英语人>词典>汉英 : 设计 的英文翻译,例句
设计 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
contrive  ·  design  ·  designing  ·  designment  ·  device  ·  devisal  ·  devise  ·  engineer  ·  excogitate  ·  excogitation  ·  format  ·  frame  ·  frames  ·  layout  ·  machine  ·  plan  ·  planning  ·  programming  ·  project  ·  projection  ·  projet  ·  scheme  ·  style  ·  styles  ·  haberdash  ·  contrives  ·  contriving  ·  devised  ·  devises  ·  devising  ·  engineered  ·  engineers  ·  excogitated  ·  excogitates  ·  excogitating  ·  machined  ·  machines  ·  plans  ·  schemed  ·  schemes  ·  styled  ·  invenit

lay sth out · study out · layout work
更多网络例句与设计相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Cutouts 切割设计:The Runways were chockablock with clever cutouts.


Programmers and consultants. Anyone with the technical skills to solve the problem is now in high demand. Y2K guru『导师』Peter de Jager identifies『鉴定;确定』a wide variety of consultants ready to provide services, including planning consultants for tools assessment『估价;估计』, testing consultants,contract service consultants to estimate the costs and plan and implement『执行;履行』the code redesign『重新设计』, legal consultants, and recovery consultants.


This paper emphasizes on the discussion and analyze of Th 宣传册设计 e Tractility of VI design.


The parait产品设计meters of IT products'Humanization design should be"colony,function circle and culture",which are different from the traditional ones(the parameters of adjusting users'emotion and condition to abetter one,according with human engineering,intellectualizing products,paying close attention to the spirits of humankinds,and showing solicitude for the old,the weak,the ill,the disabled and the pregnant).


Tactile logos never cease to stimulate logo designers; these are the very type of logos that force them to retreat into the inner sanctums of their mindvi设计网, translating what resides mentally into concrete strokesvi标志设计, regardless of whether these strokes are on metal, paper or on other types of materials.


ALTIUM独特的ECAD-MCAD一体化集成设计环境* allows designers the opportunity to import whole design concepts and complete their PCB board shape and height/volume restrictions with complete confidence.


Sutherland Lyall 的著作《 Masters of Structure 》中是这样评价这个建筑的结构设计的: In a country prone to regular and severe earthquakes Japanese structural engineers have to design with high safety factors – and the tendency is, naturally, to over-size structural members and to generally design ultra conservatively.


Sutherland Lyall 的著作《 Masters of Structure 》中是这样评价这个建筑的结构设计的: In a country prone to regular and severe earthquakes Japanese structural engineers have to design with high safety factors – and the tendency is, naturally, to over-size structural mambers and to generally design ultraconservatively.


Design 动词设计 There pattens were designed by him.


Designed in classic Calphalon style 专业的家富乐风格设计 Tri-ply copper is designed in the same spirit of simple, functional elegance that distinguishes all Calphalon cookware.


更多网络解释与设计相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

design brief:设计概要;设计纲要

设计程序 design process | 设计概要;设计纲要 design brief | 设计解决方法 design solution

design by contract:契约式设计 契约式设计

designation ;指定 | design by contract ;契约式设计 ;契约式设计 | designer ;设计器 ;设计


从而形成国家标准、行业标准和企业标准组成的完善的工艺设计资源 库;第二部分是机械工程常用公式计算,为设计人员在机械产品设计、制造过程中进行简单的工程计算提供了一个强有力的工具;第三部分是一个实用的计算机辅助 工艺设计(CAPP)系统,包括工艺设计

conceptual design:概念性设计

设计的全过程来看,它还是属于概念性设计(Conceptual Design)阶段,因此它又具有概念性设计的特点[2]. 在飞机设计过程中,特别是在飞机总体外形设计中,有大量的模糊信息需要处理[3,4]. 若能把Zadeh先生的模糊集合理论运用到飞机总体外形设计中,

logic design:逻辑设计

3、逻辑设计(Logic Design)这一步是将系统功能结构化. 通常以文本(Verilog HDL 或VHDL)、原理图、逻辑图表示设计结果,有时也采用布尔表达式来表示设计结果. 4、电路设计(Circuit Design)电路设计是将逻辑设计表达式转换成电路实现.

Editorial Design:编辑设计

书籍设计(book design)包含三个层面:装帧、封面设计和书籍装订(bookbinding);编排设计(typography);编辑设计(editorial design). 显然,书籍设计真正涵义应该是三位一体的整体设计概念. 装帧只是完成书籍设计整个程序中的一个部分.

Object-Oriented Programming:面向对象程序设计

20世纪80年代兴起的新的设计思想--面向对象程序设计(Object Oriented Programming)如春风般吹过,为程序设计注入了一股新的暖流. 较有影响的面向对象程序设计语言有Simula、Smalltalk、Eiffel、C++、Java等. 这种设计的风格与结构化设计在抽象层次上大相径庭,

optimal design:优化设计

优化设计(Optimal Design)是20世纪60年代发展起来的一门新的学科,它是最优化技术和计算机技术在设计领域应用的结果. 优化设计为工程设计提供了一种重要的科学设计方法,在解决复杂设计问题时,它能从众多的设计方案中找到尽可能完善的设计方案.

piped:管道设计D 组-负责炉区的管道,设备设计和出图

管道设计C 组-负责塔区的管道,设备设计和出图 PIPEC | 管道设计D 组-负责炉区的管道,设备设计和出图 PIPED | 钢结构设计组-负责全部的钢结构设计 STEEL

systems design:系统设计

系统设计 系统设计(Systems Design)的目的是设计一个能够满足用户需求的技术解决方案. 系统设计主要包括总体设计和详细设计两个层次. 总体设计的主要任务是构造软件的总体结构;详细设计包括输入/输出设计、控制设计、人机界面设计、数据库设计、程序设计.