英语人>词典>汉英 : 路基 的英文翻译,例句
路基 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
bed  ·  roadbed  ·  subgrade  ·  beds

更多网络例句与路基相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

At first, this paper conducts in depth research on classification method, compaction propeties, granulometric composition and crushing of stone. On the basis of clarifying engineering characteristics of material of rock-filling embankment, requirements of ground treatment have been put forword in this paper. Then combined with the site test and engineering practice in SHUINAN Road and LANLIN Road, through the synthetical analysis of factors of influencing densification effect for the maximum grain size of filling material, lay-down thickness, granulometric composition, densification machinery and densification frequency etc., this paper studies key technical problems about construction technologies for spreading and leveling of filling material, choosing densification machinery, densification technology and slope construction systematically. Finally, construction technologies of filling lime-stone and sand-stone roadbed have been proposed in this paper ,which are significant for quality guarantee of highway engineering.


Simulation results verify that insulated board can effectively protect the heat from transferring into the foundations, and the frozen table is always around the lower bottom of the boards; the position of the frozen table with insulated boards is higher than that of without; the embank- ment formation has a better effect on the center of embankment, the shoulder and toe of the roads than others; after consideration of the construction effect, the best lay out of the insulated boards is higher than the position of natural ground surface to 0.3-0.6 m; this formation of the embankments is the right effective constructer to be used in the permafrost on the Qinghai-Tibet railway.

通过数值模拟可知:保温板能够有效地阻止热量由路基面向下传入地基中,使0℃等温线始终在保温板底层;复合路基多年冻土上限的位置要比无保温板时的高;该结构形式对路基中心、路肩和坡脚下的多年冻土上限抬升的综合效果更好;考虑施工条件后,复合路基在保温板铺设距离天然地面之上0.3~0.6 m对于路基稳定性最为有利;该路基结构形式为青藏铁路多年冻土区路基的理想结构形式,有利于克服全球变暖的影响。

Highway construction lacks quantitative technological guidance. At first, this paper conducts in depth research on classification method, compaction propeties, granulometric composition and crushing of stone....


In order to solve the frost heave and thaw settlement, the model tests were made in Tibetan Plateau. Two kinds of model were designed to horizontal drain structure embankment and the ventilation embankment in suit. The effect of horizontal plastic drain was analyzed in contrast with the ventilation embankment. The mechanisms of horizontal plastic drain were studied in permafrost, such as gravity draining in the superficial layer and structure stiffing in the embankment in the theory. According to the design theory, the parameters of horizontal plastic drain were confirmed in the embankment. The values of deformation were inspected by fiber monitor system in the permafrost embankment.


Two kinds of model were designed to horizontal drain structure embankment and the ventilation embankment in suit. The effect of horizontal plastic drain was analyzed in contrast with the ventilation embankment. The mechanisms of horizontal plastic drain were studied in permafrost, such as gravity draining in the superficial layer and structure stiffing in the embankment in the theory. According to the design theory, the parameters of horizontal plastic drain were confirmed in the embankment. The values of deformation were inspected by fiber monitor system in the permafrost embankment.

摘 要:为了解决青藏高原的冻土浅层雨季雨水下渗和蒸发所产生的冻土冻胀与融沉问题,在青藏高原开展水平排水板结构性路基和普通通风路基的原位模型对比试验,并从理论上探讨水平排水板在多年冻土路基中浅层重力排水和结构加劲的作用机理,确定水平排水板的铺设参数;运用光纤监测技术对水平排水板在多年冻土路基中的变形进行监测,对比分析水平排水板铺设与否这2种条件下冻土路基变形监测结果。

Based on them, distribution laws of subgrade temperature field under fluctuant boundary temperature cycle conditions are analyzed, and different ratios of slope for general subgrade and different status when there are or not banquettes are compared by laboratory simulation and numerical analysis; thermal insulation and cooling effect of thermal insulation slab, broken stone and non-power heat pipes is respectively investigated under the trend of elevated temperature by numerical analysis, laws of subgrade deformation are predicted under the trend of elevated temperature and influences of subgrade thaw settlement on pavement stress are studies by numerical computation for observation data of representative road sections selected.


The effect of subsoil kinetic parameters upon the asphalt pavement settlement is studied in order to draw a relation between the dynamic parameters and the accumulative plastic deformation of subsoils. Based on a half-filled and half-dug embankment, a kind of method, which may compute the critical differential settlement making asphalt pavement yielded, is drawn in order to analyze the influence of the asphalt pavement deformation due to the differential subgrade settlements.


Although the reinforcement technology has been applied widely in highway construction, there are many challenges in the field which puzzle highway engineer for a long time in China. Mechanical behavior and design method of reinforced subgrades in highways have been studied thoroughly based on


The heat insulation materials of the XPS of which decrease embankment height, thermal pipes setup in sun-facing side of embankment, crushed rock cover and shading board are used to adjust the subgrade damages caused by the thaw basin. Crushed rock-based embankment and both sides thermal pipes are used to adapted to subgrade damages caused by thaw-sandwich layer. The berms are adapted to subgrade damages caused by the frozen bulge.


The subgrade damages are divided into two-types: high subgrade and low subgrade damages. High subgrade damages of which are related to the embankment height and slope directions maily include longitudinal cracks and subgrade cracks. The higher of the embankment height, the greater of the happening rate. The mechanisms of high subgrade damages formation are analyzed by the observed dates of soil temperature within the embankment and damages survey. In warm permafrost regions, the damages are mainly caused by the formation and development of the thaw bulb and thaw layer. In cold permafrost regions, the damages are mainly caused by frozen bulges.


更多网络解释与路基相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


Road widening 道路拓宽 | Roadbed 路床/路基 | Roadbed Area 路基面积

Roadbed construction:路基工程

Roadbed Area 路基面积 | Roadbed construction 路基工程 | Roadbed material 路基材料

Roadbed Width:路基宽度

Roadbed material 路基材料 | Roadbed Width 路基宽度 | Roadside 路边

Roadbed Area:路基面积

Roadbed 路床/路基 | Roadbed Area 路基面积 | Roadbed construction 路基工程

Roadbed material:路基材料

Roadbed construction 路基工程 | Roadbed material 路基材料 | Roadbed Width 路基宽度


惠比特犬外表似柔弱,但小型犬具有惊人的力量,速度快.萨路基犬(Saluki)萨路基犬,英文名:Saluki,也有人叫沙路奇猎犬. 原产中东地区,历史古老,起源于公元前3000年,甚至可追溯到5000年前,名字来源于阿拉伯已被沙漠淹没的沙克市.

subgrade drainage:路基排水

路基排水(subgrade drainage)为防止和控制路基受水侵害而设置的拦截引排地表水(降水及雨雪形成的地面径流)及地下水(上层滞水、潜水及层间水等)的系统. 路基排水的任务是把路基工作区内的土基含水量降到工程容许范围内以保证路基稳定的工作状态.

subgrade planer:路基整形机

subgrade grader 路基整平机 | subgrade planer 路基整形机 | subgrader 路基整平机

subgrade in bog zone; subgrade in morass region; subgrade in swampland:泥沼地区路基

软土地区路基 subgrade in soft soil zone; subgra... | 泥沼地区路基 subgrade in bog zone; subgrade in morass region; subgrade in swampland | 膨胀土地区路基;裂土地区路基 subgrade in swelling soil zone; su...

Roadbed, Formation, Trackbed:路基

7358 roadbed pressure 路基壓力 | 7359 Roadbed, Formation, Trackbed 路基 | 7360 roading diagram 路基標準斷面圖