英语人>词典>汉英 : 转换 的英文翻译,例句
转换 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
changeover  ·  changing  ·  conversion  ·  convert  ·  converting  ·  shift  ·  switch  ·  switched  ·  transform  ·  transformations  ·  transition  ·  transversion  ·  converts  ·  shifted  ·  shifts  ·  transformed  ·  transforms  ·  translating  ·  sw  ·  switchover  ·  transduce

throw-over · changing-over
更多网络例句与转换相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Convertible debenture loan investment 可转换债券贷款投资 convertible release (of 18% currency) Release by Bank member of its 18% currency for lending or relending, with permission granted to the Bank to exchange the 18% currency for the currency of any other member.


According to the demand of high magnetic field power supply, reference is increased with a set ramp rate and stops at a set stable value, so reference system is composed of digital setting and digit to analog converting circuit. But the stability of reference is mostly guaranteed by the performance of D/A circuit, so D/A circuit is particularly studied in reference system. The scheme of D/A circuit, the selection of DAC and its voltage reference, hardware anti-jamming design and PCB design are discussed in detail, and software of remote control and PLC are discussed in brief. Zero-flux DC current transformer well satisfies the demands of the high stability of Load current detection unit, so the principle of zero-flux DC current transformer is analyzed; in the mean time a project which detects the long term stability is designed. During 8 hours, analog signal which is detected with high precision digit multimeter is recorded in computer at 1HZ frequency by GPIB communication. The drift error source and related parameters are explained in the compare-amplify part. Detailed subtraction circuit is designed; also amplifier chip and periphery components are selected and verified according to the theory of error analysis.


Based on some influential theories of the structure analysis of codeswitching, such as free morpheme constraints, equivalent theory and matrix language frame model, and so on, the author puts forward a pattern, which takes the MLF Model as the basic theoretical frame, considers the concrete situations, and divides the Chines-English codeswitching into intrasentential codeswitching, intersentential codeswitching, and diglossia codeswitching.


The Interpretation also lists seven circumstances under which the defendants may be deemed to "cover up or conceal the source and nature of Illegal Gains through other means", which include:(1) aiding and abetting in the Transfer of Illegal Gains through pledge, rent, sale/purchase and investment;(2) aiding and abetting in the Transfer of Illegal Gains by way of commingling with the income of cash-intensive businesses including shops, hotels and entertainment venues;(3) aiding and abetting in converting Illegal Gains into "lawful" assets through fictitious transactions, debts and credits, guarantee and incomes;(4) aiding and abetting in converting Illegal Gains by way of purchasing sweepstake and lottery tickets;(5) aiding and abetting in converting Illegal Gains into gambling proceeds through gambling;(6) aiding and abetting in carrying, transporting or mailing Illegal Gains overseas; and (7) aiding and abetting in the Transfer of Illegal Gains through means other than those set out above.


The fourth part probes into the dynamic transformation mechanism of non-interruptive conversational unit transformation and interruptive conversationalunit transfermation, proposing a mode of information variation during the process of non-interruptive-conversational unit dynamic transfermation and a timing mode of conversational unit transfermaiton. The mode of information variation is then applied to discourse structure analysis and analysis of the types of conversational unit transfermation and non-interruptive conversational unit transfermation with the conversation of two or more persons concerned.


The study of heterogeneous mapping algorithm based on the human eyes space-variant system. According to the "one-one mapping ring" and mapping direction we classify the mapping transformation into two sorts: forward algorithm and reverse algorithm. Based on the general rules of constructing this mapping model linear model and arctangent model are studied and verified.


This paper prepares to probe into the characteristic and regularity of Convertible Bond running in our capital market, to pull Convertible Bond into successful practice by virtue of the link of the theories of Convertible Bond, such as Convertible Bonds factors-planning, the choice of issuing time, the influence to financial structure, pricing-model, etc, and the running situations of the issued Convertible Bond.


