英语人>词典>汉英 : 辗转 的英文翻译,例句
辗转 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
flounder  ·  toss  ·  floundering  ·  floundered  ·  flounders  ·  tossed  ·  tosses

更多网络例句与辗转相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The numerical algorithm based on theories of projecting and Laguerre,such as homology,circular points and ω of absolute conic is established,an iterative elimination method is applied to boost the nonlinear problem solving.


Worn with pain, and weak from the prolonged hardships which I had undergone, I was removed, with a great train of wounded sufferers, to the base hospital at Peshawar.


The rituals of Chinese business -- backdoor deals and late, boozy nights at karaoke bars -- made him feel like his life was 'polluted,' he says. He says that his lifestyle made him fat, and that he would go out and 'drink until I was red in the face.


Is thrown into jail for the escape, Xien · the Burse wass can not but go through many places to the Japanese Tokyo.


At last, we get some messages, cardiopathy bring to her life.


I am 43. I came to nursing circuitously, following a brief career as an English professor.


Her young life was spent in concert halls across Europe and North America, but Autumn grew bored of formal education before her teenage years set in. She attended the well-respected Colburn School of Performing Arts by her 10th birthday and there, she befriended famed violinist Nigel Kennedy.

她的童年是在欧洲和北美的音乐厅的演出中度过的,频繁的演出和辗转使她对正规教育产生了逆反心理,于是在她10岁时决定放弃学业进入著名的Colburn School of Performing Arts学习自己喜爱的音乐,在那里,她结识了著名小提琴家Nigel Kennedy并和他成了好友。

How many times had his refractory thoughts rattled convulsively in his throat, under the evidence of duty!


Rotate;do sth.in turn; cyclic order take turns


After being sold to an Egyptian property owner and serving a brief stint in prison, he uses his dream-reading abilities to secure an interview with the Pharoah who is so impressed with the young man that he immediately appoints him Minister of Agriculture.


更多网络解释与辗转相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

algorithm of division:辗转相除法

algorithm 算法 | algorithm of division 辗转相除法 | algorithm of euclid 欧几里得算法

division algorithm:辗转相除法

division algebra 可除代数 | division algorithm 辗转相除法 | division of a line segment 线段的分割

division algorithm:除法算则;辗转相除法

除(法) division | 可除代数 division algebra | 除法算则;辗转相除法 division algorithm

Euclid algorithm:欧几 得演算法,辗转相除法

estim ation 估计,估算 | Euclid algorithm 欧几 得演算法,辗转相除法 | Euclid axiom 欧几 得公理


jacksonian epilepsy 杰克逊癫痫 | jactation 辗转不安 | janitor 幽门


jactation 辗转不安 | jactitation 辗转不安 | jactitator 冒充者

My organs move like a squirm of eels:内脏辗转蠕动像滑溜的鳗鱼

My eyes have been vacuum-sealed 眼睛干燥得跟真空包装似的 | My organs move like a squirm of eels 内脏辗转蠕动像滑溜的鳗鱼 | We should be more adventurous with our meals 也许我们应该对每一餐更有冒险精...

I would shiver the whole night through:你可知我辗转整夜,只因不知你去向何方

Where the sun don't ever shine 那太阳永远无法照亮的地方 | I would shiver the whole night through 你可知我辗转整夜,只因不知你去向何方 | Her husband, was a hard working man 那可怜的苦力,是她的丈夫吧

stack unwinding:栈辗转开解

我们现在能高枕无忧了,无论session对象是不是在堆栈辗转开解(stack unwinding)中被释放,terminate函数都不会被调用. 综上所述,我们知道禁止异常传递到析构函数外有两个原因,第一能够在异常转递的堆栈辗转开解(stack-unwinding)的过程中,

stack unwinding:堆叠辗转开解(此词用於 exception 主题) 栈辗转开解

stack 堆叠 栈 | stack unwinding 堆叠辗转开解(此词用於 exception 主题) 栈辗转开解 * | standard library 标准程式库