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趋于 的英文翻译、例句


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The paper studies the asymptotic behavior of "interior point" on the second mean value theorem for integrals when the length of integral interval tends to be infinite,and the asymptotic estimation formulas under very weak conditions are given.


It is shown that the far-field divergence angle of nonparaxial rotationally LG beams approaches to an asymptotic value of 63.435° as the initial waist-width to wavelength ratio w0/λ approaches zero,which is independent of the order.


In order to find a stable approximate solution of linear compact operator equation, the article introduces general theories about ill-posed problems, it bases on spectral theory of self-adjiont compact operators and the singular value decomposition for compact operators, avails singular system to give expression of the solution, and explains ill-posedness of compact operator equation roots in the property that the singular values trends to zero. Thereout, it is provided with theoretic support of building up regularization method by inducting regularization filter to weaken or filtrate the influence that the nature of the singular value being very close to zero has on the solutions stability.


The results show that when the porosity of sample was higher, compressure rate was higher and resilience rate was lower, however resilient rate of sample with higher porosity were increased notably when pressure was increased, and it tended to accord with of sample with lower porosity. The friction coefficient was higher when porosity of paper-based friction material was higher, and the friction coefficient tended to reduce and stabilize when braking pressure was increased. The friction coefficient of sample with high porosity tended to reduce and stabilize in continuous braking cycles.


As a result,the economic was stimulated and more fiscal revenue was gained by the government.Now our nation has stepped into the critical phase of the Eleventh Five-Year Plan,as the social market economic gets more and more mature,we can find a lot of aspects that unadapted to economic growth in extant tax structure.


In the current business management,wark content tends to more educated,and organizational structure tends to more flexible.These changes has brought new challenges to the current human resources management model.


From 1985 to 2000, woodland, grassland, industrial and residential land tended to be more inerratic and stable, whereas cropland and water area more complex and unstable. Unused land remained unchanged. During this period, the land use structure of Suzhou was unsteady, and its form became more complex.


The geometry of canopy and interception of photosynthetically active radiation were measured.


The experimental results suggested that there were some rules during the fermentation as follows: pit temperature increased rapidly and then dropped at the beginning of the fermentation and kept stable eventually at 20~22 ℃; there was slight change in yellow water pH value at first and then pH value decreased gradually in middle fermentation stage and finally kept stable; the change rules of total acids of yellow water were opposite to pH change rules; the reducing sugar of yellow water increased at first and then dropped and kept stable eventually; there was almost no change in alcohol content of yellow water in prior fermentation period, and then it increased rapidly and dropped slowly and finally kept stable; gas production rate was as high as 550 L/d within the first week in fermentation and then dropped undulatingly and changed to zero or even negative gas production rate.

窖池温度在发酵前几天迅速升高,然后下降,最后趋于稳定,保持在20~22 ℃;黄水pH开始变化不大,中间逐渐下降,最后趋于稳定;黄水的总酸变化与pH相反;黄水中还原糖先升高后下降,最后基本保持稳定;黄水中酒精含量在发酵前期变化不大,后期先是迅速升高,然后缓慢下降,最后趋于稳定;在发酵前期一周内,产气量很大,最高达550 L/d;之后产气量呈波动式下降并逐渐平稳,最后趋于零甚至负产气量。

The Automatic Control Valves ABS is ABS for short, which is based on the conventional brake system security technologies to enhance improved by controlling the brake hydraulic flaps to achieve control of the wheel locking, the braking process , only when the wheels tend to be controlled when locking, ABS will tend to locking of the wheels anti-lock brake pressure regulation; in the control wheel was not tended to locking, the braking Butterfly Valves process and the conventional system exactly the same dynamic system, the braking process, its work process is actually locking - release - Locking - release cycle of the working process, the vehicle is always in the critical state of locking of the roll gap.


更多网络解释与趋于相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


faddishfaddy 趋于时尚的 | faddist 趋于时尚者 | faddist 好新奇的人


sadist虐待狂患者 | faddist趋于时尚者,好新奇的人 | tragedist 悲剧学家

flatten out:趋于平稳

old-boys' network 熟人关系网 | flatten out 趋于平稳 | a big player 大腕 大玩家

Homogenize society, at least a bit:使社会趋于同等,至少会有一点作用

Do well on standardized tests 在标准测试中获得好成绩 | Homogenize society, at least a bit 使社会趋于同等,至少会有一点作用. | Pasteurize out the dangerous ideas 消灭危险的想法

roundabout production:生产趋于迂回

rival 独享 | roundabout production 生产趋于迂回 | row material 原料

Smooth out:趋于平滑;消除

smooth-mouthed 无齿的 | smooth-out 趋于平滑;消除 | smooth-surface contact angle 光滑面接触角

tend to:朝某方向;趋于

tend vi.倾向;趋向 | tend to 朝某方向;趋于 | approximately adv.近乎;接近

concentrative:(趋于)集中的, 集中性的, 专心的

overannealing 过(度)退火 | concentrative (趋于)集中的, 集中性的, 专心的 | Rumanian 罗马尼亚人, 罗马尼亚文 <单词词性>罗马尼亚的


faddist /趋于时尚者/好新奇的人/ | faddy /趋于时尚的/流行的/ | fadeometer /褪色计/

then the big finale on Sunday with us bleary-eyed:最后是周日的大型终结 我们的目光已趋于呆滞

... for the kickoff, most of the day Saturday... | ... then the big finale on Sunday with us bleary-eyed...|最后是周日的大型终结 我们的目光已趋于呆滞 | ... and weeping as America got ready to go to chu...