英语人>词典>汉英 : 足够地 的英文翻译,例句
足够地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
adequately  ·  enough  ·  sufficiently  ·  sufficingly

更多网络例句与足够地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

However, the test methods do not adequately assess the long term stability of arsenical residues.


You want a dog confident enough to come over and say hello, says Conway.


And finally, if your quads are untrained and/or weak (unfortunately true for many students new to yoga), these muscles will not contract enough to prevent hyperextension and help protect the knee.


In any case Jerald grasped the seriousness of the situation well enough:"Like David Whitmer, I felt that it would be unthinkable for anyone to claim to have direct revelations from God and then turn around and alter those words."


I don't think that technology will improve fast enough to make this possible in my lifetime.


The floors of the bins shall be of concrete or other approved material having sufficient slope to ensure adequate drainage of aggregates before being used for concreting.


Although they are presently being collected with great care, they have not yet been disintegrated sufficiently.


Your child might want to hear the same book over and over and over -- and it may very well be the dopiest book in the house.


If enough can be learned about the genome, it may one day be possible to produce an entirely drug-free hemp plant that looks different from marijuana.


The coastal villages of Crete were flooded and destroyed. The only major Minoan structure surviving the waves and earthquakes was the palace at Knossos, far enough inland to escape the tidal waves.


更多网络解释与足够地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

adequately housed:居住面积足够地;有适当居所地

adequate housing 适当居所 | adequately housed 居住面积足够地;有适当居所地 | adit 入口;通路;坑道口

adequately: adv.1:适当地,胜任地 2.足够地 3.勉强够地,差强人意地

replicate: v.复制,摹写 | adequately: adv.1.适当地,胜任地 2.足够地 3.勉强够地,差强人意地 | fastidious: a.爱挑剔的,过分讲究的


adequately /足够地/充分地/适当地/ | adequateness /适当/充分/ | adequation /拉平/


15) cherish 期望,渴望 | 16) amply 足够地 | 17) masterpiece 杰作


Alla 类似,风格 | Assai 非常,足够地 | Ben 相当地

further quantity:更多地数量

total quantity 总量 | further quantity 更多地数量 | sufficient quantity 足够地数量

plenty good:足够好

I know it would be nice to see those shows, but there's plenty to do here at home. : 我知道那些表演会很不错,但是家里还有很多事情要做. | 5. adverb 充分地;十分 | plenty good : 足够好


sufficiently 足够地 | attractive 有吸引力的 | durable 耐久的


lightly 轻轻地,轻松地 | sufficiently 充分地,足够地 | indifferently 不在乎地; 冷淡地

funnily enough:足够奇怪地

72. more or less或多或少 | 73. funnily enough足够奇怪地 | 74. in the/sb,s blood生来就有的,遗传