英语人>词典>汉英 : 设想 的英文翻译,例句
设想 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
assume  ·  assumption  ·  fancy  ·  if  ·  imagine  ·  visualize  ·  assumes  ·  fancying  ·  imagined  ·  imagining  ·  visualizes

conceive of
更多网络例句与设想相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A hypothesis is presented in the second chapter of this discourse based on the theory of F/M, to improve the unit's capability of phosphorus removed by advisably increase the value of F/M, and this hypothesis is proved to be practically feasible by a model experiment.


A causeless eent or thing, we cannot think of any more than we can of a stick with only one end.


You wanted to write about the world the sct8 of existence when the world was a Chinese puzzle to you all that you could have written would have been about what you did not know of the sct8 of existence.


It is not clear that we can, and if we cannot, then this way of thinking about conceivability without possibility does not show that pca without pain is conceivable, and so does not show any asymmetry.


Now on this account of conceivability, we think it will be right to say that even if pain is in fact pca, pca without pain is still conceivable, but on this account, Levine's argument about the water boiling example won't work.


If one is in the nature of the case barred from consistently conceiving any specification of that general possibility, though, then the significance of its conceivability wanes.


After sketching Levine's argument, we will look closely at just what is meant by conceivability, at the relation between conceivability and possibility, and the relation between what is conceivable and what is compatible with conceptual truths.


Levine does not provide an actual analysis of boiling that would support this claim, but instead appeals to intuitions about conceivability.


If so, these concepts have different primary and secondary intensions, and a type-F monist could correspondingly accept conceivability but deny possibility: we misdescribe the conceived world as physically identical to ours, when in fact it is just structurally identical.32 Finally, a type-F monist might hold that physical concepts refer to dispositional properties, so that zombies are both conceivable and possible, and the intrinsic properties are not physical properties.


When I see a scowler with a knife, I spontaneously imagine myself scowling with a knife, imagine what I would feel (thus in effect imagining what he feels), what I would do if I felt that way, and thence expect the scowler to act that way. Now I am prepared.


更多网络解释与设想相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Anders Hejlsberg:微软着名工程师,领导他的小组设想了C#步骤设想言语

bsp;Energy雄司的CIO. | 77 Anders Hejlsberg:微软着名工程师,领导他的小组设想了C#步骤设想言语. | 78 Ramalinga Raju:印度Satyam计算机办事雄司的主席.



conceive of:设想,构思出

comply with 依从,服从,遵从 | conceive of 设想,构思出 | conform to 遵守,依照,符合,顺应

conceive of:设想,构思;以为

comply with照做,遵照,应允 | conceive of设想,构思;以为 | conform to遵守,依照,符合,顺应

conceive vi of:构想出,设想;怀孕vt 认为;构想出,设想;怀胎

concede vt 不情愿地承认,承认-为真;在结果确定前承认失败vi 让步,认输 | conceive vi of 构想出,设想;怀孕vt 认为;构想出,设想;怀胎 | conception n 思想,观念,概念;构想,设想;怀孕


两国之间原来设想(envisage)的战略合作,特别是鉴于越南人(Vietnamese)人侵柬埔寨(Cambodia)和苏联(Soviet Union)人侵阿富汗(Afghanistan),这种设想尤为突出,但却从未实现过.

FW Fireworks:网页图像设想(MM降将)

DW Dreamweaver 网页设想(MM降将) | FW Fireworks 网页图像设想(MM降将) | AI illustrator 专业插画设想

A diamond in the rough:天然金刚石 言行粗暴而心地善良的人 [美俚]初露光芒的设想

a rough diamond 天然金刚石 言行粗暴而心地善良的人 [美俚]初露光芒的设想 | a diamond in the rough 天然金刚石 言行粗暴而心地善良的人 [美俚]初露光芒的设想 | Irish diamond 水晶

project oneself:突出自己, 表现自己;设想自己处身于

n. plan 提案,议案 | project oneself突出自己, 表现自己;设想自己处身于(into) | projects th. onto sb. 设想某人怀有和自己 一样的想法(或感情); 以己之心度人之腹

to be conceived:设想好的,构思好的

1. conceive 设想,想象 | to be conceived设想好的,构思好的 | 2. under the auspices of 在......的主办下