英语人>词典>汉英 : 逐出 的英文翻译,例句
逐出 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
dislodge  ·  dispossess  ·  evict  ·  eviction  ·  exclusion  ·  expel  ·  expulsion  ·  extrude  ·  oust  ·  winkle  ·  expulse  ·  dislodged  ·  dislodges  ·  dispossesses  ·  dispossessing  ·  evicted  ·  evicting  ·  evicts  ·  expelled  ·  expels  ·  extruded  ·  extrudes  ·  ousted  ·  ousting  ·  ousts  ·  winkled  ·  winkles  ·  winkling  ·  evictions

drive out · hoof out
更多网络例句与逐出相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And you shall not walk in the customs of the nation, which I am about to send away before you. Because they did all these things, so I abhorred them.

20:23 我在你们面前所逐出的国民,你们不可随从他们的风俗;因为他们行了这一切的事,所以我厌恶他们。

He turned his son adrift in the world.


A second edition followed in 1674, redivided into twelve books (mimicking the division of Virgil's Aeneid) with minor revisions throughout and a note on the versification. The poem concerns the Christian story of the Fall of Man: the temptation of Adam and Eve by Satan and their expulsion from the Garden of Eden.


I know you're here to challenege the evil that has driven us from our ancestral home.


It was called to heal the schism caused by the antipope Anacletus II (r. 1130-1138) and decreed excommunication for his followers.


The church excommunicated him, and he gave them groats for pease, he excommunicated them.


The apostolic see has rightly granted an indult to certain regulars to the effect that ecclesiastical burial should not be refused to deceased members of their fraternity if the churches to which they belong happen to be under an interdict as regards divine services, unless the persons were excommunicated or interdicted by name, and that they may carry off for burial to their own churches their confraters whom prelates of churches will not allow to be buried in their own churches, unless the confraters have been excommunicated or interdicted by name.


Here in the 1920s and '30s, a handful of polygamous families settled astride the Utah-Arizona border after the leadership of the Mormon Church became increasingly determined to shed its polygamous past and be accepted by the American mainstream. In 1935 the church gave settlement residents an ultimatum: renounce plural marriage or be excommunicated. Practically everyone refused and was cast out of the LDS.


But, nevertheless, in all such cases care is to be taken that the sentence of excommunication, and the execution thereof, carry with it no rough usage of word or action whereby the ejected person may any wise be damnified in body or estate.


They expatriated Jews from Germany.


更多网络解释与逐出相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cast out:逐出

11. inbreed v.使同系繁殖;使在内部生成 | 12. cast out逐出 | 13. excommunicate v.把...逐出教会;开除

evictor:逐出者 (名)

eviction 逐出; 赶出 (名) | evictor 逐出者 (名) | evidence 证据, 迹象 (名)


excommunicant 被革出教会的人 | excommunicate 逐出教会 | excommunication 逐出教会


excogitate 研究出 | excommunicate 被逐出教会的 | excommunicate 被逐出教会的人

excommunication:逐出教会 (名)

excommunicate 逐出教会 (动) | excommunication 逐出教会 (名) | excommunicator 逐出教会者; 开除者 (名)

excommunicator:逐出教会者; 开除者 (名)

excommunication 逐出教会 (名) | excommunicator 逐出教会者; 开除者 (名) | excoriate 剥皮, 严厉的责难, 擦破皮肤 (动)


expatriate 移居国外的人,被逐出国外的人 | expatriation 逐出国外 | repatriate 回国,被遣返回国者


dislodge /逐出/使移动/驱逐/离开原位/ | dislodgement /逐出/移动/驱逐/ | dislodgment /逐出/移动/驱逐/


expel 驱逐,逐出 | expulse 逐出,驱逐 | expulsion 逐出,驱逐

evictee:被逐出之人 (名)

evict 逐出, 驱逐, 赶出 (动) | evictee 被逐出之人 (名) | eviction 逐出; 赶出 (名)