英语人>词典>汉英 : 边界 的英文翻译,例句
边界 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
border  ·  borderline  ·  bound  ·  boundaries  ·  boundary  ·  bounding  ·  frontier  ·  limit  ·  limitations  ·  limits  ·  march  ·  mete  ·  outskirt  ·  verge  ·  marched  ·  marches  ·  meted  ·  metes  ·  meting  ·  verged  ·  verges  ·  verging  ·  borde  ·  frontiers  ·  limites

foul line
更多网络例句与边界相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The result shows that the mixed boundary condition can greatly reduce the calculation area without affecting accuracy of the solution.It is followed by the higher accuracy of Dirichlet boundary condition which makes the boundary error greater when measured points is near the boundary, so we must take a sufficiently large border region.The homogeneous boundary condition has relatively large error, but the use of non-triangle poles devices makes apparent resistivity calculation error become small, because of elimination of the effect on potential difference for the infinite boundary. In inversion, in order to save computing time, homogeneous boundary conditions are often used to perform finite element forward calculation.


There are series of papers studying the solvability of an incompressible, viscous, instationary fluid contained in a domian bounded entirely by a free surface. In 1977, Solonnikov proved its local solvability in a Holder space for any initial date but without surface tension. In 1984, he considered the same problem in a Sobolev space with surface tension being taken into account. In I992, Mogilevskii and Solonnikov treated the same problem in a Holder space, where the coefficient of surface tension is not a constant. There are also short-time existence results for the solvability of an incompressible, vicous, unsteady fluid bounded above by a free surface and below by a fixed bottom which approach horizontal planes at infinity. In 1981, Beale proved its local solvability in a Sobolev space for any initial date but without surface tension. In 1983, Allain were concerned with the same problem in R〓 with surface tension but under the assumption that the initial fluid domain was near a horizontal strip. In 1987, he obtained the same result without the preceding assumption. In 1996, Tani solved the same problem in R with surface tension. For the solvability of an incompressible viscous instationary fluid in Ω R bounded inside by a free surface S and outside by a rotating boundary S, in 1995 Ciuperca proved its local existence in a Sobolev space for any initial date but without surface tension. In this paper, we consider the same problem with surface tension.


The boundary contour formulations of evaluatingstresses from the Somigliana stress identity are derived for 2-D problemswith quadratic boundary elements.The boundary contour method basedon the traction boundary integral equation is further discussed.Elasticproblems are first solved using the traction boundary contour method.Amixed collocation of the displacement boundary contour formulation andtraction boundary contour formulation is given.(4)The dual boundarycontour method is developed for the analysis of crack problems.


Compared with the initial value problems of scalar conservation laws with smooth flux function, the global weak entropy solutions for the initial-boundary value problems of scalar conservation laws with weak discontinuous flux function include the following new interaction types: a rarefaction wave collides with the boundary and is absorbed compltetely or partially by the boundary; a rarefaction wave collides with the boundary and the boundary will reflect a contact or non-contact shock wave; a contact or non-contact shock wave collides with the boundary and is absorbed by the boundary; a contact or non-contact shock wave collides with the boundary and a new non-contact shock will rebound from the boundary simultaneously or later.


It is the first important step in video analysis and will directly affects the effectiveness of indexing Shot boundary detection is one of our major research interests and we will tackle the following existing problems the ambiguity between gradual change and camera motion, the discontinuity during gradual change, false detection caused by illumination variation and flashlight, automatic threshold selection Firstly, we discuss shot boundary detection in non-compressed domain In chapter 2, we compare some of the commonly used detection methods which are based on frame difference and point out that single feature will not generate good results As a conclusion, we use fuzzy logic to combine multiple features Presently, most frame difference based shot boundary detection algorithms rely on threshold and hence the selection of such thresholds will greatly affect the performance of boundary detection We propose a membership function to define frame difference and calculate the membership with self adaptation according to the statistic distribution of frame differences to satisfy different type of video clips Experiments show that the proposed fuzzy shot boundary detection algorithm can be used with different video types and has a high detection precision and recall In chapter 3, we discuss model-based shot boundary detection algorithms regarding chromatic and spatial editing effects such as fade-in, fade-out, dissolve and wipe Various parameters are proposed to better describe the characteristics of each editing type.


As the application of the intermediate models is concerned, the works applying the intermediate models to investigate the topographic boundary layer, frontogenesis and low-level frontal structures, and the boundary layer jet are summarized in this article. It is mainly focused on the dynamic characteristics of the Ekman layer and its effect on the low-level structure and circulation of the weather systems illustrated by the models. It is shown that the intermediate boundary-layer models have great potential in illustrating the low level structures of the weather and climate systems as they are coupled with the free atmospheric models.


Assign the Boundary conditions 5,设置边界条件 A natural air cooling heat Boundary condition will be applied all around the sand box, a velocity Boundary condition will be applied and a temperature Boundary condition will be imposed to some nodes of the top surface of the down sprue.


