英语人>词典>汉英 : 走钢丝 的英文翻译,例句
走钢丝 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
ropedancer  ·  ropewalker  ·  wiredancing  ·  wirewalking

更多网络例句与走钢丝相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

1Ne simplest example of the suspension bridge is the circus aerialist's tightrope,and primitive


I'd tightrope walk with a blindfold on my eyes.


You can internalize the lessons you've learned without toting anymore deadweight around.


Meanwhile, Yang Bo enjoyed his own success and happy family, but he did not know how long these behaviors like ropedancer could last.


"It is a very difficult tightrope that Sheik Sharif is walking because on the one hand, he needs support and he needs to expand his influence and control and broaden the umbrella under which his government is operating," he said.


This area includes dozens of participatory exhibits such as "Van de Graff Electrostatic Generator,""Faraday Cage,""Magnetic Suspended Terrestrial Globe,""Roll on a Cone,""Ride a Bike on a Wire" enabling visitors to gain interesting scientific knowledge by hands-on participation.


Try this tightrope game and see how far you can go.


Tightrope walking at the age of 3-not something most parents would encourage, especially 9 metres above a tiger enclosure.


The tightrope walker has a sprained ankle. Clifford tries to walk the tightrope.

走钢丝的演员脚踝扭伤了,Clifford 尝试着走钢丝

Karl Wallenda, the great tightrope walker, usually walked without a net below him. He fell 23 meters to his death in 1978, during a midday walk in downtown San Juan, Puerto Rico.


更多网络解释与走钢丝相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


walker, rope walker 走绳索者 | funambulist 走钢丝者 | juggler 耍把戏者


somnambulist 梦游者,梦行者 | funambulist 走钢丝的人 | noctambulist 梦行者

ropedancer:走钢丝, 绳索特技表演者

piriform 梨形的 | ropedancer 走钢丝, 绳索特技表演者 | platinocyanide [化]铂氰化物,氰亚铂酸盐


ropeable 狂暴的 | ropedancer 走钢丝 | ropedancing 走索


ropery 制绳厂 | ropewalker 走钢丝 | ropewalking 走钢索

tightrope walking:走钢丝

baton 警棍 | tightrope walking 走钢丝 | headstand 头手倒立

Tightrope Walk:走钢丝

Table Tilt - 玻璃珠,用平衡能力把珠子挪到洞里过关 | Tightrope Walk - 走钢丝 | Balance Bubble - 玩家在一个气球里,从水沟的这边滚到那边,不能碰到障碍物,要不然气球就破了

Walk a tightrope:走钢丝 身处困境

swim against the tide反潮流,不随波逐流;在逆流中工作;排除俗见 | 19 walk a tightrope走钢丝 身处困境; | tightrope (供走索者表演用的)绷索, 钢丝

Walk a tightrope:冒险,走钢丝

VIP重要人物,贵宾/131 | Walk a tightrope冒险,走钢丝/132 | Ya你/137


天然 Unaware | 走钢丝 Unburden | 双叶镇 Twinleaf Town