英语人>词典>汉英 : 超过其他 的英文翻译,例句
超过其他 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
exceed  ·  exceeded  ·  exceeds

更多网络例句与超过其他相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In school he is in gifted program. Academically, he is way ahead of other kids in his age.


There is nothing to which we pay less attention than time and air.


The dual nature of a hybrid airship provides its main advantages over other types of aircraft.


But there are a group of afflictions that are more typically found among them than some others.


He is without parallel in any age, excepting perhaps Lord Bacon and Cicero; and his works contain an ampler store of political and moral wisdom than can be found in any other writer whatever.


Perhaps it is because they are not water borne, but more than likely there are other reasons.


Collectively, the Asian Countries will have a larger economy than the rest of the world put together.


This test device all exceeds other and congener product on function and technical index.


The result is that anyone who can manage to take a holiday at another time would be well advised to do so, for the roads get congested with traffic (in England, there are more vehicles per mile of road than in any other country).


Few Ecstatics truly abandon their foci, but those few that do become sages — they know what the future might hold and they have a better understanding of the entirety of the universe than many mages of other Traditions.


更多网络解释与超过其他相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

above all things:超过一切,尤其是

above all others 超过其他,尤其是 | above all things 超过一切,尤其是 | above oneself 自高自大,兴高采烈


speical 注重性质的特殊 | especial 强调超过其他的全部 | puzzle 某问题因复杂而令人费解

Exeter University:埃克斯特大学

她知识丰富,脑子快,下手狠,作为队长,带领自己的队伍一路过关斩将,有时个人得分超过其他三个队友,在四分之一决赛中,曾把对手埃克斯特大学 (Exeter University)打得只得15分,是1971年来的最低分.


稍后,罗马人称她为命运女神(Fortuna),她大受欢迎,因此寺庙数量远远超过其他神只. 开头那句引文,大约於西元二世纪撰写,就是弗龙托对她所受欢迎程度的讥评. 我希望本书能同时做为命运与理智的寺庙.


而斯巴达人则认为,他们所执行的法律是阿波罗送给吕库尔戈斯(Lycurgus)的一件礼物. (吕库尔戈斯是古代斯巴达著名的立法者,其年代比荷马晚30年,斯巴达人遵守其法律达500年之久. )但是阿波罗最重要的能力,是他远远超过其他神的本领,


和平之药---精神安定剂近十余年间,不仅医学界,在民间也有许多药物闪亮登场,精神安定剂(Tranquilizer)便是其中之一,这显然是一大进步. 近年来,日本对安定类药物的消耗量非常大,远远超过其他药物. 这种东西的别称退休后无所事事,空虚无聊,

prevailing against all comers:超过其他参赛者

walking away with the prize 带走战利品 | prevailing against all comers 超过其他参赛者 | coming out on top 站上顶端

He excels all other composers of his period:他超过了同时期的所有其他作曲家

5388. My teacher asked me to answer an exceedingly difficult ... | 5389. He excels all other composers of his period. 他超过了同时期的所有其他作曲家. | 5390. We all praised the excellence of her cooki...

Other debtors:其他应收账款

contract pr ovisions 合约准备 888,348 - 888,348 | Other debtors 其他应收账款 155,567 - 155,567 | Deposits at banks with original maturity 原到期日超过三个月的

other intangibles:其他无形资产

178 其他无形资产(other intangibles) 凡不属上列各项之无形资产皆属之. 181 递延资产(deferred assets) 指已发生之支出,其效益超过一年或一个营业周期,应由以后各期负担者. 182 闲置资产(idle assets) 指目前未供营业上使用之资产.