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软件 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
software  ·  SW

更多网络例句与软件相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Programming, Discrete Mathematics, Data Structures and Algorithms, Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Operating Systems, Compiler Principles and Practice, Computer Networks, Computer System Architecture, Embedded Systems and Applications, Database Systems and Applications, Formal Language and Automata, Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Introduction to Computer Graphics, Software System Design, Software Project Management, etc.


And the success that Gai Ci's Windows and king Jiang Min KV kill poisonous series, direct and the nerve of the persistent person that stimulated software programmer, venture capital investment and channel businessman, arrived the network times nowadays, the relevant product of software and software had brought up golden hill, east soft, medium soft, wait for us with division of Linux of star of friendly, Jin Die, luck, red flag, rich the software company of flatter oneself a person of extraordinary powers, plus associate of computer " happy home " the composing system with Founder, and a large number of medium or small the software of of all kinds education that software company develops independently, game software and application software etc, basically be the current situation of industry of our country software.

而盖兹的 Windows 和王江民 KV 杀毒系列的成功,直接而且持续的刺激了软件程序员、风险投资者和渠道商人的神经,到了如今的网络时代,软件软件的相关产品已经造就了金山、东软、中软、用友、金蝶、瑞星、红旗 Linux、博科等我们自以为豪的软件企业,再加上联想电脑的"幸福之家"和方正的排版系统,以及大量中小型软件公司自主开发的各类教育软件、游戏软件和应用软件等等,基本上就是我们国家软件产业的现状。

Firstly, the background and the significant of the research is discussed, modern software engineering and its development is also outlined, and the present states and the reason of using the modern software engineering in power systems are also analyzed. Secondly, related theories and methods of the modern software engineering are systematically given in details, which establish the basis of the software development with the software engineering in power systems. Thirdly, the necessity of the developed power system software with the software engineering is analyzed deeply and the key techniques in carrying out the software development with the software engineering are discussed. Based on these, a concrete approach about the software development with the software engineering is proposed. And then, the software design process of 'GPS synchronous monitoring system of Hunan power grid'is given to demonstrate the utilization of the approach proposed. Subsequently, quality and efficiency of the software is analyzed, which indicates the validity of the method used. At last, the main work and fruitage of the thesis is concluded, and the further research is also pointed out.

论文首先论述了课题研究的背景和意义,概述了现代软件工程及其发展,分析了现代软件工程在电力系统中的应用现状及其原因;然后系统地阐述了现代软件工程的相关理论和方法,奠定了电力系统软件工程化开发的理论基础;接着分析了电力系统软件工程化开发的必要性,探讨了实施工程化开发涉及到的关键技术,结合现代软件工程的理论和方法,提出了一种电力系统软件工程化开发的具体方法;之后以湖南电力系统状态GPS 同步监测系统软件的开发为例,详细地阐述了该工程化方法在电力系统软件开发中的具体实践过程,并分析了软件开发的结果,指出了该方法是解决软件开发质量和效率问题的有效途径;论文最后对主要工作和成果进行了总结,并指出了有待进一步开展的工作。

Access letter Level-2 stock indicators Wang software by the wealth of cultural dissemination from research and development center, with excellent integration of 2533 targets, operational targets, you do not need the advanced theory of the stock, we can correct operation, is really a fool-software stocks ; Column in the software tools, real-time foreign exchange Po, Fu won the dynamic, on-line television P2, a new global financial services, daily newspapers and magazines, electronic drawing pen, tools such as the capture function, and there are different tools for the user to stay up Ten extension workers, users can demand their own favorite software integrated into this software; software in the time-sharing plans, we have for you, the unit integrates Web site associated important, as long as the user to enter a stock The time-sharing plans, in the lower left alone to win the rich picture, the rich win, win dynamic rich, L2 data, DDE indicators, time-DDE, Panorama, a unified stock market, stock news, and other sites associated with the unit, as long as the user clicks The Unit will be able to view information; software in the "services" tab also integrates with hundreds of well-known financial Web sites and video for users searching for financial information, data-rich win, the fund market, the Financial Video , Financial News, and other related content.


