英语人>词典>汉英 : 蹒跚学步 的英文翻译,例句
蹒跚学步 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
toddle  ·  toddled  ·  toddles  ·  toddling

更多网络例句与蹒跚学步相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The meaning translation of painting 】one be dominant, the in high spirits big cock take "family"-wife with a flock of young and small kid, under the litchi tree of the laden with large fruit …….


She graduated from £180 white Gucci loafers, bought by her mother before Brogan could even walk, to £475 Jimmy Choo sandals.


The author ever saw with one's own eyes witnesses a child of 2 years old of toddle, the noise as a result of a shoe implement bad already, she to make another shoe gives out noise, when walking exert all one's strength the chela palm of a foot to walk downward, after that calcaneal criterion basically not touchdown, generation giving a person walks one kind " one foot is deep, one base is low " impression, fortunately the author discovers in time, reminded the parent to dismantle noise plant, the pose that the child walks just transforms somewhat.


As a result, babies are encouraged to stand up, toddle and crawl with their parents' help shortly after they are born, and special exercises have been tailored to boost their muscle development at an early stage.


As brothers and sisters, class lady, it seems lover than granddaughters, brothers tournament, all so many seemingly impenetrable father-daughter relations dogged determination to create a "buddy", and that his father, stumble when they learned from her daughter who became the wife at any time and in any place will yearn A floriculturist. The priest who became Miss flourish handholding, and popular preacher, As long as his family continued investment in the early female contribution even unpaid overtime of employees in dire straits.


They also liked a commercial by Leo Burnett, another one of the six biggest, for McDonald's that shows a Chinese toddler who steals a French fry every time his father plays peek-a-boo with him.


Babies and toddlers often use signs as a natural part of the communication process. Many babies know how to wave "bye-bye" or use a headshake to mean "no." The Baby Signs Program can help your baby use lots of other gestures to communicate just as easily as these more common signs.


By the time I was a toddler she was a private-duty nurse for a man not far from our house on Hervey Street.


Shmi and Anakin came to Tatooine when he was a toddler, and they were sold by their owner, Gardulla the Hutt, to the unscrupulous Toydarian junk dealer Watto to settle a gambling debt.


The toddler 's face was turning blue, so Chris brought him round with the kiss of life and dialled 999


更多网络解释与蹒跚学步相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


一张黑白照片上,是一头卷发蹒跚学步的艾伦弗格森(Alan Ferguson)(弗格森公司目前的总裁)和现任公司秘书的姐姐海伦以及他们父亲埃德(Eddie)一同度假的合影.




当科罗斯还蹒跚学步的时候,他的父亲约瑟夫(Josef)和母亲巴巴拉(Barbara)就分别是波兰手球队和足球队的著名选手. 德国国家队主教练沃勒尔(Rudi Voller)和波兰主帅恩格尔(Jerzy Engel)都极力邀请颇具才华的前锋科罗斯加入球队,


当奥巴马还是参议员时,他就臭名昭著地(notoriously)以不佩戴国旗徽章为美德. 作为总统,他竟然淡忘了美国的历史:当一个国外评论家提起猪湾事件(Bay of Pigs)时,他竟没有维护国家的荣誉,只是表明当时自己还是蹒跚学步的小孩.

toddle walk with short, uncertain steps:东倒西歪地走, 蹒跚学步

36. tiptoe walk quietly or cautiously, with weight on one's ... | 37. toddle walk with short, uncertain steps东倒西歪地走, 蹒跚学步 | 38. totter proceed weakly, wobbling with faltering steps蹒跚, 踉跄,...

has grown up from a tottering kid:已经从蹒跚学步的孩子

正在唤起千万青年走向内心对于伟大的渴望 is guiding tens of millions of young l... | 已经从蹒跚学步的孩子 has grown up from a tottering kid | 成长为能够经受风雨洗礼的青年 to a toughened youth capable of ...


alert enough to spot the opportunity when it came当机会到来的时候充分熟悉到... | watchful,vigilant指注重那些危险的或有潜在危险的事物: | a watchful parent with a toddler in tow 一个注重照看蹒跚学步的小孩...

I must take the baby steps 'til I'm full grown, full grown:犹如婴孩学步,步履蹒跚,总会长大,长大

I must go alone 定要自已... | I must take the baby steps ''til I''m full grown, full grown 犹如婴孩学步,步履蹒跚,总会长大,长大 | Fairytales don''t always have a happy ending, do they? 童话不一定总有一个...