英语人>词典>汉英 : 连续的 的英文翻译,例句
连续的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
consecutive  ·  continuing  ·  continuous  ·  running  ·  sequent  ·  sequential  ·  serial  ·  seriatim  ·  successive  ·  unintermitted  ·  uninterrupted  ·  subalternate  ·  consectary  ·  seriate  ·  seriating

a spectrum of
更多网络例句与连续的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

According to characteristics of the discontinuous piecewise rigid-body model and the continuous deformable body model, a new model—Arbitrary Mesh Interface Element Model based on piecewise rigid-body displacement pattern and strain accumulated on interfaces is established, which can put both continuous media problems and discontinuous media problems into consideration.


Studies showed that there were two typical combinations of the facies in the filling sedimentary sequence of the epicontinental basin, wherein one was the depositional diastem developed between the facies, which was a discontinuous combination of the depositional facies with continuous time sequence, namely the exposed sediments, the tidal flat swamp and the peat swamp, and the shallow marine sediments appeared from bottom to top; and the other was the continuous sequence with gradually evolved sedimentary environment, in which it was a continuous process that the tidal flat swamp turned gradually into the peat swamp.


Whenever a batter hits into a double play, the double play is constituted by a sequence of physical events. It does not follow, however, that we could redene "double play" in terms of precise sequences of physical motions. This is so despite the fact that, if a particular physical sequence constitutes a double play, any physically indiscernible sequence would constitute a double play as well. So being a double play "supervenes" on physical sequences.


Because of the condition of 〓 for two neighbour parametricspline surfaces is too strong,here,instead of it,some simple and practicableconditions of 〓 resulted from the general theorem obtained by Prof.LiuDing Yuan in Chapter 1 were proved,and three 〓 triangular splinesurfaces schemes wre presented:one is piecewise cubic spline surface patcheshaving local 〓 and whole 〓 continuity based on the refined HCTtriangulation,another is the same degree spline surface patches but based onthe refined Powell-Sabin triangulation,the third is piecewise quartic splinesurface patches having local 〓 and whole 〓 continuity based on therefined P-S triangulation.


In particular, if a mapping F is sublower semicontinuous then F is necessarily almost lower semicontinuous, but the inverse implication is false .


We can see that market segments and niches can be identified by applying successive连续的) variables to subdivide a market.


According to the successive and unsuccessive situation of matter ,sort chemistry matter as successive macroscopic form matter ,such as element ,compound ,and successive mircocosmic form matter .


Whenever a batter hits into a double play, the double play is constituted by a sequence of physical events. It does not follow, however, that we could redene "double play" in terms of precise sequences of physical motions. This is so despite the fact that, if a particular physical sequence constitutes a double play, any physically indiscernible sequence would constitute a double play as well. So being a double play "supervenes" on physical sequences.


In another side, Owning to the complex construction of continuous girder bridges, which is laboursome and time-sonsuming, engineers have been thinking about an approach to combining the advantages of the two so as to speed up the building and reduce the work procedures.


Owing to the complex construction of continuous girder bridges,which is laboursome and time-consuming,people have been thinking about an approach to combining the advantages of the two so as to speed up the building and reduce the work procedures. Thus the "simply-supported-continuous system" is introduced.


更多网络解释与连续的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

absolutely continuous:绝对连续的

absolutely complete system 绝对完备系 | absolutely continuous 绝对连续的 | absolutely continuous distribution 绝对连续分布

continuous bit by bit:逐段连续的

llet mill 连续式钢坯轧机,连续式坯钢轧机 | continuous bit by bit 逐段连续的 | continuous blanket spraying 连续全面喷雾

continuous in x:依x连续的

continuous image 连续象 | continuous in x 依x连续的 | continuous limit 连续极限

continuous on the left:左方连续的

continuous map 连续映射 | continuous on the left 左方连续的 | continuous operator 连续算子

discontinuous infinite group:不连续的无限群

不连续群 discontinuous group | 不连续的无限群 discontinuous infinite group | 不连续跳跃 discontinuous jump

discontinuous:间断(的);连续(的); 不连续(的)

discontinuity 不连续性 | discontinuous 间断(的);连续(的); 不连续(的) | discontinuous point 不连续点


inconscient /无意识的/ | inconsecutive /不连续的/前后不连贯的/ | inconsecutively /不连续/

linksstetig left-continuous; continuous from the left; continuous from below:左连续的;从左边连续的;从下面连续的

linksseitiger Grenzwert left-hand limit 左极限 | linksstetig left-continuous; continuous from the left; continuous from below 左连续的;从左边连续的;从下面连续的 | loesbar solvable 可解的


incontinuity 不连续 | incontinuous 不连续的 | incontrollable 不能控制的


quasi-confocal resonator 准共焦共振腔 | quasi-continuous 准连续的 | quasi-continuous operation 准连续工作,准连续运行