英语人>词典>汉英 : 退缩 的英文翻译,例句
退缩 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
blench  ·  cower  ·  crawfish  ·  cringe  ·  cringing  ·  flinch  ·  reel  ·  shrink  ·  wince  ·  blenching  ·  flinching  ·  reeled  ·  wincing  ·  blenched  ·  blenches  ·  cowered  ·  cowering  ·  cowers  ·  crawfished  ·  crawfishes  ·  crawfishing  ·  cringed  ·  cringes  ·  flinched  ·  flinches  ·  reels  ·  shrinks  ·  winced  ·  winces  ·  anastole

move back · shrink back · back water
更多网络例句与退缩相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

After all is said and done you've never walked, you've never run .


Results The appearance of behavior problems was difference if the children's four dimensionality was...


While sinking into thinking, the shrinking linkman drank the pink ink sprinkled on the wrinkly paper.


And there was alsono significant correlation between the strategies and family factors;(2)Boys hadhigher scores on aggression behaviors than girls,and girld had higher scores onon-task behavior than boys;there were no significant gender differences onsociability and social withdrawal;(3)Child social functioning correlated withparenting behaviours when child was 4 years old,correlated with chidrearing,marital quality when child was 2 years old,but unsignificantly correlated withparents'educaional level;(4)Emotional regulation strategies at 2 yearssignificantly predicted observed children's social functionings at 4 years of age;(5)Emotional regulation strategies at 2 years moderated the relation between familyfactors at 2 years and child's social functionings two years later.


Results HWTL and HWCL decreased significantly from day 1 to day 14 after TO injection with the lowest value on day 5 and day 3, respectively, and both recovered on day 21. The number of TRPVl-labeled neurons increased remarkably from day 1 to day 14 with a peak on day 7, and returned back to the normal level on day 21. In control rats, only small and medium-sized TG neurons were immunoreactive to TRPV1,and the TRPV1-IR terminals were abundant in both the vibrissal pad and the Vc.

结果 注射松节油后第1至14天,热退缩反应潜伏期与冷退缩反应潜伏期均明显下降,分别于注射后第5天和第3天达到最低,第21天恢复到正常水平;注射松节油后第1至14天,TRPV1表达的细胞数量增加,并于第7天达到最大,第21天恢复到正常水平。

Results HWTL and HWCL decreased significantly from day 1 to day 14 after TO injection with the lowest value on day 5 and day 3, respectively, and both recovered on day 21. The number of TRPV1-labeled neurons increased remarkably from day 1 to day 14 with a peak on day 7, and returned back to the normal level on day 21. In control rats, only small and medium-sized TG neurons were immunoreactive to TRPV1, and the TRPV1-IR terminals were abundant in both the vibrissal pad and the Vc.

结果 注射松节油后第1至14天,热退缩反应潜伏期与冷退缩反应潜伏期均明显下降,分别于注射后第5 天和第3 天达到最低,第21 天恢复到正常水平;注射松节油后第1至14天,TRPV1表达的细胞数量增加,并于第7天达到最大,第21 天恢复到正常水平。

Move back, withdraw 退缩;畏缩 The dog shrank from the whip.


From 6860 to 3170 cal.yr BP,semi-desert steppeexpanded,regional montane forest steppe retreated,suggesting a prolonged warm and dryclimate.Between 3170 and 2340 cal.yr BP,regional forest steppe expanded whereassemi-desert steppe retreated,indicating the climate became cool and wet gradually and thehumidity reached the maximum at the end of this stage.During 2340~1600 cal.yr BP,Poaceae steppe dominated whereas wetland meadow expanded and the montane forest stepperetreated,suggesting a cool and wet climate prevailed,wormwood grass steppe prevailed andthe climatic instability increased after 1600 cal.a BEThe climate and environmental reconstructions by pollen were supported by the diatomrecords.A relative high lake level and moister climate prevailed between 8660 and 7230 cal.yr BP as inferred by the dominance of planktonic diatom genera and high planktonic/benthicratio (〉40).low lake level and dry climate sustained during 7230~2330 cal.yr BP assuggested by the low abundance of planktonic diatom and low planktonic/benthic ratio ~20and the lake returned to high level during 2330~930 cal.yr BP as inferred by there-dominance of the planktonic diatom and the high value of palnktonic/benthic ratio.The pollen-based climate reconstruction was also consolidated by the grain size andPediastrum concentration records.