Including the site Prevaricator,趣味软件 to introduce information about the text, links and software to download screenshots.

包括本站 Prevaricator,趣味软件介绍资料,说明文字,下载链接和软件截图。

Opening source software actually is not freeware or public domain software, software opening a source has the protects intellectual property method of its oneself, that gives every software opening a source to gift namely source software licence, when every software opening a source is being released, this software permits the licence of accredit and its specification, the person that in order to is used to sequel is clear whether undertake use to this software, revise and republication.


Including the site EPIM Synchronizer,办公软件 to introduce information about the text, links and software to download screenshots.

包括本站 EPIM Synchronizer,办公软件介绍资料,说明文字,下载链接和软件截图。

Including the site 硕鼠版深山红叶+ERD,办公软件 to introduce information about the text, links and software to download screenshots.


The downward trend of piracy rate can be attributed to: the preinstallation of licensed software by PC makers; deep price cut of popular software such as Microsoft; rapid distribution of free word processing and anti-virus software, such as WPS and 360; more sales channels convenient for consumers; the reduction of reinstalling times by licensed software..


Since the hundreds years passed, the religionary culture has an indirect and essential influence on the development of software industry, such as Hinduism and the Caste system. Most of the people in India have a tendency to regard the


更多网络解释与软件相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

application software:应用软件

1计算机软件与应用程序 计算机软件是由各种程序语言所编写完成的,如果从程序设计功能与层次来区分,计算机软件可以分为"系统软件"(System Software)与"应用软件"(Application Software)两大类,如图1.1所示.

Software Engineering:软件工程 [软件工程]

什么是软件工程 软件工程(software engineering)的框架可概括为:目标、过程和原则. (1)软件工程目标:生产具有正确性、可用性以及开销合宜的产品. 正确性指软件产品达到预期功能的程度. 可用性指软件基本结构、实现及文档为用户可用的程度.


软件自由日是"自由与开源软件"(FOSS)的一年一度的全球性的庆祝活动,以期提高公众对开源软件的认知,宣扬开源软件的优势,激励人们对开源软件的使用. Sun是2008软件自由日的一个正式赞助商,它对开源社团和技术做出承诺,


1.2 自由软件 自由软件(freeware)又称免费软件,由国外类似活动中freeware一词转译而来,指经软件作者同意或软件版权所有者授权,免费提供给用户的非商业性质的软件产品.

software handshaking:软件握手, 用同步软件安排计算机通讯资料传输的手段 (计算机用语)

software engineering 软件工程 | software handshaking 软件握手, 用同步软件安排计算机通讯资料传输的手段 (计算机用语) | software license 软件执照, 软件开发人对买方权利责任定义的合约 (计算机用语)

Software life cycle:软件生命周期

软件测试(Software testing)是软件生命周期(Software life cycle)中的一个重要阶段,是软件质量保证的关键步骤. 目的是为了检验软件系统是否满足需求. 一、引言作为软件开发的重要环节,软件测试越来越受到人们的重视. 随着软件开发规模的增大、复杂程度的增加,

Software life cycle:软件生存期

为了保证一个软件系统的质量,有必要针对软件的测试与可靠性评估方法进行专门地研究. 本文就是针对这一领域所做的一些研究. 一.软件测试的定义 软件测试(Software testing)是软件生存期(Software life cycle)中的一个重要阶段,是软件质量保证的关键...

software reuse:软件重用

软件重用(Software Reuse)已经深入人心,早在1968年的NATO软件工程会议上就已经提出可复用库的思想. 软件重用,又称软件复用或软件再用,它的定义也很多,比较权威和通用的一种是:软件重用是利用事先建立好的软件部产品创建新软件系统的过程. 这个定义蕴含着软件重用所必须包含的两个方面:

software:软件 軟件


Technical Trader:贸易软件下载软件工程软件下载破解软件下载软件园软件之家下载

Structural Mechanics 结构力学 | Technical Trader 贸易软件下载软件工程软件下载破解软件下载软件软件之家下载softwaredownload | 结构动力学分析软件MSC.Dytran