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证明同一 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Further more, animal erythrocytes specificity, carbohydrate-binding specificity, thermostability, and influence of pH and Ca2+ to the agglutinative activity were compared among the lectins of serums and muscles from 5 crustaceans. The results showed that there were evident difference in these aspects between serum and muscle from the same crustacean, and it indicated that the lectins of serum and muscle from the crustacean were different in nature.


We analyzed and proved that this kind of mounting can cover all useful sky area and has much lower and smoother angular velocity and acceleration than the altazimuth one. IN THIS PAPER WE ALSO DISCUSSED THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN TWO MOST OFTEN USED ALT-ALT coordinate systems (SN-ALT-ALT, EW-ALT-ALT coordinate system) and the sidereal hour-angle coordinate system, the horizon coordinate system.


And while for subsequent ages down to our own day it continues to be theoretically true that the Church may, by the exercise of this ordinary teaching authority arrive at a final and infallible decision regarding doctrinal questions, it is true at the same time that in practice it may be impossible to prove conclusively that such unanimity as may exist has a strictly definitive value in any particular case, unless it has been embodied in a decree of an ecumenical council, or in the ex cathedra teaching of the pope, or, at least, in some definite formula such as the Athanasian Creed.


Primers used in PCR were designed based on the sequence of mitochondrial 16S rDNA (AJ250642 and AF312718) and beta-actin (AY910691) of Eriocheir sinensis which had been deposited in GenBank. PCR analysis using total DNA from muscle, branchia, testis and sperm indicated that 16S rDNA exhibited different expression in the four samples. Beta-actin gene was detected plentiful in all the four tissues/cells and exhibited the same expression pattern. 16S rDNA gene amplification was detected at high levels in muscle and branchia, appreciable low in testis and very low in sperm. The PCR products of 16S rDNA gene were sequenced and aligned with the sequence of 16S rDNA from GenBank (AJ250642 and AF3 12718), and the alignment result showed there was no difference between them.

通过GenBank中的中华绒鳌蟹线粒体16S rDNA序列设计引物,利用PCR扩增方法,以beta-actin做内参,检测了中华绒螯蟹肌肉、鳃、精巢和精子中线粒体16S rDNA扩增情况,发现各组织或细胞beta-actin扩增片段大小、条带宽度和亮度基本一致,表明各模板DNA量基本一致;而在同一DNA浓度下,16S rDNA的扩增片段长度虽一致,但其产物量存在明显差异,精子16s rDNA产物量显著低于其他3种组织,其条带宽度和亮度很弱;16S rDNA扩增产物经测序分析及比对证明与已有序列完全吻合。

Our experiments show that DSNR of different images in the same scene changes congruously with PSNR, thus can be used to evaluate the quality of decompressed images and image sequences.


The preliminary analysis and computer simulation show that the model has some capabilities that conventional associative memory model do not have, such as it can response to same input with different outputs under different conditions, and response to different inputs with same output under different conditions.


B. Notary or documentation from Notary Office or Public Security Office certifying the relationship between remitter and receiver is direct relative.

b。 收款人与汇款人不在同一户口簿的,需出示公证部门或派出所等有权机构出具的证明收款人与汇款人确为直系亲属的公证或证明文书

For example, we study the properties of the"centroid curve" and the"auxiliary curve", and identify two planes in which these two curves are defined respectively; we also use the idea of homotopy method to prove a fact that the orbit of a differential system has no triple contact point with the line we considered. Another key technique, which we use several times, is deformation argument.


Meyer ("Die Entstehung des Judentums", Halle, 1896) comes to the conclusion that the foundations of the critical Pentateuchal theory are destroyed, if it can be proved that even part of the impugned Hebrew tradition is reliable; the same writer proves the credibility of the sources of the Books of Esdras cf."Grundriss der Geographie und Geschichte des alten Orientes", Munich, 1904, 167 sqq.

