英语人>词典>汉英 : 辱骂 的英文翻译,例句
辱骂 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
abuse  ·  blackguard  ·  revile  ·  revilement  ·  setdown  ·  slang  ·  taunt  ·  taunting  ·  vituperate  ·  vituperation  ·  bemean  ·  reviling  ·  snash  ·  abused  ·  abuses  ·  abusing  ·  blackguarded  ·  blackguarding  ·  blackguards  ·  reviled  ·  reviles  ·  slanged  ·  slanging  ·  slangs  ·  taunted  ·  taunts  ·  vituperated  ·  vituperates  ·  vituperating

更多网络例句与辱骂相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Gradually, PE specialists like Abbie Flanagan, who works full time at Lincoln, have convinced the children that offering each other support, praise, even guidance, is preferable to name-calling.


To assail with abusive language; vituperate.

谩骂,辱骂:用谩骂的语言攻击;辱骂参见 scold

Satire is not vituperation or stealthy vituperation.


Some people insult her are the world worst women, said that she is " sticks the heart governor to cause, to narrow the item of holy ghost emperor ", the left austere political Taiwan censor records the prophet to defend empress's dignity, then arrests the vituperator is put in prison, requested under her the aim severe punishment, after Wu Zetian listens, instead smiled was saying:"so long as the civil and military hundred official duties law is incorruptible, the fulfilling duty potency, how can it be that does fear others to say this and that does not punish, puts him."


Not rendering evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but on the contrary blessing one another, because you were called to this, that you might inherit blessing.

3:9 不以恶报恶,或以辱骂辱骂,倒要祝福,因你们是为此蒙召,好叫你们承受福分。

Not rendering evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but on the contrary blessing one another, because you were called to this, that you might inherit blessing.

彼前 3:9 和合本不以恶报恶,以辱骂辱骂,倒要祝福;因你们是为此蒙召,好叫你们承受福气。

Do not repay evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but on the contrary, bless, for to this you were called, that you may obtain a blessing.


I have heard the reproaching of Moab And the revilings of the children of Ammon, By which they have reproached My people And magnified themselves against their border.

2:8 我听见摩押人的辱骂,和亚扪人的毁谤,就是辱骂我的百姓,自夸自大,侵犯他们的境界。

Whosoever reviles the Enlightened One, or a disciple of the Buddha, recluse or a householder — know him as an outcast.


I have heard the revilings uttered by Moab, and the insults of the Ammonites, When they reviled my people and made boasts against their territory.


更多网络解释与辱骂相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


blase 厌于享乐的 | blaspheme 辱骂 | blasphemer 辱骂


atone赎罪 | blaspheme亵渎,辱骂 | blasphemer亵渎者,辱骂

blaspheme:亵渎, 咒骂, 辱骂

blase | 厌烦于享乐的 | blaspheme | 亵渎, 咒骂, 辱骂 | blasphemer | 亵渎者, 辱骂


blaspheme 辱骂 | blasphemer 辱骂者 | blast 胚叶


blaspheme亵渎,辱骂 | blasphemer亵渎者,辱骂者 | blasphemous渎神的,辱骂的,侮慢的


blasphemer亵渎者,辱骂者 | blasphemous渎神的,辱骂的,侮慢的 | blasphemy亵渎,亵渎神明的言词(或行为)

Curse of Enslavement:奴役辱骂 (即四代催眠)

Curse of Blindness 失明辱骂 | Curse of Enslavement 奴役辱骂 (即四代催眠) | Curse of the Netherworld 冥府辱骂 (即四代凶险之言,Unholy Word)

Curse of Enslavement:拘束辱骂 (即四代催眠)

Curse of Blindness 失明辱骂 | Curse of Enslavement 拘束辱骂 (即四代催眠) | Curse of the Netherworld 冥府辱骂 (即四代凶恶之言,Unholy Word)

revilement:辱骂; 诽谤 (名)

revile 辱骂, 谩骂; 痛斥; 辱骂, 谩骂 (动) | revilement 辱骂; 诽谤 (名) | reviler 谩骂者 (名)


它们所拥有的魔法辱骂(Taunt)也是十分有用的技能,在辱骂时,山丘巨人必须站在那里,不能做其他事情. 当山丘巨人使用辱骂时,有效范围内的敌人全部都会忽略其他目标转而攻击这个山丘巨人. 这为弓箭手从后面撕碎敌人提供了相当有效的肉盾.