英语人>词典>汉英 : 返回的 的英文翻译,例句
返回的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
return  ·  returning

更多网络例句与返回的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If we don't specify a format in the call to trunc, that function returns a date by removing the fractional part of the day.


If the function succeeds, the return value indicates the event that caused the function to return.


Thus, the expected-return projection corresponded to a geometric average return.


Var my_array:Array =; var deleteWasSuccessful:Boolean deleteWasSuccessful = delete my_array[0]; if delete my_array[1]; deleteWasSuccessful = delete my_array[0]; if delete my_array[2]; trace // outputs: undefined,undefined,ghi

下例说明如何将从 delete 返回的布尔值用作以后代码执行的条件。请注意,如果某项已被删除,则对该项再次调用 delete 将返回 false 。

Returns the number of characters read by a preceding get, getline, or read command.


Do you state that repulsion force will be enough to "return" it to PX and if yes how?


No problem on the seaplane to the island but we only just got back to Male airport for return flight .


A Russian space capsule brought Charles Simonyi back to Earth today along with a Russian and an American who spent seven months in space.


A Russian space capsule brought Charles Simonyi back to Earth today along with a Russian and an American who spent seven months in space .


To reduce the risk of infection spreading within the work place, if return to work policies allow, it may be prudent to request people returning from affected areas to remain away from the work place for at least 72 hours.


更多网络解释与返回的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Return Error component:返回错误成分

返回 return | 返回错误成分 Return Error component | 返回的数据 returned data

infinitely recurrent:无穷返回的

无穷乘积|infinite product | 无穷返回的|infinitely recurrent | 无穷分配|infinite distributive


MIN 返回参数列表的最小值 | MINA 返回参数列表中的最小值,包括数字、文本和逻辑值 | MODE 返回数据集中的出现最多的值

who had returned from a recent moonflight:刚从月球返回的的情况

[04:22.94]Last week we recorded this interview with one o... | [04:27.75]who had returned from a recent moonflight. ;刚从月球返回的的情况. | [04:30.49]We asked him to tell us what he had done and what ...


non-retractablefinstabilizer 非收放型减摇鳍装置 | non-return 不返回的 | non-return 不退回的


non-return 不返回的 | non-return 不退回的 | non-return 止回的

page number:表示当前的页面

page-number 表示当前的页面 | page-number-citation 为页面引用页码,此页面包含首个由被引用对象返回的标准区域. | page-sequence-master 规定使用哪个simple-page-master,以及使用次序.


referrer 获取将用户引入当前页面的位置 URL. | rel 设置或获取对象和链接目的的关系. | returnValue 设置或获取从模式对话框返回的值.

return address:返回地址

另外,当P调用Q时,P中的返回地址被压入战中,形成P的帧栈的末尾,返回地址(return address)就是当程序从Q返回时应该继续执行的地方. Q的帧栈从保存的栈指针的值(例如,%ebp)开始,后面是保存的其他寄存器的值.


PreFilter预过滤器 | Invocations 从子树中请求行的次数. | RowsReturned 为当前节点返回的行数.