英语人>词典>汉英 : 轻快的 的英文翻译,例句
轻快的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
agile  ·  airy  ·  jaunty  ·  light  ·  rakish  ·  springy  ·  tripping  ·  volatile  ·  lithesome  ·  sprightful  ·  trotty  ·  airier  ·  jauntier  ·  springier  ·  airiest  ·  briskest  ·  volante

更多网络例句与轻快的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I Turn away before he can utter an apology and walk briskly back to the bleachers.


Reflexes were slightly brisker on the right then the left.


I walked briskly for 25 minutes, although my knees ache slightly now.


He looked up, and the man in brown was again walking briskly away.


She ran giddily on, and with the lively gestures explained how she would alter the hangings, the seatsDeverything, in fact


To give or have the effect of melody; lilt.


At the beginning, it was Nicolas' writing style of elegance and springiness that arrested me.


There arises tranquillity of mind with the characteristic of quietening the disturbances of consciousness and its mental concomitants; and along with it appear mental agility, etc.29 When walking, standing, sitting, or reclining there is, under the influence of these mental qualities, no disturbance of consciousness and its mental concomitants, nor heaviness, rigidity, unwieldiness, sickness, or crookedness.30 Rather, his consciousness and its mental concomitants are tranquil through having reached the supreme relief in non-action.31 They are agile in always functioning swiftly; they are pliant in being able to attend to any object desired; they are wieldy, in being able to attend to an object for any length of time desired; they are quite lucid through their proficiency, that is, through the ease with which insight penetrates the object; they are also straight through being directed, inclined, and turned only towards wholesome activities.


An easy lilting stride; the flute broke into a light lilting air; a swinging pace; a graceful swingy walk; a tripping singing measure.


This is because the body more readily assimilates the protein, fat and carbohydrates you consume.


更多网络解释与轻快的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


一个非常瘦弱轻快的(agile)的人可能,通过观察他在一连串长条中的映像(reflection in arapid sequence of longitudinal strips),可以获得他长相的一个恰好准确的概念.

birdlike:似鸟的 敏捷轻快的

birdlife | 鸟类生活 (一地区的)鸟类 | birdlike | 似鸟的 敏捷轻快的 | birdlime | 粘鸟胶


precisely#正确地;严密的 | briskly#轻快的;敏捷的 | impressively#令人难忘地


cotidal /同潮的/ | cotillion /一种活泼轻快的舞/ | cotillon /一种活泼轻快的舞/


cotillion /一种活泼轻快的舞/ | cotillon /一种活泼轻快的舞/ | cotoneaster /车轮棠/


1973 - James Blunt (听了开头就会喜欢的) | 1234 - Feist (很有吸引力的女声,很轻快的曲风) | Tell me - Wonder girls (韩国新组合成名曲)


lilt 轻快活泼的调子 | lilt 唱轻快的调子 | lily 百合

and grow high. His cutter's lilt:和长高的田野. 他的镰刀的轻快的歌唱

that kept no purpose but to be open 别无意图,只为开放 | and grow high. His cutter's lilt, 和长高的田野. 他的镰刀的轻快的歌唱, | the tilt and torsion, was his father's. 倾斜,扭转,源自祖父.

lively; sprightly:活泼的;轻快的

crisp mountain air清爽的山间空气 | 4) lively; sprightly: 活泼的;轻快的: | music with a crisp rhythm 节奏轻快的音乐

no longer Standfast:演唱的 还是我喜欢的风格,轻快的曲风

3.I Think of You Tata Young 演唱的,耐人寻味的 | 4.no longer Standfast演唱的 还是我喜欢的风格,轻快的曲风. | 5.so i see Lene Marlin演唱的,比较喜欢前奏,很杠的感觉,一听就有劲