英语人>词典>汉英 : 详尽论述的 的英文翻译,例句
详尽论述的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与详尽论述的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Of course, this short survey cannot treat the field of dynamical systems exhaustively.


On basis of poter" five-force framework, such as supplier\consumer\replacement\incomer\industrial company, make the last decision for China railway company" s strategy.

以建立在波特Five Forces分析方法的基础上,对供应商、顾客、替代品、潜在进入者、行业内企业五方面进行了详尽论述,确定中国铁路运输企业的核心竞争力战略即成本领先战略和重要竞争力战略产品差异化战略。

Tano had reasoned that the Forerunners had created a perfect life-form, and it was therefore their duty to protect, even embrace, it.


Theses visual communication from the plane of the principal elements-visual focus of visual space,color,and other aspects of detailed exposition.


With the collection of literature and analysis of ideas examined in the first three chapters, this creation will clearly illuminate the idea and expression of this creation. The themes, ideas, stories, styles in Chapter IV and V are analyzed and interpreted by the iconographical approach. The final version culminates 32 pages of sketch production, coverage, copyright page, title page, and content pages.


Given theconfusion and limitation on the definition of city,the essence of city is present-ed in the thesis.Three basic theories are discussed:Theories of man's nature.theories of need and theories of circumstance;The necessities for modern manto survive and development are explored,and six basic functions of city is re-vealed in the thesis.


These values do not exhaust the many goals which we wish to achieve,but they capsulize them as well as can be done in a few words.


Firstly, this article discusses in detail the historical development of "open education" discourses in Taiwan.


National culture is the matrix and source which gestates national spirit, moreover she nourishes and grows national spirit in different forms and different carriers, so the author explains outstanding cultural tradition and relation of national spirit in the third part of the thesis.


Then the paper at large dissertates the technology of automatically generating quadrilateral grid about five kinds of tooth profile plane models which are commonly used in the finite element analysis of transmission gear.


更多网络解释与详尽论述的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Inquisition:宗教裁判所

审判异端分子的"宗教裁判所"(the Inquisition),准确地说,是西方学说史和思想史上的一个"神话",是一个被偏见、成见和无知扭曲的概念. 彼得斯已经对此进行了详尽的论述. 而使用于教会法庭的"纠问式程序"(inquisition)则是法制史上的一大进步,


reasoned amendment 合理修正案 | reasoned 详尽论述的 | reasonedly 详尽论述地

reasoned amendment:合理修正案

reasoned amendment 合理修正案 | reasoned 详尽论述的 | reasonedly 详尽论述地


reasoned 详尽论述的 | reasonedly 详尽论述地 | reasoning 推理