英语人>词典>汉英 : 运动的动量 的英文翻译,例句
运动的动量 的英文翻译、例句


kinetic momentum
更多网络例句与运动的动量相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The use of the free undamped normal modes is seen to ensure that the linear and angular momenta of the distortional motion vanish.


We did our best to get the optimal methods to make the liquid more atomize, and established a model for gas-liquid mass and heat transfer process of cross-flow RPB.


Based on the common D-H modeling methods for ground robot and the conservation of momentum and conservation of angular momentum suitable for SR, continuous motion trajectory control modeling algorithm for SR is developed.


In this chapter we develop the implication's of momentum conservation in the motion of a collection of particles.


40In this chapter we develop the implications of momentum conservation in the motion of a collection of particles.


The general forms of the conservation of momentum, t emperature and potential vorticity of coastal ocean are obtained in the xz pla ne for the nonlinear ocean circulation of Boussinesq fluid, and a elliptic type partial differential equations of second order are derived. Solution of the part ial differential equations are obtained under the conditions that the fluid move s along the topography.


With the linear and angle momentum conversation, the system state equations for control are gained. And then Through the Lyapunov approach, the input law of the manipulator joint motion and control for work is received.

为此,以空间机器人系统的动量、动量矩守恒关系为基础,转化建立了控制系统设计所需的状态方程,并利用Lyapunov 直接方法,来获得满足任务要求的机械臂关节运动及控制输入规律。

Using the basic dynamic equation of rotary non-inertial system, the basic law of object s movement in the reference system of rotating about fixed axis , and the conditions of momentum conservation and conservation of momentum moment of objects are educed.


Grains moving in saltation receive most of their forward momentum directly from the pressure of the wind.


The use of the free undamped normal modes is seen to ensure that the linear and angular momenta of the dis to rtional motion vanish.


更多网络解释与运动的动量相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


他还通过引入广义动量和哈密顿泛函,将拉格朗日方程化为一对对称正则形式的一阶方程,对量子力学的发展起了深远的影响[2].应该注意到这一时期力学这门研究物体运动的学科的发展是平行于声音研究的发展,后者于1700年被Joseph Sauver命名为"声学"(acoustics).

magnetic quantum number:磁量子数

但是在数学上不能够同时得到位置和动量的精确值,①原子中的电子在具有确定半径的圆周轨道(orbit)上绕原子核运动,不辐射能量③磁量子数(magnetic quantum number)磁量子数决定不同能级的轨道,符号"m"(见下文"磁矩").