英语人>词典>汉英 : 距离 的英文翻译,例句
距离 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
distance  ·  remove  ·  space  ·  spaced  ·  spaces  ·  distanced  ·  distances  ·  distancing  ·  DX

be away from · geodesic distance
更多网络例句与距离相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The theoretical system for describing the structures of organic and drug molecules using 3 types of molecular electronegativity-distance is created based on various atomic types and atomic attributes. These MEDVs include MEDV-4 based on 4 atomic types and relative electronegativity and relative bond length to carbon atom, and molecular holographic distance vector based on 13 atomic types and relative bond length to carbon atom, and MEDV-13 based on 13 atomic types and atomic attributes and the modified electrotopological state index.


When we met the data of genetic variation of East Asian Cyprinid group, the mean sequence divergences between groups were higher than that between Cultrinae taxa,then we could conclude that CO1 gene was a valid marker for DNA barcoding of East Asian endemic Cyprinid taxa.


Results:The following were observed and measured:the location where the genitofemoral nerve coming out from the psoas major,the plane of the location the highest plane of the iliac crest,common iliac vessels branch plane,the distance between the ureter and the lateral part of the psoas major,the distance between the genitofemoral nerve and the lateral part of the psoas major,the distance between the genitofemoral nerve and the ureter,the location at the decussation of the genitofemoral nerve and the ureter.


The difference is discribed by using the concept of feature odds defind here which is derived from fuzzy set theory and is determined by the way of human thinking in recognizing things.


Habitat selection of goral was mainly influenced by distance to human disturbance, altitude, distance to forest edge, distance to water source, slope position, shrub canopy cover, shrub height, level of concealment, slope aspect and wind direction.


Apparently, the results is determined extremely by theoretical algorithm. In 147 zinc-finger-containing genes, 50nt identity sequences were extracted. The results hint that 15 genes may related to block evolution. we analyzed the phylogenetic map of these 15 genes by uncorrected distance, Jukes Cantor distance, Tamura distance, Tajima-Nei distance, Jin-Nei distance or Kimura distance correction, but we found no satisfied result according to the block exchange pattern mentioned before. Introducing Bootstrap test to assistant correction, an comparatively perfect map was drown by Neighbor Joining method.

以147个含锌指基因为模板,我们搜索了其中的50nt一致序列作为板块式进化的核心,获得15个相关基因,应用无校正距离、Jukes Cantor校正距离、Tamura校正距离、Tajima-Nei校正距离、Jin-Nei校正距离和Kimura校正距离等分析了他们之间的进化关系,结果与已知的板块交换模式吻合度较差,引入靴带检验对Jukes Cantor校正距离结果进行统计学校正,并重新用Neighbor Joining方法绘制进化图,结果可靠性大大提高。

Keep one's distance 远离;保持远距离 The deer did not trust us and kept their distance.


The author provides a solution based on added-on restraint zone to the problem of TA saturation. The distance protection is another important content. The thesis compares the relays based on operation equation with relays based on distance measuring. And then puts forward some viewpoints in changeable characteristics Mho relay, grounding fault distance relay, delta-Z relay and the power system swing and protection blocking.


Song:The other side Artist:Sirenia There's a light and a darkened road There's a night and a fading hope There was a dream that once was mine But now it seems it has passed with time Sail away my little sister Sail away to the other side Sail away my little sister Sail away far into the night Where times seems much better Than this void called life There's a voice inside my head There was a hope,now long since dead It's all a wonder, will I abide I hear you calling from the other side I hear you calling from the other side Sail away my little sister Sail away to the other side Sail away my little sister Sail away far into the night Where times seems much better Than this void called life ----chorus------- I hear you calling from the other side Sail away my little sister Sail away to the other side Sail away my little sister Sail away far into the night Where times seems much better Than this void called life


As the forward velocity increasing, the windrowing angle would be decreased, but the effect of forward velocity on windrowing distance was not obvious. The windrowing angle and distance of multiple sugarcane stalks would be smaller than those of single sugarcane stalk, but the maximum range of windrowing angle and distance of multiple sugarcane stalks would be greater than those of single sugarcane stalk. In order to sugarcane stalks outward windrowing, holding height must be within ±100mm of height of sugarcane mass center. As holding height increasing, the windrowing distance would be decreased, but the effect of holding height on windrowing angle was not obvious.


更多网络解释与距离相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

aesthetic distance:审美距离

在他们对密斯的解读中,塔夫里和海斯拿出了陈旧的审美距离(aesthetic distance)的概念,并且重新将之组装成为批判性距离(critical distance). 这两种类型的"距离"或许可以用相同的词汇来描述,但是它们却源自两个相反的潮流. 批判性距离的保持为的是审查;

apex distance:顶距, 钻尖(偏移距离), 分度锥母线距离

cystography [医]膀胱造影术 | apex distance 顶距, 钻尖(偏移距离), 分度锥母线距离 | unattended equipment 自动设备

decrease lead/dive back all runners:所有跑者减少离垒距离/回垒

Lead Off/Steal For All Runners 所有跑者增大离垒距离/盗垒 | Decrease Lead/Dive Back All Runners 所有跑者减少离垒距离/回垒 | Lead Off/Steal For Individual 单个跑者增大离垒距离/盗垒

euclidean distance:欧氏距离

欧氏距离定义: 欧氏距离( Euclidean distance)是一个通常采用的距离定义,它是在m维空间中两个点之间的真实距离,两个向量之间的欧氏距离计算公式如下:

ELVEN ARCHER:弓兵中距离作战,射出距离较远,攻击力一般

FOOTMAN步兵近距离作战,攻击力弱. | ELVEN ARCHER弓兵中距离作战,射出距离较远,攻击力一般. | ARCHER强弓手是弓兵的升级军种.

stopping distance:制动距离

制动距离(Stopping Distance)是汽车在一定的初速度下,从驾驶员急踩制动踏板开始,到汽车完全停住为止所驶过的距离. 包括反应距离和制动距离两个部分. 制动距离越小,汽车的制动性能就越好. 由于它比较直观,因此成为广泛采用的评价制动效能的指标.

range straggling:射程距离

range step 距离阶梯=>L形測標 | range straggling 射程距离 | range strobe 距离范围选通脉冲,距离范围选通脉冲

distance cues:距离线索

distance constancy 距离常性距离常性 | distance cues 距离线索 | distance depth cue 距离深度线索

distance setting ring:距离调整环,距离调整环

distance scale ==> 距离尺度,距离尺度,线性比例尺,焦距标度 | distance setting ring ==> 距离调整环,距离调整环 | distance signal ==> 距离信号,距离信号

distance scale:距离尺度,距离尺度,线性比例尺,焦距标度

distance rod ==> 推力杆,隔杆 | distance scale ==> 距离尺度,距离尺度,线性比例尺,焦距标度 | distance setting ring ==> 距离调整环,距离调整环