英语人>词典>汉英 : 过量的 的英文翻译,例句
过量的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
excess  ·  excesses  ·  excessed  ·  excessing

更多网络例句与过量的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Algernon micro-organisms Algae microorganisms in the water also populate overpopulate because of the surplus nitrogen , the alger .


The effects of DCP content, content of in situ formed LiAA or NaAA and LiOH/AA or NaOH/AA molar ratio on the mechanical and water-swelling properties of the vulcanizates were discussed.


With further researches of the relationship of the network states with maximum or minimum value of network throughput,the fast algorithms of calculating exact value,approximate value,upper and lower bounds on network performability are proposed,respectively.


Though it can improve the plant tolerance using the CaMV35Spromoter to express the related genes in stress environment, the expression of resistant proteinwastes the energy in normal environment and the accumulation of the protein can inhibit the plantsnormal metabolism, causing the morphology change of the plant, resulting in growth anddevelopment retardment of transgenic plants.


As is known to everyone, excess of everything is bad; so excessive sebum is bad too.


The stronger influence of PEO on C10NE-excessed systems was ascribed to that the aggregates in C10NE-excessed systems were closer to equimolar composition than those in C10SO3-excessed ones.


Clearance of MVM in excess of 10~5 fold was obtained in the permeate for flocculated feed streams.

0 5倍过量的MVM病毒的清理由絮凝法完成,而 1 0 0倍过量的低量清理由非絮凝法完成。

She became depressed and tried to kill herself with overdoses of the sleeping pills she was given for occasions when she took too much cocaine and couldn't rest.


Not all oils are created equal - The overproduction of olives is turning much of Europe into a desert, and palm oil production in Asia may soon lead to the extinction of wild orangutans.


A new method of oscillographic titration for the determination of nitrogen content in flour is described The sample was digested with H 2SO 4 Na 2SO 4 CuSO 4 Oscillographic titration is conducted on NH + 4 with Na TPB method,then calculate the nitrogen content Compared with standard methods,this method choose innoxious titrant,has a sharp titration endpoint, needs no distillation absorption and indicator It has the advantages of being easy and quick in operation,and the determination re...

研究了面粉中蛋白质含量的示波滴定法。样品用H2 SO4 Na2 SO4 CuSO4 消化处理,N以NH4 +的形式存在于试液中,用过量四苯硼钠沉淀铵,沉淀过滤,过量的四苯硼钠用氯化四乙基铵标准溶液返滴定,以四苯硼钠切口消失为终点,计算出氮含量,再换算为蛋白质含量。与通用的标准分析方法相比较,本方法所用试剂无毒,终点变化敏锐,不需蒸馏吸收,不外加指示剂,具有操作简便、快速,测定结果准确可靠。

更多网络解释与过量的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

excessive blood clot:过量的血块

33. pack 填塞 | 34. excessive blood clot 过量的血块 | 35. sterile gauze sponge 无菌海绵纱布


crapulence 暴饮 | crapulent 饮过量的 | crapulous 饮过量的

crapulent:饮(吃)过量的, 暴饮暴食的

crapulence | 暴饮, 泥醉 | crapulent | 饮(吃)过量的, 暴饮暴食的 | crapulous | 饮(吃)过量的, 暴饮暴食的

excerpta:过量的,额外的 n.过量;过剩;超额;无节制

exceptiona.例外的,异常的 | excerpta.过量的,额外的 n.过量;过剩;超额;无节制 | exciten.刺激,激动,兴奋

superfluous:多余的, 过剩的, 过量的

extruder head 压出机机头 | superfluous 多余的, 过剩的, 过量的 | crossyard 横桁

a surfeit of salt:过量的盐

a succession of vans一长串的货车 | a surfeit of salt过量的盐 | a suspicion of wind一阵微风


crapulent 饮过量的 | crapulous 饮过量的 | crapy 皱褶的

crapulous:饮(吃)过量的, 暴饮暴食的

crapulent | 饮(吃)过量的, 暴饮暴食的 | crapulous | 饮(吃)过量的, 暴饮暴食的 | crapy | 皱褶的

Forensically, we can't prove if Mel took the digoxin overdose:从法医的角度来看 我们不能证明梅尔 是自己服药过量的

What is the evidence telling you?|那些证据你们 ... | Forensically, we can't prove if Mel took the digoxin overdose|从法医的角度来看 我们不能证明梅尔 是自己服药过量的 | or if she forced it on him.|还是她...

one too many:多余的一个; [美口]过量的酒

one or two 一两个, 几个 | one too many 多余的一个; [美口]过量的酒 | one too many for sb. 胜过; 非...所能敌