英语人>词典>汉英 : 趾部 的英文翻译,例句
趾部 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Much of the higher reflecting alluvium and limestone fell along the toe portion of the characteristic curve.


Place of foot of the 5th Zhi should be controlled to nod in bottom opening line need lumbar nest place is nodded place of center of the anklebone outside mixing is nodded .


The diaphoretic function on left thenar sweat gland was observed at 30 minute after administration of MHT by tectology .


Long Hosel These designs are usually elongated plumber-necks and are used to create face-balancing. Although they look very similar to the standard plumber-neck design, the extra length definitely creates a different feel, which you should take into consideration before selecting a putter with this type of hosel structure. Be aware that the elongated plumber-neck design doesn't always result in face-balancing; many, in fact, are toe-balanced.

Long Hosel:外观看来,这跟第一种杆颈是一样的,但是他的杆颈柄较长,这是为了增加杆面平衡所做的设计,较长的杆颈提供了不一样的手感,不过在选择这种推杆之前,还是要建议多尝试看看,这样的长颈也就增加了杆头根部的重量,所以平衡了第一款中提到的杆趾部加重,也就是小弟二部曲中提到的"平衡式"推杆。

Paronychia, pain of the toe


Incidence of vacuole of axillary sweat gland was higher than that of plantar sweat gland.


Methods: The sample position was confirmed by comparing axillary with plantar sweat gland.


While for some indexes,such as length of medial longitudinal arch,length of lateral longitudinal arch,height of first metatarsophalangeal articulations,there is no longer changing with increasing load after adapting to a relatively lighter load.There is marked difference on the foot shapes between different items youth track man,especially for the throwers.Finally,five dimensions of foot morphological characteristics were found to establish the foot-shape-index-system,which are respectively metatarsophalangeal index,heel index,ankle index,arch of foot index and length of foot index,including 15 items.


PRECISION-MILLED TOE POCKET erfectly balances heel-toe weight distribution to ensure proper sweet spot location.


By the heel to the toe part of the thin cloth area, with the middle region of thick meat to form a big ball of sweet spot "POWER CHARGE FACE".

由跟部向趾部分布的薄型区域,与中间厚肉区域的结合,形成了、大击球甜蜜点的&POWER CHARGE FACE&。

更多网络解释与趾部相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



Freiberg's osteochondritis:第二蹠骨頭部生長板骨軟骨炎

Sesamoid injuries 大趾種子骨損傷 | Freiberg's osteochondritis 第二蹠骨頭部生長板骨軟骨炎 | Morton's interdigital neuroma Morton 趾間神經瘤

glomus tumor:血管球瘤

血管球瘤(glomus tumor)可分单发性血管球瘤和多发性血管球瘤常有显著触痛和自发性疼痛,但偶亦有无疼痛者指趾部损害多见于女性,发生于其他部位者男性多见通常广泛分布于躯干可多达数十个,皮损群集时可融合成团块血管球瘤虽然在身体其他部位也可发生,




二.杆身斜度(Lie)之影响球杆太短时, 会造成杆头跟部(heel)抬起, 在击球时杆头趾部(toe)会先着地容易击出右推球(push),反之球杆太长时, 会造成杆头趾部(toe)抬起, 在击球时杆头跟部(heel)会先着地容易击出左拉球(pull),

toed towards amidships:趾部朝向船舯

tip vortex 梢涡 | toed towards amidships 趾部朝向船舯 | tonnage 吨位


蓝姜因形态习性与姜科植物相似而得名,实际上属于鸭趾草科(Commelinaceae)的双体雄蕊属(二室花药属、蓝姜属、鸳鸯草属),产于美洲热带林地. 属多年生直立或攀援草本,有时基部木质,株高达1-2 m,茎部有节点,叶互生,对生或螺旋排列,叶片光滑,

Tyto capensis:草鸮

代表种类草鸮(Tyto capensis)(附图6-90). 2、鸱鸮科(Strigidae)头骨宽大;面盘如存在时为圆形;腿短,在栖止时不可见;跗跖被羽达于趾部. 世界性分布. 代表种类:红角鸮(Otus scops),长耳鸮(Asio otus). XVII 夜鹰目(Caprimulgiformes)1、蟆口鸱科(Podargidae)中型种类.

common plantar digital nerves; common plantar digital nerves:趾足底总神经

趾足底总动脉||common plantar digital arteries | 趾足底总神经||common plantar digital nerves; common plantar digital nerves | 致密部||compact part

toe weight:坝趾压重

toe wall ==> 坡脚墙,坝趾齿墙 | toe weight ==> 坝趾压重 | toe weld ==> 趾部焊缝