英语人>词典>汉英 : 逻辑上的 的英文翻译,例句
逻辑上的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与逻辑上的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We like to think that we speak logically all the time, but we are aware that we sometimes use illogical means to persuade others of our point of view. In the heat of an impassioned argument, or when we are afraid our disputant has a stronger case, or when we don't quite have all the facts we'd like to have, we are prone to engage in faulty processes of reasoning, using arguments we hope will appear sound.


In the area of relations between population and productive forces, Elster misreads Marx's three literally different arguments, which he thinks are logically inconsistent and disordering. The misreading is rooted in his rigid contrast among Marx's empirical description, transcendental criticism and independent stand-point of philosophical anthropology.


The physicialism of logical positivism was essentially epistemic and logical, claiming that all predicates can be reduced to physical predicates.


A logic zero input on ENx or logic high on ENx restores bias to the drive and control circuits and turns the power on.


Your arsenal needs be updated with new weapons ... if you study the history ... you will find ample information on the way I trade ...You may look up Jack Dreyfus in 1950s and 60s ... how he manged his flagship mutual funds which outperformed 90% of the peers ...btw, I called you once a "semi-sucker", do you get it now why I did call you that way? Have you looked at the price of CROX once you said it had reached your valuation?Disclaimer, sucker or semi-sucker is used only in wall street to indicate those people who are either novice traders or those who are half bottle full of stock markets ...

看了一帮PhD们的严肃讨论,虽然我文化水平很低,一句话都没有吃透,但还是隐隐约约感觉到经典trading theory的研究到了革命的边缘,过去的逻辑体系有了裂缝,其完备性和自洽性出现了问题,旧的体系中根据一部分观测结果得到的结论有逻辑上的冲突,新的trading哲学体系还没有完全建立起来,越来越多的大波迷雾,咕噜悖论,李玟公设被提出来了,轰隆隆的雷声响起来了,预示着旧的trading大厦将倾,新的地基开始破土。

One mainreason is that the origin of the current computertechnology was built upon the western system oflanguage and logic, which makes it almost impossiblefor Chinese architects to over take the current ongoingdigital intelligence collectively. Other than that, insubjective level, we tend to pursue the mentalsatisfaction escalating from the void, which is gettingmore embraced in technology evolvement of themodern history. Consequently it is prevalent for us tosing high praise of our tradition and profound easternculture while envisaging the western wave. Low-Techis one of those approaches showing our wisdom ofavoiding the opponent's strength by exaggeratingour own advantages instead.


A walking stick =a stick for walking=a stick which is used for walking a washing machine=a machine for washing=a machine which is used for washing a reading room=a room for reading=a room which is used for reading a measuring tape=a tape for measuring=a tape which is used for measuring sleeping pills=pills for sleeping=pills which is used for sleeping


A walking stick =a stick for walking=a stick which is used for walking a washing machine=a machine for washing=a machine which is used for washing a reading room=a room for reading=a room which is used for reading a measuring tape=a tape for measuring=a tape which is used for measu ring sleeping pills=pills for sleeping=pills which is used for sleeping.

二 , 动名词的逻辑主语带有逻辑主语的动名词称为动名词的复合结构。当动名词的逻辑主语与句子的主语不一致时,要在动名词之前加上物主代词或名词所有格,这便构成了动名词的复合结构。其中物主代词是逻辑上的主语,动名词是逻辑上的谓语。动名词复合结构在句中可作主语,宾语,表语等,分别相当于一个主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句。

He explains that humor is based on a logic very different from traditional logic.


In the traditional idea political education, the teacher and the students are inequality under the philosophic base of subject and object in binary fission, and the inculcation model without necessary conversation results in the bad education.


更多网络解释与逻辑上的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


有多种可废止性概念,如本体论的(ontological)、概念上的(conceptual)、认识的(epistemic)、证明的(justification)和逻辑的可废止性. 法律逻辑关心证明的可废止性--若另外的信息被考虑,结论的状态就可能改变. 通过了解另外的事实、规则等,

A logical error in some ways:逻辑上的错误

...for which some of you have mistaken it.|...你们 会犯错误. | A logical error in some ways.|逻辑上的错误. | Okay, your assignment for today is to utilize...|好的, 你们今天的作业 是利用...

Clear interface:重新启动接口上的件逻辑

Clear counters 清除接口计数器 | Clear interface 重新启动接口上的件逻辑 | Isdntch-type 规定了在ISDN接口上的中央办公区的交换机的类型

Clear interface:重新启动接口上的硬件逻辑

Clear counters 清除接口计数器 | Clear interface 重新启动接口上的硬件逻辑 | Isdn switch-type 规定了在ISDN接口上的中央办公区的交换机的类型

Isdn switch-type:规定了在ISDN接口上的中央办公区的交换机的类型

Clear interface 重新启动接口上的硬件逻辑 | Isdn switch-type 规定了在ISDN接口上的中央办公区的交换机的类型 | Lat 打开LAT连接

Isdn switch-type:规定了在ISDN接口上的办公区的交换机的类型

Clear interface 重新启动接口上的硬件逻辑 | Isdn switch-type 规定了在ISDN接口上的办公区的交换机的类型 | Lat 打开LAT连接


换句话说, 给定了一个编排描述, 属于其一个实例的交互必须在逻辑上 (logically), 从而也在操作上 (operationally) 区别于其他实例的交互.当明确标记为编排的启动器 (initiator) 的交互被执行时, 相应编排被初始化从而建立起一个协作.


但是,作为专家,除了我们白丁自己都能做的逻辑上的,或定性的(qualitative)分析之外,他们应该给我们定量的(quantitative)分析. 我喜欢这句话"除了我们白丁自己都能做的逻辑上的,或定性的(qualitative)分析之外,他们应该给我们定量的(quantitative)分析.

Parallel Taxonomies:平行分类法:对哪些逻辑上不止一个类别的信息提供多重、独立分类的方法

Overadoption--意外采用:出乎专家预测由个人决... | Parallel Taxonomies--平行分类法:对哪些逻辑上不止一个类别的信息提供多重、独立分类的方法. | Passive innovation--被动创新:创新源于直接的市场压力,如大量需求...

Post hoc ergo propter hoc:[拉丁语]发生于其后者必然是其结果(指一种普通的逻辑上的谬误,即后此谬误)

red-eye:n. 通宵航班 | demon:n. 魔鬼 | post hoc ergo propter hoc:[拉丁语]发生于其后者必然是其结果(指一种普通的逻辑上的谬误,即后此谬误)