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课程 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
course  ·  courses  ·  curricula  ·  curriculum  ·  lesson  ·  lessoned  ·  lessoning  ·  lessons  ·  lect.  ·  programmes

The Lesson
更多网络例句与课程相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To be specific, it consists of courses offered from "Two Basics" to "Four Basics", covering manifold aspects which will embody the objective, such as the subject comes, activity courses, integrated courses, problem-centred courses, etc.; and as to the course design constructed by students, it has to take development of students as its starting-point and ...


The currency流通 curriculum(课程 made the excursionist旅行者 incur(招致 loss of time and money.

流通 课程旅行者招致流通课程旅行者招致货币课程使得旅行者招致了时间和金钱的损失。

This study and relevant works are the second year of a five-year on-the-job training program (from January 1, 2002 through November 15, 2006),Major outcomes coming from this project include:(1) Collection and review to the experiences of domestic traffic engineering training programs in the past.(2) The planning of training course schedule, and the collection and presentation of modern traffic engineering technologies (i.e. use a World-wide Web established last year and its website: www.trafficwin.com).(3) To perform surveys to those traffic engineering officials, professors teaching at colleges and universities, chiefs at well-known traffic consultants companies so as to realize who will fit to be our courses' lectuers and establish a lectuers database in the traffic-engineering field.(4) Based on the responses of trainees and trainers, lots of teaching and learning conditions, reviews, and suggestions have been gathered for further reviewing.(5)For the long-term development, the website "Traffic Engineering and management" had replan by used the NUKE website program and phpBB forum program, and accomplishing the correcting.(6)An analysis of the establishment of national traffic engineering training education framework combined with a professional transportation knowledge bank have been done and presented to the Ministry of Transportation and Communication for further consideration and even implementation.


A wide range of methods of educational evaluation is used to improve the students potential, their individuality and their creativity.Based on large amount of practicing work, comparing research has been done on the international trend of physics curriculum reformation nowadays and the direction of physics curriculum reformation in China. Then in order to perfect the consultive version of high school physics curriculum standard in Shanghai, suggestions have been given on curriculum target, curriculum setting, curriculum content and curriculum evaluation.


In school curriculum system culture, much attention is put on the stability and convenience while its variation and humanization are ignored. In School curriculum behavior culture, teaching activities are still centered on teachers so that the students learn passively, and in consequence, inefficiently. Students are still corporally punished for their "misbehaviors" considered by their teachers.


In section four the thesis in details analyzes the reason of the "alteration" in curriculum implementation, mainly including three aspects of reason: firstly, the reasons of curriculum itself, that is value orientation formerly-designed curriculum, practicability and elasticity of curriculum plan; secondly, influence come from the interior of education system, that is curriculum design, the difference between designer and implementor, the hinderance of linking up in the chain of main-body; thirdly, influence come from external environment, that is traditional view from society, the support and policy which forms a complete set from the government, the regional feature of curriculum implementation and the development and changes of times and etc.


I think that local curriculum is to supply a power to adjust, readapt and expand for local educational government, under the guidance of national education policies and aims in order to made national curriculum system adapt to the needs of local economy, culture and students' development, by the base of national curriculum design and curriculum plan, by the arrangement of curriculum sources. Then after analyzing the base of curriculum theory, this thesis interpreted the value of local curriculum in multicultural background.


Firstly, successful curriculum reform should be made on the basis of a valid curriculum theory. Thus it requires that we discard the obsolete ideas and then improve the advancement of curriculum reform; Secondly, during the present of curriculum reform, we must clarify the relationship between inhering and recommend, enhancing and reform, ideal and reality, and guarantee the entirety and continuity of the elementary educational curriculum reform; Thirdly, as a systems engineering, curriculum reform need a rational system of organization to assure it, meanwhile, the corresponding set reform should also be taken; In these years, curriculum integration has become an important and powerful development trend. It will end not only the state of the disintegration and opposition, but also end a kind of traditional curriculum theory and ideological patterns that people has held for a long time.


Following his influential book Existence and ridiculous: study on underground red-light districts in China (Qunyan press, 1999), the author went to one of the same sites to collect more in-depth cases from female sex workers, madams/managers, pimps, male clients and those po教学,范文,教案,论文,课件,试题,评课,说课,板书,教学反思,课程改革,计划总结,公文,美容,瑜伽,笑话,减肥licemen cracking down sex work.


By the requirement of national curriculum reform:it adjusts the now-being curriculum structure and advocate the basic schooling to develop its typical local curriculum and school-based curriculum with the purpose of meeting the need of the development of local society and showing the typical schooling education and aims,and as a supplement of national curriculum.


更多网络解释与课程相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

specialized courses:专门课程 courses taken 所学课程

curriculum included 课程包括 | specialized courses 专门课程 courses taken 所学课程 | part-time jobs 业余工作


一个学期中每周安排一至五课时(也可能 是五小时以上) .一项授给学位的课程总是由特定数目的必修课程(Required Courses)和 选修课程(elective courses)组成,各校的规定各不相同.学校开设的课程通常都有指定的 名称和代号(如数学 101) ,


"课程"(curriculum)一词据英文文献记载是从希腊文演变而来的,愿意是"跑马道"(racecourse),引申为学业进程或教学进程. 而综合课程是一种将若干有关科学合并起来而编订的课程. 早在20世纪初,一些学者看到了学科课程存在着分科过细、彼此之间缺乏联系等缺陷,

activity curriculum:活动课程

>把"活动课程"(activity curriculum)定义为"从儿童的兴趣和需要出发,以儿童的活动为中心,为改造儿童的经验而设计的课程. "而>对"活动课程"作了如下界定:"活动课程,又称经验课程、儿童中心课程.

Project curriculum:设计课程

美国的注重儿童的直接经验,以儿童的需求为中心的经验型统合课程,就有批判赫尔巴特学派的性质,形成了统合课程(IntegratedCurriculum)、经验课程(Experience Curriculum)、设计课程(Project Curriculum)等等.

professional curriculum:专业课程

CPE课程模式由核心课程(Core Curriculum)、专业课程(Professional Curriculum)和就业导向课程(Employment Curriculum)组成. 为了满足多样化的学习需求,就业导向课程分流出三个课程模块:以职业群集课程模块为主体,以拓展提高课程模块、创新创业课程模块为两翼.


技术学院 - 文凭课程 (Diploma) 或 学位课程 (Degree),待结业后再转入大学或继续留在技术学院就读学位课程 (Degree) (可以选择短期移民课程). 3.如果想以最快速度获得新西兰大学的硕士学位,


课程纲要(syllabus)是大学教授在上课的第一天分发给学生的课程要点(courseoutline). 简单的课程纲要只有一页纸,仅仅列出课程名称、教师姓名、阅读材料和功课要求,复杂的课程纲要则从教师的基本信息到课程目的和学习目标的细节,


动感单车课程(spinning) 有氧搏击课程(AeroCombat) 高级冲击有氧课程(HI-LOW) 瑜伽课程(Yoga) 普拉提课程 (Pilates) 爵士舞课程

4.1 Youth Leadership Program:4.1 青少年领导课程

4. Community Service Programs 4. 社区服务课程社区服务课程社区服务课程社区服务课程 | 4.1 Youth Leadership Program 4.1 青少年领导课程 | 4.2 The Speaker's Bureau Program 4.2 讲师团课程