迈耶( &模具Entstehung万Judentums &,哈雷, 1896年)得出结论的基础的关键Pentateuchal理论被销毁,如果能够证明,即使部分指责希伯来传统是可靠的;同一作家的信誉证明的来源的书埃斯德拉斯(参见& Grundriss德国地理学与史老Orientes &,慕尼黑, 1904年, 167 sqq 。

By employing the Jordan-Wigner transformation and a modified mean field method, we are able to determine its ground-state quantum phase diagram approximately. The chapter IV is the main part of this Thesis. It contains the main innovations in our work. We propose and study in detail a S=1 Ising chain with the interplay of single-ion anisotropy and dimerization. The main results and innovations are the following: We show that the total number of the zero-component of spins at each site is a conserved quantity. This quantity, which may intuitively called as hole's quantum number, is hidden in the system. We show further that the hole's number in the ground-state is zero; By using the Jordan-Wigner transformation, we map this model onto a series of subsystems described by the spin 1/2 dimerized transverse Ising model. We solve the subsystems exactly, by presenting the exact wave functions and spectra;We show that this system exhibits a series of quantum phase transitions by varying the dimerization strength. We determine the quantum critical points exactly. We also show that the criticality is the same as that of the uniform S = 1/2 transverse Ising chain.

第四章是本文的重点及主要创新内容,我们具体研究了自旋为1的在横向单离子晶格场中的一维二聚化Ising链,我们得到的主要结果和创新之处是:(1)证明了这一模型具有一种隐藏的对称性,即自旋第三分量为零的格点数目是一个守恒量,并证明基态出现在空穴数目为零的子空间中;(2)利用Jordan-Wigner 变换将此模型变换到一系列自旋为1/2的横磁场中的二聚化Ising 模型,并给出了相应严格的波函数及能谱;(3)我们发现系统的基态随着二聚化强度的变化将呈现出一系列量子相变,我们得到了量子临界点的精确位置,并证明其临界性质与自旋为1/2的横磁场中的均匀Ising 链中的临界行为属于同一普适类。

更多网络解释与证明同一相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Richard Arkwright:理查德 阿克赖特

就在同一时期,理查德.阿克赖特(Richard Arkwright)发明了细纺机(Spinning Frame),并申请了专利,这个发明能把线变成一团团的纱. 尽管最初设计的细纺机是用手柄摇动的,但后来阿克赖特还是用马来推动它. 实践证明甚至马的力量也不够大,

grouping of blood stain:血痕血型测定

(四)血痕血型测定(grouping of blood stain) 证明检材是人血后则进行血型测定. 因为在人群中相同血型者很多,故如两份检材血型相同,并不一定是同一人的血. 因而血型测定的意义主要在于否定. 测定的血型系统越多,越有价值(参第八章人人识别第五节血型.

boundary surface:界面

但是,视网膜是大脑三维视觉的界面(boundary surface),建立在这个界面上的力决定了一种扩展至整个三维区的过程. 贝克莱的论点仅仅证明了,在某些条件下,客观上位于不同距离的两个点看上去似乎位于同一距离,但是,贝克莱的论点并未证明,

Boyle's law:波义耳定律

不久,他发表了研究的结果:一定量气体在定温之下,其体积与压力成反比,称为波义耳定律(Boyle's Law)波义耳利用他的帮浦抽掉一个桶子内的空气,在同一高度让一根羽毛及一块铅块同时自由落下,发现他们同时掉入桶子底部,证明了空气阻力的存在.

convergent evolution:趨同演化

尚难断定所有的托莫特壳类骨片化石皆属于同一生物门类,因为难以证明将它们归人同类生物所依据的骨片性状是共同衍征(synapomorphy)还是由于趋同演化(convergent evolution)的结果;在缺乏躯干化石记录的情况下,离散骨片的生物亲缘关系研究较为困难.


从此导出了病毒间干扰现象(interference)的概念. 先后证明:干扰现象可以发生在无免疫学关系的病毒之间,也可发生于同一病毒的无毒株与有毒株之间以及相近病毒之间. 此外,还发现有自家干扰现象. 干扰现象不仅发生在动物机体水平,






"专"(zhuan)读作"耑"(duan)把塞擦声读作舌头音了. 也是白下方言的特点. 这些别字覆盖面大得惊人,在前80回,后40回,三种变体,甚至在改文中都时有出现. 它反映了曹家几辈人都住在金陵的实际情况,也证明作者是同一个人,

role model:模范

条件优越的高等学府居然成为歧视聋人的模范(role model),这只能证明中国的一流学府在特殊教育、尤其是在聋人教育的识见上远远堕落在潮流之末. 为什么中国眼睁睁地把人才虚耗、漠视、摒诸校外国外,而同一时间又抱怨人才不足呢?