英语人>词典>汉英 : 连续打 的英文翻译,例句
连续打 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
buffet  ·  buffeted  ·  buffets

更多网络例句与连续打相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It owns advanced machines of two four-color and quarto glue machines, automatic color-consecutive coding and printing machines, full-automatic paper-cutting machines, cup-molding machines and so on.


Think a lot of people was surprised when i mentioned that i used to be on the school swim team; that playing badminton for 3 hours straight without stopping for rest used to be the norm for me.


Concrete is not sick in the case of three consecutive bimonthly needle.


But while human intuition can provide an advantage in individual games ."Man will never be able to play 8 or 10 games in a row to an equal level ,"Kasparov said .


If you want to play straight off the assembly line will be, or prone to blue!


Another on your phrenic nerve gives you serial hiccups.


Making five pars in a row isn't too much to ask of a good golfer.


In new preparation of MCP,the matrix and dynode materials selections of the new microchannel plates was independent,and no effects existed between their forming processes.


Once you can rip five to six penetrating runaround forehands in a row, then you can progress to the next step.


At low gear levels you might will also want to use Ice Lance on the second charge of Fingers of Frost, but at higher gear levels it will be more dps to just keep spamming Frostbolt.


更多网络解释与连续打相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

beat back:打退, 使后退

21.beat away 打走; 连续打; [矿]开凿(较硬的土石) | 22.beat back 打退, 使后退 | 23.beat down 击败, 压倒; 镇压; 摧毁; 杀价, 使卖方降低价格; (烈日)照射

knock block off:[俗]笞打(某人);用拳头连续打(某人);使某人吃苦头

in block 整批, 全部, 整个儿 | knock block off [俗]笞打(某人);用拳头连续打(某人);使某人吃苦头 | knock sb.'s block off [俗]笞打(某人);用拳头连续打(某人);使某人吃苦头


另外,资生堂独家的抗光皱技能,预防(Prevention)连续(Continue)性肌肤侵害. 以指尖沾取小量乳霜,由颈部中央向外以打圈行动涂开用双手轻轻向上按摩(Massage)(Massage),促进乳霜渗入渗出肌肤.

Edgar Davids:戴维斯

"米哈伊洛维奇毫不在意的说道:"戴维斯(Edgar Davids)那野猪带两个小姑娘都不知道跑那里去了,他才是体力之王吧. "米哈伊洛维奇(Mihajlovic)就没必要上了,他的体力连续打高强度的比赛毕竟让人不怎么放心.

off the post miss by flection:打偏了,从门柱上弹开

this is the truly tense moment (关键点球时)真是一个紧张的时刻 | off the post miss by flection 打偏了,从门柱上弹开 | they are not showing any mercy (一般连续进两个球时)他们没有表现出任何仁慈之心


圆头 (Pommel) 指手柄后顶端,这是个老式英文词. 圆头 二层含义 vt.打, 用刀柄头打, 用拳头连续打

Color Proof:打样

按照打印的网目调形态可以将现今市场上的数字打样划分为常规数字打样(Color Proof)和网点数字打样(Screen Proof). 常规数字打样是采用连续调和调频网表达层次,注重强调对颜色的真实复制,而无法满足对网目调微观结构以及相应细节的描述.

knock sb.'s block off:[俗]笞打(某人);用拳头连续打(某人);使某人吃苦头

knock block off [俗]笞打(某人);用拳头连续打(某人);使某人吃苦头 | knock sb.'s block off [俗]笞打(某人);用拳头连续打(某人);使某人吃苦头 | lose one's block [澳、新]发怒, 激动, 慌张, 焦急


Hatshots 射掉帽子的次数 | Disarms 打掉敌人武器次数 | Longest headshot streak 最长的连续爆头次数


Embarrassed cry 委屈的哭或难为情的哭 | Hiccups 连续的打嗝 | Keep something cold 冷冻