英语人>词典>汉英 : 详尽论述地 的英文翻译,例句
详尽论述地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Chapter Four introduces the mutual effects of language testing and language teaching and the concept of backwash.


I am trying to explain the significance of carrying out the HAC, which will train the practical abilities of the students. Also I have discovered some problems that may be heeded in later practical teaching.


The Prince Bo o k 12 Ho w Ma n y Kin d s o f Milit a ry T e re Are h a n d C o n c e rn in g Me rc e n a ry So ld ie rs Having discoursed in particular on all the qualities of those principalities which at the beginning I proposed to reason about, having considered in some part the causes of their well-being and ill-being, and having shown the modes in which many have sought to acquire and hold them, it remains for me now to discourse generally on the offense and defense befitting each of those named.

第十二章 Book 12 第十二章军队的类型及雇佣兵在该书开端处我提出要对君主国的性质做一论述,现在业已以详尽的笔触阐述完了,而且还从某些方面讲到了导致了君主国兴衰的原因,并展示了许多君主夺取王权和巩固江山所采取的手段,现在剩下来该做的就是概括地论述以上提及的君主国攻伐和防御的事务了。

In this thesis, elaboration on the phenomenon of deviations in literary texts and instantiation of their translation drawn from actually translated texts are intended to show the multifariousness of deviations in literary texts, to deepen literary translators" understanding of this phenomenon, and to demonstrate the close interrelation of deviations"deviant formal features to the functions they may assume in literary texts, thus pointing out the importance of achieving equivalence in "stylistic markedness" and "literary expressiveness" when translating them.


First of all the differences between photoelectric current / voltage transformer elements in HV and UHV switchgear assembly and independent electric device of conventional open porcelain knob photoelectric current / voltage transformer are described in this paper,then the photoelectric current / voltage transformer elements in HV and UHV switchgear assembly are classified,and the working principle and technical performances of photoelectric current / voltage transformer elements in 500 kV switchgear assembly abroad are introduced in detail.

首先论述了高压和超高压组合电器中光电式电流/电压互感器元件和常规敞开瓷柱式光电电流/电压互感器独立电气设备在概念上的区别,然后对组合电器中光电式电流/电压互感器元件进行了分类。并详细介绍了国外550kV 超高压组合电器中光电式电流/电压互感器元件的工作原理及技术特性。对 ABB 公司、阿尔斯通公司、三菱公司、西门子公司等生产的245~550kV 户外超高压新型组合电器进行了较详尽地介绍和分析,主要是:①基本结构及特点;②主要技术参数

We want to analyze the wefting mechanism and the shuttle boxs structure roundly and to study their law of motion.


They not only set up posthouses, transport offices and urgent-deliver offices throughout the country, but also opened up a lot of post roads and renovated many maj...


Based on Yashpal's fourteen collections of short stories, eight representative novelettes and long fiction, and some collections of political essays on women, this dissertation, divided into three periods; before independence, 1950s and 1960s, and after 1960s, aims to discuss in detail the rich female theme, women characters and the change of attitudes towards women in Yashpal's literary works.


In Part 3, five conflict rules of maritime conflict law are reviewed in details, which are law of the flag, lex fori, party autonomy ,"most closely connected" principle, lex loci delicti cmommossi, law of the adjustment base.


更多网络解释与详尽论述地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Inquisition:宗教裁判所

审判异端分子的"宗教裁判所"(the Inquisition),准确地说,是西方学说史和思想史上的一个"神话",是一个被偏见、成见和无知扭曲的概念. 彼得斯已经对此进行了详尽的论述. 而使用于教会法庭的"纠问式程序"(inquisition)则是法制史上的一大进步,


reasoned amendment 合理修正案 | reasoned 详尽论述的 | reasonedly 详尽论述地

reasoned amendment:合理修正案

reasoned amendment 合理修正案 | reasoned 详尽论述的 | reasonedly 详尽论述地


reasoned 详尽论述的 | reasonedly 详尽论述地 | reasoning 推理