This paper prepares to probe into the characteristic and regularity of Convertible Bond running in our capital market, to pull Convertible Bond into successful practice by virtue of the link of the theories of Convertible Bond, such as Convertible Bond's factors-planning, the choice of issuing time, the influence to financial structure, pricing-model, etc, and the running situations of the issued Convertible Bond.


The existences of these discontinuities show obvious regional characteristics that,(1) at the northern Izu-Bonin which is north to latitude of 33°, the SV-P converted phases following the phases from the 660km discontinuity are relatively weak,(2) at the southern part which is south to latitude of 29°, all phases are relatively strong, even some phases' amplitudes are comparative with those from the 660km discontinuity, and (3) at the part of Izu-Bonin between the latitude between 30°and 32°, all converted phases are relatively weak except the clear phases from the 660km discontinuity.


The two-photon absorption cross-sections of these styryl derivatives were determined by Z-scan technique, and the benzothiazolium derivatives exhibited the largest TPA cross-sections (10〓s·cm〓/photon) and the best power limiting ability at high operable incident intensity. The results show that the benzothiazolium derivatives are promising organic compounds as two-photon absorption optical limiting materials. 2. Several organic dyes active to 800nm femtosecond laser with D-π-A structure were designed and synthesized.


更多网络解释与转换相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

affine transformation:仿射转换

一,转换方式介绍 : 六参数仿射转换(Affine transformation) 影像坐标系统与框标座标系统为两平面之间的转换,由於框标座标是右旋座标系统,而影像座标却是左旋的座标系,若采用六参数正形转换时,在同一个比例尺参数下无法进行转换,故采用六...

convertible bond:可转换债券

转换债券(Convertible bond)是由公司发行的、在一般债券上附加期权的一种债务工具. 持有者有权在将来的特定时期内根据某个特定的转换比例将可转换债券转换成该公司发行的股权. 作为一种介于普通债券与普通股票之间的一种新的混合型融资工具,可转换债券在其问世以来的100多

convertible bond:可转换公司债券

转换公司债券(Convertible Bond)是公司发行的一种与股权相联的债券,其持有人可以在规定的期限内,将债券按既定的转换价格、转换比率转换为公司的普通股票.持有人如放弃转换权力,公司必须在债券到期时偿还本金.其发行主体既可以是上市股份公司,


"[5] 隐式转换也称为强制转换(coercion). 有人将显式转换的铸型(cast)译为强制转换,并不准确. [6] 但许多强类型语言对于宽转换(widening conversion)还是允许隐性的,如必要时int可自动转换为float.

conversion rate:转换速率

2) 转换速率(Conversion Rate)是指完成一次从模拟转换到数字的AD转换所需的时间的倒数. 积分型AD的转换时间是毫秒级属低速AD,逐次比较型AD是微秒级属中速AD,全并行/串并行型AD可达到纳秒级. 采样时间则是另外一个概念,是指两次转换的间隔.


单击"编辑"(Edit)>"焊缝"(Weld)>"转换"(Convert). "焊缝转换"(Weld Conversion) 对话框打开. 在"转换到"(Convert To) 下,选取要执行的几何转换类型:如果组件中不含有实焊缝特征,则"转换到"(Convert To) 的缺省设置将是"轻焊"(Light).

To Lower Case:转换为小写 转换为小写

tile vertical 垂直平铺 垂直并排 | to lower case 转换为小写 转换为小写 | to upper case 转换为大写 转换为大写

neutron flux converter:中子流转换器 (热中子转换为快中子的转换器)

中子-电子交互作用 neutron-electron interaction | 中子流转换器 (热中子转换为快中子的转换器) neutron-flux converter | 中子通量准位 neutron-flux level

triggerless transition:(无触发器转换)

360.无触发器转换(triggerless transition)没有明确的事件触发器的转换. 当它离开一个普通状态,就代表一个结束转换,就是说这个转换是被活动的结束而非某个明确的事件所触发. 当它离开一个伪状态,就代表一个转换段,此转换段可被自动通过,

conversion macros:转换宏 转换巨集

conversion function 转换函式 转换函式 | conversion macros 转换转换巨集 | conversion 转换 转换