英语人>词典>汉英 : 转变角度 的英文翻译,例句
转变角度 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
angle  ·  angles

更多网络例句与转变角度相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Movement trajectories of electrons under complex field and state parameters when electrons return to the dielectric surface are obtained by simulation,such as impact energy and return time. Variation laws of electron movement with emergence angle and microwave electromagnetic parameters are also derived. The emergence angle of electron has significant effect on the movement of electron,and there is an emergence angle in which the electron has the maximum trajectory length and impact energy.


Variation laws of electron movement with emergence angle and microwave electromagnetic parameters are also derived. The emergence angle of electron has significant effect on the movement of electron, and there is an emergence angle in which the electron has the maximum trajectory length and impact energy, Impact energy will increase and return time will reduce as increasing the amplitude of electric field, and both parameter would oscillate with the phase of electric field, which can essentially explain that multipactoring electron number oscillates in twice the frequency with the increase of microwave frequency, electron trajectory will change from parabolic-like movement to complex oscillation.


This study describes the multi-facet systematic evolution of the said rural community from 1907 to 2007: from the perspective of ethnic culture, it has changed from a single ethnic cultural community of Yoghur(Ethnic Yugur\'s self-name) ethnic group into a multi-ethnic cultural community with Yoghur ethnic group as the dominating majority and embracing the ethnic groups of Han, Tibetan, Tu, Mongolian and Kazak; from the perspective of language, it has changed from a community where Yoghur and Tibetan languages dominated with the local Chinese dialect and the written Chinese language as the subordinate into one where the local Chinese dialect and the written Chinese language dominate with the Yoghur language as the subordinate; in the perspective of marriage and heirship system, from a parallel operation of two systems (patrilineal heirship for official marriages and matrilineal heirship system for matrimonial forms through the head-wearing ceremony) to monogamy and patrilineal heirship; in the perspective of means of living, from animal husbandry complemented with hand knitting and camel caravan transporting to agricultural farming complemented with animal husbandry and many others; in the perspective of social organization, from a traditional tribe to a modern country society; in the perspective of political system and social management, from the customs-authority management which combined the dominating headman hereditary system under the tribal union of an imperial dynasty and the subordinating elite influence, to the resource-interest management of party-government departmental system under the ethnic minority autonomy of a nation state; in the perspective of religious faith, from a coexistence of the Gelug Tibetan Buddhism and Shamanism and the devout ancestor worship to the currently prevalent ancestor worship with religions declining and faith weakening; in the perspective of education, from the local-knowledge-oriented education to an official-knowledge-oriented education, in which modern schooling has become the major educational organization instead of the former traditional temple education; the school has replaced the temple as the "knowledge-culture" communication center; at least in the minds of the local people the central role of family education during the children\'s cultural development has also been replaced by schooling.


When it's not logistically possible to take a personal break, a shift in perspective can be valuable.


This thesis presents a review of Schopenhauerism from the subjectivity point of view. By assigning the irrational will as the subject, Schopenhauerism changes the nature of subjectivity, and transfers the rational subjectivity guided by rational factors to the will subjectivity guided by the irrational factors. That makes for the harmonious development of subjectivity under both rational and irrational effect, therefore effectively keeps the subjectivity from swelling as might result from the mounting of the power of reason, thus illuminates a new way for the development of the thought of subjectivity.


The so-called core-family transformation means the transformation of family relationship from father-son oriented to husband-wife oriented. In the clan era of old China, marriage means supports and assistants to parents and continuity of a clan, while it is the conjugal relation that would be paid more attention to as well as the demand for higher quality of marriage and family life when the transformation has been done. From this point of view, the increasing devoice rate may be not that bad thing.


The author believe that our Party must has hers theory and reality basement to bing forward the geal of Constructing Socialist harmonious society.


E literatures mostly focused on developing or designing the facilitation strategies from the direction of role-transformation of the instructor and learner, but seldomly considered learning interventions from the perspective of system and environment.


