英语人>词典>汉英 : 贮藏所 的英文翻译,例句
贮藏所 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
depository  ·  depot  ·  depositories

更多网络例句与贮藏所相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Disable instruction / data caches .


For example, we need to find the natural reservoir of Ebola virus and learn how its prevalence in its natural environment and how transmission to humans are regulated.


Its main features are: algae body as a single cell or even into a variety of groups; cell walls composed of silica and pectin, but also by the structure of the shell and the shell under the combined set of the Cheng, vertical section view was "soap-box"-shaped; in the upper and lower shell surface of the shell are patterns arranged in patterns on both sides of the main mode of symmetry and radial symmetry is divided into two categories, for the classification of the most important basis; be able to campaign Type in the shell has a shell side seam, can not be changed no shell seam types; pigment body sheet or ribbon, 1 or 2, or for multiple small discoid, yellow green or brown, containing chlorophyll a, c, also contains fucoxanthin and silicon A flavin and other photosynthetic pigments; storage material mainly for oil droplets; reproduction mainly for cell division and cell division in diatoms obvious features are: each cell division, resulting from two sub-cells,, only one and the mother cell and so big, the other one is smaller.


Balaath also and all the strong cities that were Solomon's, and all the cities of the chariots, and the cities of the horsemen. All that Solomon had a mind, and designed, he built in Jerusalem and in Libanus, and in all the land of his dominion.


According to the new standard of dwelling size in the new policy of real estate development of China, this article analyzes and probes into kitchen, toilet and storeroom design in dwelling size less than 90?Oto get relevant means of design.


As the raw material, adopting the heat press the cloth that process makes in to anticipate.


Red globe grape has storage commonness of serotinous grape, and it also has special problem.


It is suggested that the product of tapetum degeneration may be absorbed by developing pollen. The special ultrastructural pattern at aperture of pollen represent a morphological adaptation to this short—way transportation of nutrition from the tapetum to pollen.


In 2000 Congress passed a bill that would have forced the Yucca Mountain repository to


One year later, St. Jude's Children's Hospital virologist Richard Webby, one of the original chroniclers of H3N2's emergence, called the U.S. swine population "an increasingly important reservoir of viruses with human pandemic potential ."

一年后,圣祖德儿童医院病毒学家理查德·韦比, H3N2显现的原始编年记录者之一,声称美国饲养的猪群是&一个日益紧要的病毒贮藏所,这些病毒具有在人类大流行的潜在趋势。&

更多网络解释与贮藏所相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

aleurone layer:糊粉层

如蓖麻;也有的贮藏在子叶部分,如落花生,油菜等.蛋白质也是种子内 贮藏养料的一种,大豆子叶内含蛋白质较多.小麦种子胚乳的最外层组织,称为糊粉层 (aleurone layer),含有较多蛋白质颗粒和结晶.不同植物的种子所含养料的种类不同,


根据它们的形态,细胞核 的构造和细胞壁的成分,载色体(chromatophore)的结构及所含色素的种类, 贮藏营养物质的类别,鞭毛的有无、数目、着生位置和类型,生殖方式及生 活史类型等,一般将它们分为8 个门.

depravation:恶化; 堕落 (名)

depository 受托者, 贮藏所 (名) | depravation 恶化; 堕落 (名) | deprave 使堕落, 使腐败, 使恶化 (动)


事实上,"啤酒"(lager)这个词就来自德语的"贮藏". 发酵以后的啤酒都要低温贮藏一段时间,这叫做熟化或者老化,目的是待其成熟,获得啤酒所特有的一种纯正味道. 贮藏时间从一个星期到六个月不等,主要取决于所需的风味. 我想,

primary accent:主重音; 主重音符

primary 主要的, 根本的, 初期的 (形) | primary accent 主重音; 主重音符 | primary cache 主贮藏所, 位于处理机用于增进随意记忆通道阅读的记忆贮藏所 (计算机用语)


"bush savanna","灌丛热带草原" | "caatinga","多刺茂密灌丛(巴西的)" | "cache","贮藏所"

cachectic:恶病的, 极瘦弱的

cache /贮藏所/ | cachectic /恶病的/极瘦弱的/ | cachet /封印/特征/标语/药包/


③藻青素(cyanophycin)和藻青蛋白(Phycocyanin,一种辅助光合色素):通常存在于蓝细菌中,它们属于内源性的氮素贮藏物,同时还具有贮藏能源的作用. (4)核质体(nuclearbody)核质体是原核生物所特有的无核膜结构的原始细胞核,

Epidermal cell:表皮细胞

至於著生 的假球茎如文心 具有厚的角质层(cuticule)包覆,球茎但具多肉(succulent)而硕大的片,特化为另一种贮藏器官(和 ,细胞被大液胞(vacuole)所占据,可以保存大 水分(和 ,1991).另有一些种则用 肉细胞而是以 上表皮细胞(epidermal cell) 贮藏水分,其束外

recentness:最近 (名)

recently 最近, 近来, 新近 (副) | recentness 最近 (名) | receptacle 容器, 贮藏器; 花托; 贮藏所; 囊托 (名)