Tz = 2Gk q 即 z = 2Gk q /T 40 Suppose the volume between membrane and the boundary plane is V, and we notice that 2 ∫∫ d x d y = M Then we have Thereby we have q qM V =∫∫ zdxdy =∫∫ dxdy = 2GTk 4GTk M 2 Gk = 2V q /T From τ zx =τ xz =, y z 2Gk τ zx /= y q / T τ z y =τ yz = x 41 Moreover, we get 设薄膜及其边界平面之间的体积为V,并注意到 2 ∫∫ d x d y = M 则有从而有由又可得 q qM V =∫∫ zdxdy =∫∫ dxdy = 2GTk 4GTk M 2 Gk = 2V q /T τ zx =τ xz =, y z 2Gk τ zx /= y q / T τ z y =τ yz = x 42 Adjust the pressure q of which the membrane is under, and make the rights of formulas,, equal to one, then we can gain some conclusions as follows:(1) The stress function of wringed pole equals to the uprightness angle of the membrane (2) The torsion M which wringed pole received equals to two times of the volume between the membrane and the boundary plane.

o b y a x 43 调整薄膜所受的压力q,使得,,三式等号的右边为1,则可得出如下结论:(1)扭杆的应力函数等于薄膜的垂度z。(2)扭杆所受的扭矩M等于该薄膜及其边界平面之间的体积的两倍。

A novel method used for segmentation of nucleus is proposed: filter the origin image with the median filter in both horizontal and vertical direction, which has a fairly wide window size, in order to reduce the infection of the noise and impurity; in both direction, use the threshold combined with the technology of finding the peak in local area to detect the real nucleus edge, and thus minimize the non-nucleus edge; also in both direction, let the border growing respectively using the type information; thereafter, weed the short border and link the border together to segment the nucleus, exploiting the convex character and border type.


Apply Barro to return to equation to combine gravitational model to arrived 1995 to area of economy of sea of the Huaihe River the side effect between 2005 undertook ration determines, reach Sulu pleaseds Anhui 4 provinces side effect is existing unifinication border and alienation border 2 sort, unifinication border includes Su Lu border, Su Wan border, Yu Wan alienation of attrib border; border includes Lu Yu border, Lu Wan attrib border He Suyu is attrib border.


更多网络解释与边界相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



dirichlet boundary condition:狄利克雷边界条件

狄利克雷边界条件 在数学中,狄利克雷边界条件(Dirichlet boundary condition)也被称为常微分方程或偏微分方程的"第一类边界条件",指定微分方程的解在边界处的值.

boundary layer:边界层

边界边界层(boundary layer)是高雷诺数绕流中紧贴物面的粘性力不可忽略的流动薄层,又称流动边界层、附面层. 这个概念由近代流体力学的奠基人,德国人Ludwig Prandtl于(边界边界层(boundary layer)是高雷诺数绕流中紧贴物面的粘性力不可忽略的流动薄层,

boundary value:边界值

边界值 boundary value--通过分析输入或输出变量的边界或等价划分(equivalence partition)的边界来设计测试用例,例如,取变量的最大、最小值、中间值、比最大值大的值、比最小值小的值等. 边界值覆盖(boundary value coverage) -- 执行一个测试套件(test suite)所能覆盖的边界值(boundary value)的百分比.

boundary value coverage:边界值覆盖 (通过测试用例,测试组件等价类的所有边界值)

Boundary value 边界值 | Boundary value coverage 边界值覆盖 (通过测试用例,测试组件等价类的所有边界值) | Boundary value testing 边界值测试 (通过边界值分析方法来生成测试用例的一种测试策略)

boundary value testing:边界值测试 (通过边界值分析方法来生成测试用例的一种测试策略)

Boundary value coverage 边界值覆盖 (通过测试用例,测试组件等价类的所有边界值) | Boundary value testing 边界值测试 (通过边界值分析方法来生成测试用例的一种测试策略) | Boundary value Analysis 边界值分析

boundary value analysis:边界值分析

边界值分析(Boundary Value Analysis)技术扩展了对等价类中起始和末尾输入值可能性的分析.输入输出数据中很大百分比的功能性错误都发生在这些边界上,或这些边界值的周围.介绍了边界值分析的基本概念和测试用例设计原则,以某考试系统的评分模块为背景,

outer boundary:外边界

Polygon:多边形的边界是由线环(LinearRing)所构成,且区分成外边界(outer boundary)及内边界(inner boundary),内边界可以有多个但彼此不能交叉及包含,且边界点的顺序是顺时针或逆时针并不重要.

boundary sets:边界集 边界集

boundary 边界 边界 | boundary sets 边界边界集 | bounding 边(框) 边界

boundary sets:边界集 边界集 qij开思网

boundary 边界 边界 qij开思网 | boundary sets 边界边界集 qij开思网 | bounding 边(框) 边界框 qij开思网