From the perspective view of character's description and by the purpose of perspectiving the transition of YuHua writing, this passage tries to disscuss the change of the character's description in the novel from accepting fates to looking for redemption,the display of human behavior from lacking the humanity to revivifying the humanity,and the process of building image fuction from prop to real individual.


This study describes the multi-facet systematic evolution of the said rural community from 1907 to 2007: from the perspective of ethnic culture, it has changed from a single ethnic cultural community of Yoghur(Ethnic Yugur\'s self-name) ethnic group into a multi-ethnic cultural community with Yoghur ethnic group as the dominating majority and embracing the ethnic groups of Han, Tibetan, Tu, Mongolian and Kazak; from the perspective of language, it has changed from a community where Yoghur and Tibetan languages dominated with the local Chinese dialect and the written Chinese language as the subordinate into one where the local Chinese dialect and the written Chinese language dominate with the Yoghur language as the subordinate; in the perspective of marriage and heirship system, from a parallel operation of two systems (patrilineal heirship for official marriages and matrilineal heirship system for matrimonial forms through the head-wearing ceremony) to monogamy and patrilineal heirship; in the perspective of means of living, from animal husbandry complemented with hand knitting and camel caravan transporting to agricultural farming complemented with animal husbandry and many others; in the perspective of social organization, from a traditional tribe to a modern country society; in the perspective of political system and social management, from the customs-authority management which combined the dominating headman hereditary system under the tribal union of an imperial dynasty and the subordinating elite influence, to the resource-interest management of party-government departmental system under the ethnic minority autonomy of a nation state; in the perspective of religious faith, from a coexistence of the Gelug Tibetan Buddhism and Shamanism and the devout ancestor worship to the currently prevalent ancestor worship with religions declining and faith weakening; in the perspective of education, from the local-knowledge-oriented education to an official-knowledge-oriented education, in which modern schooling has become the major educational organization instead of the former traditional temple education; the school has replaced the temple as the "knowledge-culture" communication center; at least in the minds of the local people the central role of family education during the children\'s cultural development has also been replaced by schooling.


更多网络解释与转变角度相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


西方的市场营销学学者在九十年代初即提出,企业要从顾客导向转变为市场导向,必须平衡地从顾客(Cus tomer)、竞争对手(Competitor)及企业(Company)的角度考虑和分析市场营销活动及相关的决策与管理问题,此即3C's模式.


从艺术史角度看,它特指19世纪后期以库尔贝(Courbet Gustave)为代表的一种艺术运动. 这一艺术运动为欧洲近代文化观念转变所催生,针对被当时艺术家(古典主义与浪漫主义者)普遍尊崇的"理想主义"而提出,主张艺术以 "准确而详尽"的形式关注当代社会生活,

Herbert Read:赫伯.里德

"[29]在此期间,蒙特梭利(Montessori Methods)、赫伯.里德(Herbert Read)等一批教育家也不约而同地先后从推进儿童整体智能的角度出发,拓展和探索具有促进儿童身心康复和发展的治疗性艺术教育,使"艺术"在学校教育中的角色发生了转变.


" 现实主义 "(realism)是一个外来词语. 从艺术史角度看,它特指19世纪后期以库尔贝(Courbet Gustave)为代表的一种艺术运动. 这一艺术运动为欧洲近代文化观念转变所催生,针对被当时艺术家(古典主义与浪漫主义者)普遍尊崇的"理想主义"而提出,

Lorenzo Valla:瓦拉

他把这一转变比作西方人文主义的发展,就像劳伦佐.瓦拉(Lorenzo Valla)和埃拉斯姆斯(Erasmus)认为的那样,博学是信念的可靠基础,从语言学角度进行的深入研究将阐明圣经的真谛.

Lepidium sativum:水堇

结果发现,在初始C/N比为15的条件下进行猪粪与木屑混合堆肥,从物质转变的角度来看是可行的,但由于猪粪的比例较大,造成堆肥产品的盐分含量过高(4.10 dS/m),使水堇(Lepidium sativum)种子的发芽及幼苗的生长受到抑制.