英语人>词典>汉英 : 跌跌撞撞 的英文翻译,例句
跌跌撞撞 的英文翻译、例句


dodder along · stagger along · stumbling along
更多网络例句与跌跌撞撞相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I saw the one dance where he was doing a bit of bump and grind - it looked really good, quite funky.


With challenge obviously comes a great sense of satisfaction: to arrive at a place entirely under your own steam is an unbeatable feeling, utterly incomparable to that of stumbling off a sleeper bus after spending the night wedged into a bunk that's not exactly designed for the northern-European build.


On the last round, in a series, getting in each other's way, everyone blundered, thus paving the way to the final for Bradbury.


When I tell you that I spent the first three days of my stay shuffling brokenly in my dressing gown, barely able to speak and always within close proximity of a lav, I am being factual.


So Meg reclined, with rubbers well hidden, and Jo went blundering away to the dining room, which she found after going into a china closet, and opening the door of a room where old Mr. Gardiner was taking a little private refreshment.

说 完,美格斜靠在沙发上,刚好遮住了胶鞋,乔跌跌撞撞地朝餐厅走去,她先闯进一间放瓷器的储藏室,接著又打开一扇门,却发现加德纳老先生在那里独自小憩。

"It seemed hardly the face of a man alive, with such a deathlike hue ; it was hardly a man with life in him, that tottered on his path so nervelessly, yet tottered, and did not fall!"


"It seemed hardly the face of a man alive, with such a deathlike hue; it was hardly a man with life in him, that tottered on his path so nervelessly, yet tottered, and did not fall!"


It seemed hardly the face of a man alive, with such a deathlike hue; it was hardly a man with life in him, that tottered on his path so nervelessly, yet tottered, did not fall!


A website that belongs to oneself is built in what the classmate's help issues dodder along!


He says, microsoft is all the way dodder along walks over, today's Microsoft is not perfect,"If we do not seek a change, do not draw outstanding talented person, this will be a very critical issue to us ".


更多网络解释与跌跌撞撞相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


但奇怪事情又发生了,其中之一青年(Ann).正在大学上科学课时,突发疯一样,一手把ERIC打到飞向墙上. 众人一见. 立拉住(Ann)并查看在地上晕倒的ERIC.但(Ann)不知从哪来的力量. 力大无穷,把众人一一推出老远. 多人跌跌撞撞.

blunderbuss:老式的大口径短枪, 蠢材, 轻率的人

blunder | 跌跌撞撞地走, 犯大错, 做错 大错, 失误 | blunderbuss | 老式的大口径短枪, 蠢材, 轻率的人 | blunderer | 轻率粗心的人

Like a bump up and down like a roller coaster:我一路跌跌撞撞像坐过山车一样

Always ending, always over现在一切都结束了 | Like a bump up and down like a roller coaster 我一路跌跌撞撞像坐过山车一样 | You know you did it I'm gone 你知道的,因为你那样对我,我才选择离开

Like a bump up and down like a roller coaster:我壹路跌跌撞撞像坐過山車壹樣

Always ending, always over現在壹切都結束了 | Like a bump up and down like a roller coaster 我壹路跌跌撞撞像坐過山車壹樣 | You know you did it I'm gone 妳知道的,因爲妳那樣對我,我才選擇離開


[ 色情酒店](Exotica)将伊格言在国际影坛的地位推向高峰,藉由华丽的色调包装每个主角的伤痛,在多重故事的组合与平行的交叉剪接下,以一间叫Exotica的夜总会为起点,串起剧中人物的欲望与孤寂,以及他们一路跌跌撞撞找寻抚平慰藉的出口的故事,

Go forward ,turn a corner ,I walked haltingly:前进 转弯 我跌跌撞撞

前进 转弯 我跌跌撞撞 Go forward ,turn a corner ,I walked haltingly | 在这迷宫打转 Revolving at the labyrinth | 死心 失望 会比较简单 Giving up , disappointment would be simpler for me

With such a sound of gently pitying laughter:发出轻柔怜悯的笑声

And so I stumble.And the rain continues on the roof 这一路我跌跌撞撞. 而雨继续敲打着屋顶, | With such a sound of gently pitying laughter. 发出轻柔怜悯的笑声. | --- Hart Crane ---哈特.克莱恩

International Women's Day:(国际妇女节)

"国际妇女节"(International Women's Day)起源于20世纪初,那时,正经历工业化的扩张和人口的膨胀. 经过近一个世纪的努力,"国际妇女节"从一开始的跌跌撞撞,成为了今天全世界妇女庆祝的节日. 以下是"国际妇女节"官方网站(International Women's Day)发布的国际妇女争取平等以及"国


dispatched 分派、派遣 | blundered 跌跌撞撞地走 | tangled 紊乱的、复杂的


bruises 淤伤、打伤 | blunders 跌跌撞撞的、犯大错误、做错 | addicted 沉溺于某种嗜好