关于Y Combinator的文章可谓数不胜数,这个由师从希尔伯特的著名逻辑学家Haskell B.Curry(Haskell语言就是以他命名的,而函数式编程语言里面的Curry手法也是以他命名)"发明"出来的组合算子(Haskell是研究组合逻辑(combinatory logic)的)仿佛有种神奇的魔力,



incompleteness theorem:不完整定理

当代最著名之逻辑学家哥德尔(Godel)却以"不完整定理"(Incompleteness Theorem)(14,17)证明这根本是不可能的. 一切逻辑系统,不论多么复杂,都不可能导出所有定理,其本身必是"不完整". 此亦证明佛家所言,思惟辩证、言语文字,均无法描述实相.


logicals 逻辑值 | logician 逻辑学家 | logicize 使合乎逻辑

logician:逻辑学家 (名)

logically 论理上; 逻辑上 (副) | logician 逻辑学家 (名) | login script 网入命令, 为连到因特网或其它计算机系统计算机执行的一组指令 (计算机用语)


这条被称做克吕西波(Chrysippus)原则一直被大多数逻辑学家所恪守. 20年代初卢卡西维茨(J.Lukasiwicz)建立三值逻辑系统,从而打破了二值性原则的一统天下,出现了多值逻辑、部分逻辑(偏逻辑)等一系列非二值型的逻辑.


logician 逻辑学家 | hydraulician 水力学家,水利工程师 | academician 学者,大学教师,知识分子,院士


logician 逻辑学家 | logicize 使合乎逻辑 | login 登录

Alexander Munro III:解剖学家

Augustus De Morgan, 数学家和逻辑学家 | Alexander Munro III, 解剖学家 | Richard Owen,生物家和古生物学者