英语人>词典>汉英 : 调转 的英文翻译,例句
调转 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Place effects, such as Abduct or Baleful Transposition, could also be used to dismount a rider.


In addition to boosting top speed, this 2 Speed Transmission features an adjustable shift point and changeable gear ratios for extra tuning convenience.


A year later, in 1242, to European bafflement and relief, they turned round and went back again.


They turned the bowsprit towards Sardinia, where they intended to take in a cargo , which was to replace what had been discharged.


In this short moment it was impossible for the light cavalryman to parry and then cut. The opponent could thrust and be far out of reach within a second.


To be sure, both came to power by means of a coup d'etat and both turned their guns on the revolution. But the French emperor was a military genius, an efficient organizer and a creative administrator.


Turning the horse sharply, he leaped the ditch again and deferentially addressed the horseman in the white plume, apparently urging him to do the same.


This text passes the writing background of divertimento and analysis of the works of"""""""" tour in winter"""""""" to romanticism composer Schubert, Propose that this structure is huge, and has all achieved the artistic characteristics of the divertimento of very high achievement in characterization and psychology portrayed: Expressing the deep thought with the tactics that suggest, development music and ideal of the literature poesy are combined ; The creative development piano accompanies on the functional function of art, the artistic conception of making every effort to portray the musical image and playing up the song from many aspects; The song is tuneful and smooth naturally, has folk song and succinct and simple; It is quiet and symmetrical that the whole divertimento has dramaticism but a magnum opus of a romanticism remains classicism throughout.


This text pases the writing background of divertimento and analysis of the works of tour in winter to romanticism composer Schubert,Propose that this structure is huge,and has all achieved the artistic characteristics of the divertiment of very high achievement in characterizayion and psychology portrayed:Expressing the deep thought with the tactics that suggest,development music and ideal of the literature poesy are combined;The creayive development piano accompanies on the functional funcyion of art,the artisitic conception of making every effort to portray the musical image and smooth naturally,has folk song and succinct and simple;It is quiet and symmetrical that the whole divertimento has dramaticism but a magnum opus of a romanticism remains classicism throughout.


I can smell the powder and the fuses.Hearing these words, Herr Schulz began to run away, and he quickly jumped over a fence, landing right on the teeth of a rake that had been left lying there from haymaking.


更多网络解释与调转相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Modulatory stride:转调跨越

"平行调转调","Modulation in parallel keys" | "转调跨越","Modulatory stride" | "一弦琴","Monochord"

Full shawl collar:充分披肩领

Machine wash机洗 | Full shawl collar充分披肩领 | Adjustable turn-back cuffs可调转回护腕


当日上午,D-ADII号飞机刚刚从杜塞尔多夫国际机场05R号跑道离地升空,差不多在23L号跑道的接地区上空,一群欧椋鸟(Starling)撞上飞机右侧. 这时飞机时速达每小时300千米. 还有许多欧椋鸟被吸进右发动机,导致它停止运转. 这架飞机被迫调转航向,

certificate of incorporation:营业执照

所以在新公司成立时,应该将该签字人的名字放在营业执照(certificate of Incorporation)上作为董事成员之一(director of board of directors). 现在移民局还要求递上几张办公室的照片. 第二点:"被调转人员"必须在过去三年中(指申请之时算起)在外国公司受雇整整一年.