英语人>词典>汉英 : 运兵船 的英文翻译,例句
运兵船 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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My own impression of the war was limited to snapshot memories-1940 summer picnics around the wreckage of a Heinkel bomber in the local Bluebell Woods;the infernal organ note of the V-1 flying bombs passing overhead;convoys of drab army trucks rumbling past our country gate;counting the gaps in the American bomber squadrons straggling back each day from Germany;waving to the troopships sailing in June 1944 from Southsea beach to Normandy;and of course,VE-day itself,with the bonfires and beating of the family gong.

我自己对于战争的印象仅限于几个片断:1940年夏天在当地的风铃草森林围着一架海因克尔轰炸机残骸进行的一次野餐;V1飞弹(V-1 flying bombs)自头顶掠过那恐怖的噪音;土褐色的卡车在护送队的伴随下驶入我国国门的隆隆声;每天列出的美国轰炸机中队到达德国的距离数字;1944年6月在运兵船上从南海海滩到诺曼底的航行;还有,当然,那伴随家家户户的锣鼓声和巨大的篝火到来的欧战胜利纪念日。

It was the cargo and troop ships, supported by the LST and the myriad of specialized landing craft, that did the most carrying and unloading.


Zaarin dispatched Alpha-class Xg-1 Star Wings, as well as Gamma-class ATR-6 assault transports from Omega group to capture the Galactic Electronics platform Pondut.


I was despatched, accordingly, in the troopship Orontes, and landed a month later on Portsmouth jetty, with my health irretrievably ruined, but with permission from a paternal government to spend the next nine months in attempting to improve it.


They all pushed and shoved to the front of the Pelican's bay.


Eventually,you nod off to the low hypnotic hum of the troop carrier.


The German U-boats posed another threat. On December 23 a troop carrier had been hit by a torpedo in the Channel, outside Cherbourg.




Nine of his corvettes from Arditi, Falcon, and BaKaar groups, as well as transports from Upsilon group sped to the Ottega system, while Zaarin moved the Glory to the Coruscant system, in preparation for his planned coup d'état.


Note: It will require around 20,000 AP transport points to load and transport the 2nd USMC Division.

注意:这需要20000载重量的运兵船才能装载下2nd USMC Division。

更多网络解释与运兵船相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


建造大量防御工事但是别忘了适时发动突击,这将会帮助您的世纪炮找出敌方聚集所在地.Invasion Of Destral II 运用沃克利(Valkyrie)空中运输机侵入敌方海军基地或是派遣特使者(Envoy)运兵船去攻击敌军的主要空军基地,


1943年9月,在纽约506团乘"撒马利亚"(Samaria)号运兵船开往英国,15日抵达. "撒马利亚"号是一艘旧邮轮改建的,原本容纳1000名乘客,缺挤上了506团5000人,因此前往英国的旅途条件很差. 斯皮尔斯是E连最后一任连长,来自缅因州,



Troop carrier:运兵船

Trajectory 弹道 | Troop carrier 运兵船 | Turret 炮塔

troop ship:运兵船

149 双螺桨船 twin screw ship | 150 运兵船 troop ship | 151 涡轮机轮船 turbine steamer


trooper 部队运输船 | trooper 部队运输船军队运输船 | trooper 运兵船


摆线泵 trochoid pump | 运兵船 troopship | 小艇底部通索孔 trunk hole


trooper 运兵船 | troopship 军队运输船运兵船 | troostite 屈氏体

New York City. Troopship. England:纽约. 运兵船. 英格兰

So, don't tell me. 那就别告诉我. | New York City. Troopship. England. 纽约. 运兵船. 英格兰. | We're invading Europe, my friend. 我们要登录欧洲,我的朋友.


1943年1月26日夜,美国海军"卫矛"(Wahoo)号潜艇,在西所罗门群岛海域击沉一艘日军运兵船,约3000名日军士兵葬身鱼腹. 但是这还不是关键. 这支由奥地利人组成的步兵师是德军中拥有一项特殊荣誉的部队,其下属第134步兵团是原奥地利第4步兵团,