英语人>词典>汉英 : 语法 的英文翻译,例句
语法 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
parlance  ·  phraseology  ·  phrasing  ·  syntax  ·  wording  ·  gram.  ·  grammars

更多网络例句与语法相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

With respect to syntax, the roles of tagmeme in the structure of word and sentence and Chomsky's Generative-Transformational Grammar are discussed. The spatial relation theory and existing research achievements are investigated. Having noticed the shortage of the capability of topological and metrical relation in the description of spatial information structure, the author proposes Combinational Qualitative Geometry based on the two invariables under ordinary transformations, distance ratio and direction difference, the CQG-based spatial relation system between topological and metrical constraint is thus constructed, on which several spatial relations such as parallel, perpendicularity, co-linearity, sequence and direct neighborhood are derived. Based on extended theory of spatial relation, the language anamorphosis is analyzed from the aspects of phonetics, semantics and syntax. The mere geometric and formalized spatial relation is then integrated with concrete geographic ontology to accommodate richer and indicative spatial configuration of spatial information in the different geographic context. Finally a syntax framework for spatial information is put forward.


Not detailed in Figure 1 are the parts of the compiler that are not verified yet: upstream, a parser, type-checker and simplifier that generates Clight abstract syntax from C source files and is based on the CIL library21; downstream, a printer for PPC abstract syntax trees in concrete assembly syntax, followed by generation of executable binary using the system's assembler and linker.


The relevant theories were information theory, categorical grammar, transformational-generative grammar, dependency grammar, and stratificational grammar in the 1950s and 1960s; artificial intelligence, non-linguistic knowledge bases, formalisms such as lexical-functional grammar, generalized phrase structure grammar, head-driven phrase structure grammar, definite clause grammar, priciples and parameters, Montague semantics in the 1970s and 1980s, neural networks, connectionism, parallel processing , and statistical methods and others in the 1990s.


Explicitness of Arabic Grammar and implicitness of Chinese Grammar; and b.


The paper probed into the grammaticalized process of the prefix A- and some related problems on typology and gained several breakthroughs such as putting forward a new conception of "historical levels" on grammaticaliztion and the "unidirectionality", discussing some generant universals on the language's origin and change, recognizing the roles of the unique small contexts acted on the grammaticalization and the broadening process of grammatical rules, realizing the necessity of combination of researches on historical grammar and on Chinese etymology.


Its features are that description of single grammatical points exceeds comparative studies; researches on special issues are more numerable than grammatical system; static research exceeds dynamic research; and investigation and description is more than theoretical studies.


After analyzing the current conditions of English grammar teaching and comparing the methods of grammar translation with communicative approach, this paper sets forth the applications of communicative approach in grammar teaching to improve the grammar of college English learners.


NO·1层: No girl 主 have to marry 谓 a man 宾 whose continue title have the alike initial as ITs ,定语语法 for, as the rhyme goes,"Change 状语语法 the title but not the letter, marry for worse instead of preferable."

要点 这是个主从复合句。for是连接词,引导状语语法。as the rhyme goes是插入语,插在for和它引导的语法之间,造成for和它引导的语法的分离,中文英语互译时,可译成唯一主谓框架。译文妞妞不该嫁给与本人的姓的首字母相同的人,因该正如一首童谣所说:改姓不改首字母,婚后必将受其苦。

NO·1层: No girl 主 have to marry 谓 a man 宾 whose continue title have the alike initial as ITs ,定语语法 for, as the rhyme goes,"Change 状语语法 the title but not the letter, marry for worse instead of preferable."

要点 这是个主从复合句。for是连接词,引导状语语法。as the rhyme goes是插入语,插在for和它引导的语法之间,造成for和它引导的语法的分离,中英对译时,可译成唯一主谓框架。译文妞妞不该嫁给与本人的姓的首字母相同的人,因该正如一首童谣所说:改姓不改首字母,婚后必将受其苦。

What we should insist on in today's grammatical research and foreign language teaching has been illustrated in this article by analyzing the process and development of the early prescriptive grammar, explanatory grammar, transformational?


更多网络解释与语法相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

accepting charge:承兑费ygd久久英语网--口语 语法 听力 作文 教程

accepting bank 承兑 银行 ygd久久英语网--口语 语法 听力 作文 ... | accepting charge 承兑费ygd久久英语网--口语 语法 听力 作文 教程 | accident beyond control 非人为 事故 ygd久久英语网--口语 语法 听力 作文...

accepting charge:承兑费pvW久久英语网--口语 语法 听力 作文 教程

accepting bank 承兑 银行 pvW久久英语网--口语 语法 听力 作文 ... | accepting charge 承兑费pvW久久英语网--口语 语法 听力 作文 教程 | accident beyond control 非人为 事故 pvW久久英语网--口语 语法 听力 作文...

Dependency grammar:依存语法

代表词汇主义思想的语法理论有依存语法(Dependency Grammar)、范畴语法(Categorial Grammar)、词语法(Word Grammar)和链语法(Link Grammar)等. (2)在语言单位的描写上以复杂特征集取代早先的单一标记(即原子).

Generative Grammar:衍生语法

语法理论通称衍生语法(Generative Grammar),也译作生成语法,因为位居形式主义的主流,所以一般常使用形式句法(Formal Syntax)指称这个语法理论. 此学派的语法理论经过三个主要阶段的变革,语法理论的实际的名称也时有更动,兹列如下:

English Grammar:语语法

英语语法(English grammar)是针对英语语言的语法进行的研究. 英语的语法既可以是规范性的,也可以是描述性的. 本篇主要是描述性的. 请注意,语言学专家对英语的很多情况都有分歧,本篇只是其中一种. 英语语法在某些方面相对简单,


grammar 语法;语法书 | grammatical 语法的,符合语法的 | gramophone 留声机

prescriptive grammar:规定语法

实际的语法研究通常可分成传统语法、规定语法(prescriptive grammar)和描写语法. 名词、动词、形容词、副词、介词、代词、连词等词性概念来自传统语法. 此外,传统语法还研究时态、语态、性、人称、数等特征. 描写语法以收集的语言运用实例为基础,

abstract syntax:抽象语法

我们可将抽象语法树想象成一个称作抽象语法( abstract syntax)的快速计数法的树形表示法,它很像普通语法结构的分析树表示法(当与抽象语法相比时,也称作具体语法( c o n c r e t e syntax) .例如,表达式 3+4的抽象语法可写作 OpExp(Plus,

Systemic Grammar:系统语法

一、系统语法的兴起和对语用学的影响系统语法 (systemic grammar) ,又称系统功能语法、功能解释语法、认知语法等 ,是由功能主义流派中的伦敦学派创始人弗斯 (Firth)的语言理论发展而来的一种结构主义语法.

transformational grammar:变形语法

概化词组结构语法 (gpsg )及词汇功能语法 (lfg) 之比较研究*概化词组结构语法 (GPSG )及词汇功能语法 (LFG) 之比较研究*文法. 换话 ,具解译上妥善性的语法 必须包合一套机构(mechanismns)与规则;代中期)的变形语法(transformational grammar)著眼於观察上的妥善性. 由於只要考虑语定义较严谨,规则较经济简单.