英语人>词典>汉英 : 适当的 的英文翻译,例句
适当的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
adequate  ·  advisable  ·  apposite  ·  appropriate  ·  apropos  ·  becoming  ·  befitting  ·  calculated  ·  fitter  ·  fittest  ·  opportune  ·  proper  ·  proportionate  ·  relevant  ·  seemly  ·  suitable  ·  fitters  ·  appropriates  ·  appropriating  ·  proportionated  ·  proportionates  ·  proportionating  ·  seemlier

well-chosen · well-suited
更多网络例句与适当的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Authorities shall consider all available evidence on the proper allocation of costs, including that which is made available by the exporter or producer in the course of the investigation provided that such allocations have been historically utilized by the exporter or producer, in particular in relation to establishing appropriate amortization and depreciation periods and allowances for capital expenditures and other development costs. Unless already reflected in the cost allocations under this sub paragraph, costs shall be adjusted appropriately for those non recurring items of cost which benefit future and/or current production, or for circumstances in which costs during the period of investigation are affected by start up operations.


It is both reference and research value for government-owned commercial bank to realize "in due course,with the object of proper canal,handgrip proper product supply for proper client, offer proper product to proper client "purpose,ensure service marketing policy put validity.


Javascript Obfuscator can * process javascript tags in html files and all .js files associated with html pages as well as separate .js files * remove comments and white spaces, reducing the file size and minimizing the loading time * pack the code as a long line * add finishing ";" when appropriate * create a list of function and variable names * generate new non-understandable names and rename functions and variables depending on user settings * work with command line JavaScript的obfuscator可以*过程中的JavaScript标记在HTML

文件和所有。 js文件关联的HTML网页,以及作为单独的。 js文件*删除的评论和空格,减少文件的大小和尽量减少加载时间* Pack该代码作为一项长期的线*添加整理","在适当的时候*创建一个名单,功能和变数名称*产生新的非理解的名称,并重新命名的函数和变量根据用户的设定*工作与命令行

To be tricked into believing something that is not true 上……的当;受……的骗 Don't fall for the fair words of the door-to-door businessmen. That was the summer I worked at the fairground and met and fell for Lucy.21. Serve sb. right: to be a good punishment for sb.活该 You have missed so good a chance. It served you right to suffer the consequence now.

要点:该句为并列复合句,由 whereupon 连接两个并列句,而后一个分句中,又由 even though 引导了一个让步状语从句,意为"即使,尽管", fair price 指的是公平价格,这不是一个具体的价格,而是指卖方原则上应得到的价格,即卖方能得到的适当的利润或对投入的资本能有适当收益的价格。

IEEE的说法,局域网可定义为:A LAN is a data communication system allowing a number of independent devices to communication directly with each other,within a moderately sized geographics area over a physical communications channel of moderate data rates.


IEEE的说法,局域网可定义为:A LAN is a data communication system allowing a number of independent devices to communication directly with each other,w IT hin a moderately sized geographics area over a physical communications channel of moderate data rates.


Ieee的说法,局域网可定义为:a lan is a data communication system allowing a number of independent devices to communication directly with each other,within a moderately sized geographics area over a physical communications channel of moderate data rates.


Ieee的说法,局域网可定义为:a lan is a data communication system allowing a number of independent devices to communication directly with each other,within a moderately sized geographics area over a physical communications channel of moderate data rates.


IEEE的说法,局域网可定义为:A LAN is a data communication system allowing a number of independent devices to communication directly with each other,within a moderately sized geographics area over a physical communications channel of moderate data rates.


African protests show China that investment comes with heavy price转自81.china.comJonathan Clayton in Chambishi 转自81.china.com 非洲的抗议显示获取中国投资付出的代价转自81.china.comPresident Hu cancelled one of the showpieces of his African tour yesterday after war...

转自81.china.com转自81.china.com 身兼搜狐网首席经济顾问的香港中文大学教授郎咸平在网上发表署名文章说,如果中国在适当的环境下对台湾进行武力干涉,可以肯定地说那绝不会是一场战争而必定只是一场一哄而散的闹剧。

更多网络解释与适当的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Adequately maintained:适当的维修

适当的护罩 Adequately guarded | 适当的维修 Adequately maintained | 起动/停止装置和操作工距离很近 Starting and stopping devices within easy reach of Operator


fitter 适当的 | fittest 适当的 | fitting shop 装配车间

improper :不适当的

美国采纳的标准是,"不适当的"(improper) 威胁构成胁迫行为. 与英国相同的是,在美国,以提起刑事诉讼相威胁是不适当的. 犹他州法院在一个案件中说,法院的刑事诉讼程序是为了保护公众,用来保护私人的利益是不适当的.

in due course:在适当的时候

in due course 及时地,在适当的时候 | in due course 在适当的时候 | in effect 实际上;正实行中

be in place:在适当的地位;适当的,相称的

20.for years 多年来 | 21.be in place 在适当的地位;适当的,相称的 | 22.be ready for... 为......做准备


按照该标准体系,有关公私合作的法律体系可以分为5个等级,即全面的(comprehensive)、适当的(adequate)、不太适当的(barely adequate)、不适当的(inadequate)、不利的(detrimental)等五种(详见附表).

infelicitous:不幸的; 不适当的 (形)

infecundity 不结果实; 不孕 (名) | infelicitous 不幸的; 不适当的 (形) | infelicity 不幸; 不适当 (名)


所以如果取得适当的(pertinent)签证,「不一定」会因此丧失绿卡. 但这位律师完全没提到何谓「适当的」签证为何,所谓的「不一定」又是指哪些状况. 他也可能忘了,台美断交发生在马英九回国前. 马英九不可能用任何官方身份入境美国.

seemly:适当的, 合适的, 恰当的 (形)

seemliness 适当; 文雅; 合乎礼节 (名) | seemly 适当的, 合适的, 恰当的 (形) | seep 渗出, 漏, 渗流 (动)

be appropriately worded or enfaced:加上适当的文字或适当地印明

debt or claim has been discharged or has determined债项或申索已获清偿或已告终... | be appropriately worded or enfaced加上适当的文字或适当地印明 | pay the proper stamp duty and penalty缴付恰当的印花税及罚...