Ugii Nuur湖周围现代孢粉研究表明:松属为空气传播的外来花粉,其含量变化可能指示了远山森林草原发育状况;禾本科具显著低代表性,母体植物建群时含量通常在10%以下:藜科花粉含量可以指示区域气候干旱程度。2、以现代孢粉研究为基础、可靠AMS~(14)C年代为框架,Ugii Nuur孢粉记录高分辨率地重建了蒙古国中部地区过去8660 cal.yr BP以来的植被和气候变化。8660~7800 cal.yr BP研究区植被为禾草草原,湖畔及河谷低地发育苔草草甸,远山发育松属针叶林和森林草原,气候温和略湿润;其中8350~8250 cal.yr BP湿生草甸扩张,旱生植物成分减少,气候凉湿。7800~6860 cal.yr BP旱生成分增加,气候转向暖干。6860~3170 cal.yrBP半荒漠草原扩张,远山森林草原退缩,山地草原和河谷及湖畔湿生草甸退缩,气候持续暖干。3170~2340 cal.yr BP半荒漠草原退缩,远山森林草原扩张,气候转凉变湿,末期湿度条件达最佳。2340~1600 cal.yr BP禾草草原发育,湖畔及河谷低地湿生草甸扩张,远山森林草原略有退缩,气候总体较凉湿。1600 cal.yr BP以来研究区发育禾草-冷蒿草原,气候波动较大。

A kettle is a steep-sided, usually basin- or bowl-shaped hole or depression without surface drainage in glacial-drift deposits, often containing a lake or swamp, and believed to have formed by the melting of a large, detached block of stagnant ice (left behind by a retreating glacier) that had been wholly or partly buried in the glacial drift.

锅穴是指边缘陡峭的盆形或碗状孔洞或凹陷,在冰碛沉积物表面没有水系,通常包围着湖泊或沼泽。通常认为是冰川退缩过程中停滞于冰川沉积物中的巨大冰块融化而形成的,一般10-15米深,直径达30-150米。在加拿大平原地区有很多第四纪冰川退缩所形成的锅穴湖泊就用 kettle lake 表示。

The backskull is flat, without receding either laterally or backward and the occipital bone is not highly peaked.


更多网络解释与退缩相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Never Back Down:美 永不退缩

美 戒,情人 Closing The Ring 3+ | 美 永不退缩 Never Back Down 3 | 美 我知道你去年夏天干了什么 I Know What You Did Last Summer 2+

Never Back Down:永不退缩.双语字幕

Interview.with.the.Vampire.夜访吸血鬼.双语字幕 | Never.Back.Down.永不退缩.双语字幕 | The.Rock.勇闯夺命岛.双语字幕

hold back:退缩

hit the ceiling 勃然大怒 | hold back 退缩 | hold up 举起,支撑,阻挡

Let's not backtrack:我们不能退缩

Well, back to the drawing board.搞砸了,换个方法吧 | Let's not backtrack.我们不能退缩 | Careful, we don't have a backup.小心,我们没有备份了

Max:"Scurry, sniff, flinch:麦克斯:"急跑,闻,退缩

Mom:"And, honey, try to make this one work." 妈妈:"还有,宝贝,尝试做这一项工作. " | Max:"Scurry, sniff, flinch!" 麦克斯:"急跑,闻,退缩!" | Max:"Scurry, sniff, flinch!" 麦克斯:"急跑,闻,退缩!"

The dog shrank from the whip:那条狗退缩以避开鞭子

2) move back, withdraw 退缩;畏缩 | The dog shrank from the whip. 那条狗退缩以避开鞭子. | He shrank from admitting his guilt. 他畏畏缩缩不敢认罪.

quitters never win and winners never quit:退缩者永无胜利,胜利者永不退缩

Better the devil you know than the devil you don't know.... | Quitters never win and winners never quit. 退缩者永无胜利,胜利者永不退缩. ( 2006-12-23 ) | If winter comes, can spring be far behind? 冬天来...

quitters never win and winners never quit:(退缩者永远不会胜利,胜利者永远不会退缩)

Practice makes perfect. (孰能生巧) | Quitters never win and winners never quit. (退缩者永远不会胜利,胜利者永远不会退缩) | Read, study and learn about everything important in your life. (事事洞察皆学...

Quitters never win and winner never quit:退缩者永无胜利,胜利者永不退缩

Open your eyes and see things as they really are.睁大眼睛,看清事实真相. | Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧. | Quitters never win and winner never quit.退缩者永无胜利,胜利者永不退缩.

Chicken out? He cheated:退缩?他偷情了

Don't chicken out now.不要退缩. | -Chicken out? He cheated.退缩?他偷情了. | -Oh,get over it.忘了吧.