英语人>词典>汉英 : 辅助程序 的英文翻译,例句
辅助程序 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与辅助程序相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

By use of some atom parameters in optical-field-ionized plasmas obtained from the extended Cowan program based on Maxwell to suit any electron distribution with the help of additional program, the peak gain coefficient of Ni-like Kr system is calculated for the ion densities of 1×10 17 cm -3 and 3.2×10 17 cm -3 respectively after considering Doppler broadening and natural broadening.


Which versions of any supplementary programs you're using, and how you invoked them.


The computer aided automatic programming technique is to make use of computer to produce numerical control program so as to solve the basic contradiction of the numerical control machine's high-speed and high-efficiency and the complex, lowly efficient and the mistakable manual procedure.


It either can be started by fault diagnosis, which can assist to make decision after accident, or can be started by static security analysis of the power system, which can be used to make the accident prefiguration and compile the fault preview.


Based on the previous research achievements in this field, structure nonlinear theory about inelastic beam-column element, sliding bearing element and contact element, are studied in this dissertation. As a result, finite element models suitable for large scale structure are intruduced and a program for seismic analysis of bridge system is developed on the basis of DRAIN-3DX program.


However, various algorithms of MFD have a common shortcoming, that is, the initial iteration point must be feasible, so an auxiliary procedure must be considered for finding an initial feasible point, i.e., a system of nonlinear inequalities must be solved before using the method of feasible directions, which is not easy to be finished in generally, especially for large scale problems.


Assistive applications interact with your application and allow people with disabilities to use it.


The program can also check if the lead screw meets the requirement of NC machine tools.

本文提出了用Visual C++语言开发辅助程序,可进行丝杠螺母的设计选型,并且进行相应的校核,从而快速选定满足机床要求的丝杠螺母副。

In addition, many vendors of software has its own characteristics, such as the IBM-assisted procedures for the network configuration Access Connections, power management software Battery MaxiMiser, Sony power management using PowerPanel, DV editing software acquisition Movie Shaker, browser cool picture Visual Flow, TOSHIBA can deploy the system and hardware settings, password settings, and energy control procedures, such as machine control panel, these features give users the software is not only easy to use, but also a greater extent to help users use the good hands of the machine, thereby effective performance of the original machine, of course, should be installed.

此外,许多厂商都有自己的特色软件,如 IBM 的网络配置辅助程序 Access Connections 、电源管理软件 Battery MaxiMiser , Sony 电源管理用的 PowerPanel 、 DV 采集编辑软件 Movie Shaker 、超酷的图片浏览器 Visual Flow ,以及 TOSHIBA 可以调配系统硬件设置、密码设置和节能控制的整机控制台程序等,这些特色软件不仅能给用户带来使用上的便捷,还能帮助用户更大限度地使用好手中的机器,从而有效发挥出机器原有的效能,当然值得安装使用。

This article includes but not limited those below:to admit the comparativeindependency of ship arrest procedure,to strength the protection of the procedure,to re-arrange the relations among ship arrest,maritime injunction and preservation of maritimeevidence in order that the two ones latter can service former one better, to better the law asto restrain the abuse of convenience flag by ship-owners.


更多网络解释与辅助程序相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bootstrap amplifier:阴极输出放大器, 辅助程序放大器

complex connected domain 复连通域 | bootstrap amplifier 阴极输出放大器, 辅助程序放大器 | Aldurbra 阿尔杜布拉铝黄铜

CAID ComputerAssistedIndexingandCategorizing:计算机辅助索引分类

CAIRS ComputerAssistedIndexProgram 计算机辅助索引程序 | CAID ComputerAssistedIndexingandCategorizing 计算机辅助索引分类 | CAIS ComputerAssistedIndustrialSimulation 计算机辅助工业仿真

CAPER ComputerAidedPatternEvaluationandRecognition:计算机辅助的图样评估与识别

CAPP ComputerAidedPartitioningProgram 计算机辅助分区程序 | CAPER ComputerAidedPatternEvaluationandRecognition 计算机辅助的图样评估与识别 | CAPI ComputerAidedPerspective 计算机辅助透视

CAPP ComputerAidedPartitioningProgram:计算机辅助分区程序

CANET ComputerAidedNetworkEngineering 计算机辅助网络工程 | CAPP ComputerAidedPartitioningProgram 计算机辅助分区程序 | CAPER ComputerAidedPatternEvaluationandRecognition 计算机辅助的图样评估与识别

background program:辅助程序;后台程序

background processor 后台处理机 | background program 辅助程序;后台程序 | background radiation 本底辐射

programmed learning:程序辅助学习

programmed keyboard 程序键盘 | programmed learning 程序辅助学习 | programmed logic 程序控制逻辑

SAB SecondaryApplicationBlock:辅助应用程序块

SAVVYSEARCH SecondaryAddressVectorTable 二级地址向量表 | SAB SecondaryApplicationBlock 辅助应用程序块 | SCU SecondaryControlUnit 二级控制器

Assistive Technology Program:辅助技术程序

ASCII, American Standard Code for Information Interchange / 美国信息交换标准码 | Assistive Technology Program / 辅助技术程序 | asymmetric encryption / 非对称加密

debugged program:调试程序

debug 排除故障 | debugged program 调试程序 | debugging aids 调试辅助程序

red-tape operation:程序修改,辅助操作

redress 调整,纠正 | red-tape operation 程序修改,辅助操作 | reduce 减少,降低,复位,还原